11 Ergebnisse
Aproximación histórica sobre el consumo de drogas en Venezuela. ; Historical approach about drug consumption in Venezuela
SUMARIO Artículos Naturaleza, carácter y violencia: derivas a partir de Schopenhauer. Nature, character and violence: roads from Schopenhauer. Grave, Crescenciano Sobre la posibilidad de un fundamento analógico y simbólico. Ensayo de hermenéutica analógica. About the possibility of an analogical and symbolic fundament. Essay of analogical hermeneutic.Maldonado, Rebeca Consideraciones biojurídicas sobre la vida en el embrión humano. Biojuridical considerations on life of the human embryo. Parra Tapia, Ivonne La Europa unificada según Leibniz: irenismo y política. A unified Europe according to Leibniz: irenism and politics. Rensoli Laliga, Lourdes Repensar el "dilema" comunitarista-liberal en Venezuela. To rethink the communitarism-liberalism "dilemma" in Venezuela. Seoane C., Javier B. Una introducción a la doctrina platónica del alma. An introduction to the platonic doctrine of the soul. Suzzarini, Andrés De vuelta al tribuno. Back to the tribune. Terán Pimentel, Milagros Discusiones en torno a la reparación del daño moral. Discussions about the redress of pain and suffering. Vielma Mendoza, Yoleida Interdisciplinares El giro en la obra de Milan Kundera: un reflejo de la contemporaneidad. The turning on Milan Kundera´s work: a reflex of contemporaneity. Pérez Lo Presti, Alirio Aproximación histórica sobre el consumo de drogas en Venezuela. Historical approach about drug consumption in Venezuela. Salazar, Teresa Informaciones Índice acumulado. ; 173-198 ;, ; semestral ; Nivel analítico
Levinas' asymmetry and the question of women's oppression: Response to Borgerson's `Feminist ethical ontology'
In: Feminist theory: an international interdisciplinary journal, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 109-115
ISSN: 1741-2773
El experimento de Milgram en Experimenter (2015) de Michael Almereyda ; Milgram's Experiment in Experimenter (2015) by Michael Almereyda
La cinta cinematográfica del director estadounidense Michael Almereyda, Experimenter (2015), nos brinda un paseo por la vida del famoso y polémico psicólogo social Stanley Milgram. Este científico, de origen judío, diseñó a principios de los años 60's una serie de experimentos en la Universidad de Yale, cuyos resultados fueron publicados bajo el título Behavioral Study of Obedience los cuales son conocidos como «El experimento de Milgram». Popularizado años después en su libro Obedience to authority. An experimental view (1974), las referencias a Milgram siguen creciendo en el cine y la televisión. El psicólogo neoyorquino –en pleno contexto del juicio televisado al teniente coronel de las SS nazis, Adolf Eichmann-, puso en entredicho nociones como Autoridad, Obediencia, Poder y Moral en entornos no totalitarios. Sin embargo, para una adecuada contextualización de los móviles del experimento vemos necesario incorporar otro filme, The Eichmann Show (2015), del director británico Paul Andrew Williams, que recrea el proceso vivido durante la grabación para la televisión del juicio a Eichmann. Dicho trabajo no sólo refleja algunos mecanismos para provocar sensaciones específicas en los espectadores, cual línea conductista, sino que permitirá enlazar otros polémicos conceptos como «la banalidad del mal» de Hannah Arendt. Así, al extraer de Experimenter (2015) elementos como la explicación del «estado agencial», la posible integración de la psicología con grandes obras literarias, el performance del psicólogo y el uso de las técnicas de grabación audiovisual para documentar y/o promover los progresos de la práctica psicológica hacen de la revisión del Experimento de Milgram –y de su vida misma- un punto de reencuentro didáctico para que los estudiantes de psicología estén abiertos a problematizar sobre los mecanismos de obediencia y sumisión ante las autoridades en entornos democráticos. Como recuerda Milgram sobre su documental: "Obedience [1962] se proyectará en cada clase de Westpoint [Estados Unidos]". ; The movie film made by US director Michael Almereyda, Experimenter (2015), give us a tour of the famous and controversial life of the social psychologist Stanley Milgram. This scientist, Jewish, designed in the early 60's a series of experiments at the University of Yale, whose results were published under the title Behavioral Study of Obedience which are known as "The Milgram´s experiment". Popularized years later in his book Obedience to authority. An experimental view (1974), the references to Milgram keep growing in the cinema and the television. The New York psychologist –in full context of televised trial to the Lieutenant Colonel of the Nazi SS, Adolf Eichmann-, questioned notions like Authority, Obedience, Dominion and Moral in non-totalitarian environments. However, for proper contextualization of the motives of the experiment we need to introduce another film, The Eichmann Show (2015), from the British director Paul Andrew Williams, recreating the process lived during recording to television the Eichmann trial. This work not only reflects some mechanisms to provoke specific sensations in viewers, such as behaviorist line, but it will allow us link with other controversial concepts like 'the banality of evil "of Hannah Arendt. Thus, to extract Experimenter (2015) elements as the explanation of «agential state», the possible integration of psychology with great literary works, the performance of the psychologist and the use of audiovisual recording techniques to document and / or promote the progress of psychological practice make the review of Milgram's experiment-and his life- a didactic point of reunion for the students of psychology are open to problematize the mechanisms of obedience and submission to the authorities in democratic environments. As Milgram remembers about his documentary: "Obedience [1962] will be screened in every class of Westpoint [United States]".
PositivMasc: masculinities and violence against women among young people. Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change, a mixed-method study protocol
INTRODUCTION: Despite public policies and legislative changes aiming to curtail men's violence against women (VAW) around the world, women continue to be exposed to VAW throughout their life. One in three women in Europe has reported physical or sexual abuse. Men who display unequitable masculinities are more likely to be perpetrators. VAW is increasingly appearing at younger ages. The aims of the project are fourfold: (1) to explore and position the discourses that young people (men and women, 18–24 years) in Sweden, Spain, Ireland and Israel use in their understanding of masculinities, (2) to explore how these discourses influence young people's attitudes, behaviours and responses to VAW, (3) to explore individual and societal factors supporting and promoting anti-VAW masculinities discourses and (4) to develop actions and guidelines to support and promote anti-VAW masculinities in these settings. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A participatory explorative mixed-method study will be used. In Phase 1, qualitative methods will be used to identify the discourses that young people and stakeholders use to conceptualise masculinities, VAW and the actions that are needed to support and promote antiviolence masculinities. In Phase 2, concept mapping will be used to quantify the coherence, relative importance and perceived relationship between the different actions to support and promote anti-VAW masculinities. Phase 3 is a knowledge creation and translation phase, based on findings from Phases 1 and 2, where actions and guidelines to promote and support anti-VAW masculinities will be developed. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical clearance has been obtained from ethics review boards in each country. Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, presentations at international conferences, policy briefs, social media and through the project online hub. With its multicountry approach, our project results seek to inform policies and interventions aimed at promoting discourses which challenge hegemonic masculinities.
CAMCAT: an oil spill forecasting system for the Catalan-Balearic Sea based on the MFS products
The Prestige oil spill crisis (2002–2003), one of the worst oil spills that affected the Atlantic Spanish coastal line, pointed out that some management tools are needed in the form of laws, regulations and technical procedures. In particular, the issues are contingency planning and prevention against marine pollution and prediction for a proper response. In that background, the Catalan local government approved the CAMCAT (2004), a Regional contingency plan against marine pollution, to be framed within the (Spanish) National Contingency Plan. The CAMCAT contemplated the implementation of a Regional Forecasting System for the North-Western Mediterranean area, intended to help Catalan Authorities during any pollution emergency. The Laboratory of Maritime Engineering (LIM/UPC) has been responsible for the implementation of this Regional CAMCAT Forecasting System that is based (nested) on existing larger Forecasting Systems/Products, and it integrates several coastal observational data. The present paper is aiming to make an overview of the several scientific and technical activities related to the implementation and validation of the CAMCAT System.
CAMCAT: an oil spill forecasting system for the Catalan-Balearic Sea based on the MFS products
International audience ; The Prestige oil spill crisis (2002?2003), one of the worst oil spills that affected the Atlantic Spanish coastal line, pointed out that some management tools are needed in the form of laws, regulations and technical procedures. In particular, the issues are contingency planning and prevention against marine pollution and prediction for a proper response. In that background, the Catalan local government approved the CAMCAT (2004), a Regional contingency plan against marine pollution, to be framed within the (Spanish) National Contingency Plan. The CAMCAT contemplated the implementation of a Regional Forecasting System for the North-Western Mediterranean area, intended to help Catalan Authorities during any pollution emergency. The Laboratory of Maritime Engineering (LIM/UPC) has been responsible for the implementation of this Regional CAMCAT Forecasting System that is based (nested) on existing larger Forecasting Systems/Products, and it integrates several coastal observational data. The present paper is aiming to make an overview of the several scientific and technical activities related to the implementation and validation of the CAMCAT System.
Employees are satisfied with their benefits, but so what? The consequences of benefit satisfaction on employees' organizational commitment and turnover intentions
In: International journal of human resource management, Band 30, Heft 13, S. 2097-2120
ISSN: 1466-4399
Flexibility of benefit systems and firms' attraction and retention capacities
In: Employee relations, Band 38, Heft 4, S. 487-504
ISSN: 1758-7069
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to analyze three different forms of benefit systems and the effects of their application on Spanish firms' attraction and retention capacity, differentiating these systems depending on the flexibility offered to the workers.Design/methodology/approach– The data of this study have been collected from a sample of 308 human resources managers in Spanish firms, through an online questionnaire. The hypotheses were tested by ordinary least squares regression analyses.Findings– The results show that firms having more flexible compensation systems, that is, those providing greater freedom to workers in the election of their benefits and the design of the benefit system, reported to have a higher attraction and retention capacity than firms offering to their employees a unique and similar benefit package for all the employees.Research limitations/implications– Future studies could extent this study by analyzing different contexts in order to determine whether some institutional factors can influence these results. Similarly, it would be interesting to analyze the effects of these systems on other organizational outcomes, such as their financial performance.Practical implications– Human resources policies and, especially, compensation policies have a significant influence on the ability of firms to recruit and retain core employees, necessary for corporate success. This study sheds light on the effectiveness of different benefits systems in enhancing the firms' capacities to attract and retain core employees. Taking into account the hard financial and labor environment that the Spanish firms have to face, the results of this study can have important implications for managers.Originality/value– This paper responds to recent calls asking for the necessity of analyzing the effect of different benefit systems in contexts different to the broadly considered American context. Similarly, these results could be applied to other countries with conditions similar to Spain, that is, countries where the benefit systems have been traditionally less flexible and with an offer of benefits quite different than firms located in countries where the State offers a less-social assistance to citizens.
Agglomerations around natural resources in the hospitality industry: Balancing growth with the Sustainable Development Goals
In: Business research quarterly: BRQ, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 11-26
ISSN: 2340-9444
Many tourism agglomerations are situated near natural resources, which implies a need to balance business growth with environmental preservation. Our analysis of the location decisions of 295 luxury beach hotels in Spain between 1960 and 2015 reveals two main findings. First, we confirm the positive relationship between the existence of demand-related urbanization services around natural resources and the attractiveness of agglomerations to new entrants. Second, we find that an agglomeration's attractiveness negatively affects the density of firms in the agglomeration if that attractiveness hinders firms' access to the same natural resources. Our results contribute to the strategy literature on agglomerations and provide a better understanding of how the tourism industry can work toward achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). JEL CLASSIFICATION: L83, M13, M14, Q50, Q26, R30
Benefit Communication and Its Effects on Employees' Benefit Level Satisfaction: The Multiple Mediating Effects of POS and Benefit Comparison
In: International journal of business communication: IJBC ; a publication of the Association of Business Communication, Band 60, Heft 1, S. 331-350
ISSN: 2329-4892
Many firms offer employees a broad range of benefits as part of their compensation. However, little attention has been given to the extent to which firms communicate with their employees in relation to such benefits. This study proposes that benefit communication can have both direct and indirect positive effects on employees' benefit level satisfaction. The effects of benefit communication were examined by means of a survey among 828 employees of different Spanish firms. This study hypothesized and found that benefit communication led to increased benefit level satisfaction. Similarly, this study found that benefit communication can influence benefit level satisfaction through the multiple intermediating effects of employees' perceived organizational support and employees' comparison of their benefits with those of referent others. These results imply that academics and practitioners must pay attention to providing adequate benefit communication in order to ensure the effectiveness of benefits.