Este trabajo pretende mostrar si las políticas públicas vigentes en el Estado de México respecto de la población envejecida responden a las necesidades percibidas por ese sector. Se basa en un trabajo etnográfico realizado en 12 municipios de la entidad, poniendo énfasis en la manera en que personas mayores de 60 años perciben la eficacia y pertinencia de los programas sociales, tanto de transferencia económica como en especie, cómo inciden en su vida cotidiana y si contribuyen a su estabilidad, y por otro lado muestra los "deseos" o necesidades de esta población y sus críticas a la manera en que se asignan actualmente los apoyos.
Poverty and inequality in Bolivia have reduced to a great extent in the last 20 years in Bolivia. There are mixed opinions regarding the role of the state in this overall positive result, and consistent evidence of state intervention is still missing. This dissertation aims to explore the topic of the impact of government intervention on inequality and poverty from three different perspectives. In the first chapter, I frame the theoretical framework and set the research questions of each of the chapters of the dissertation. In the second chapter, I examine the impact of a policy experiment in Bolivia in 2007/2008, in which the payment method of a cash transfer changed from a yearly lump sum to monthly installments. Both amounts do not differ if we take them in full, but the change in the payment method could have an impact given inherent behavior-specific constraints like lack of control of expenditures, propensity to overspend and inability to save regularly. I am interested in the effects that this policy change might have had on educational outcomes when the outcomes of those affected by the policy change are compared with those who were not affected. Results show an increase in attendance (around three percentage points) and a decrease in child labor (by eight percentage points) for older children (attending secondary school). The results are fairly robust to the use of different specifications. This suggests that a smaller but more regular, constant in time and predictable flow of cash transfers can be preferable to a once-a-year significant lump-sum transfer. In Chapter 3, I evaluate the impact of increased fiscal decentralization on outcomes as nutrition, access to safe water and sanitation in Bolivia during the 2000s decade. The results show that fiscal decentralization has not increased the access of the population to safe water or sanitation. Meanwhile, nutritional status of children less than five years old has slightly improved during the study period, suggesting a positive impact of increased decentralization on nourishment indicators. The inclusion of other dimensions of decentralization policy (like administrative decentralization and the role of political institutions) are also analyzed, showing important interactions with fiscal decentralization. On the other hand, decentralization does not appear to be pro-poor, as the results show that the progress on nourishment indicators was more considerable in non-poor municipalities versus poor municipalities. These results are robust to different thresholds and deprivation measures. In the last chapter of the dissertation, I study the topic of horizontal inequality. Horizontal inequality refers to the difference in income (or another welfare indicator) due to membership in a specific group (e.g., determined, by race, gender, location, etc.). This difference could be relevant in a context in which particular groups have been historically excluded, as the case of indigenous people in Bolivia. In this chapter, a tax-benefit incidence analysis model is used to assess the role of net public transfers on horizontal inequality in Bolivia for the year 2015. The group categories that are subject of the analysis are defined by ethnic status, gender, and location, besides a combination of these categories. Results show that the most significant group inequality is observed when the indigenous status is defined using an ethnolinguistic metric. However, the role of self-identification in determining indigenous status is less important in explaining the income gap. While the fiscal system seems to be progressive for indigenous and urban/rural categories, this progressivity is not present when the gender dimension is assessed.
La relación del Gobierno de Kirchner con el poder Legislativo implicó un proceso de concentración del poder en manos del Ejecutivo, no obstante lo cual, a poco de iniciado el mandato de Cristina Fernández, la relación con el Congreso queda en el medio de una crisis que llegó a poner en duda la propia continuidad de la presidenta. Este proyecto pretende examinar las características de este proceso delegativo en sus diferentes dimensiones, con el fin de entender el origen de esta crisis y especificar sus alcances. En este marco, la dinámica de la relación entre el Congreso y el Ejecutivo pareciera corresponder a lo que especifica la Teoría del Cártel tal como ha sido reformulada por Jones y Hwang. Esta perspectiva, no obstante, se centra exclusivamente en los aspectos distributivos de la relación entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo, obviando la dimensión electoral y la ideológicodiscursiva. Dadas las características del Gobierno de Kirchner, en este proyecto abordaremos el estudio de aquella relación desde una perspectiva multidimensional, tomando en cuenta no sólo los aspectos distributivos, sino también los electorales y los discursivos. La pregunta que guía nuestro trabajo es por qué las estrategias de acumulación desplegadas simultáneamente en las tres dimensiones, no lograron (o sólo lo hicieron parcialmente) desactivar el carácter condicional de la delegación de los jefes políticos provinciales al liderzgo presidencial. Nuestra hipótesis general es que, aún cuando el Gobierno consiguió reforzar sustancialmente su posición en la dimensión distributiva a partir de la prolongación de la situación de emergencia, tuvo un éxito parcial en las dimensiones electoral e ideológico-discursiva. Sin compromiso ideológico articulado en un discurso común, y sin una conexión electoral que vincule los intereses electorales a nivel provincial con los del nivel nacional, la estrategia distributiva sólo puede contener parcialmente la defección de buena parte del oficialismo en el Congreso frente a una crisis de grandes proporciones. ; Fil: Nazareno, Marcelo Gabriel. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina ; Fil: Groppo, Alejandro José. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina
This study was supported by the Andalusian Regional Government (Nutrition, Diet, and Risks Assessment: AGR255) and FEDER-ISCIII PI14/01040 and also by Whats Creative Studio (@whatstudio), Sola Communication (@solacomunicacion), and MM Health Science (@mmhealthscience). ; The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is considered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as "the best for people and the most sustainable for the environment". In the era of Big Data, new tools are emerging to facilitate health care research. One form of Big Data is the one that accumulates in the traffic caused by publications on the web and social networks. These data can provide valuable information about the epidemiological patterns of certain behavior and interest of the population. The objective of this study was to explore through websites and its associated official social media on information related to different publications of both international or national nutrition official agencies as well as publications of scientific diffusion for the design of future nutritional education and MD programs. This study opens up future avenues of research, such as studying the acceptance of post writing in other languages in those northern European countries where MD is being implemented. Or through the use of subtitled videos, due to the great acceptance of this format. The MD remains in 2020 considered the best option to follow a healthy diet without difficulties, therefore it is very important to continue promoting the need for good nutritional health based on its qualities. ; Andalusian Regional Government AGR255 ; FEDER-ISCIII PI14/01040
The Energy-Water-Food Nexus is one of the most complex sustainability challenges faced by the world. This is particularly true in Brazil, where insufficiently understood interactions within the Nexus are contributing to large-scale deforestation and land-use change, water and energy scarcity, and increased vulnerability to climate change. The reason is a combination of global environmental change and global economic change, putting unprecedented pressures on the Brazilian environment and ecosystems. In this paper, we identify and discuss the main Nexus challenges faced by Brazil across sectors (e.g. energy, agriculture, water) and scales (e.g. federal, state, municipal). We use four case studies to explore all nodes of the Nexus. For each, we analyse data from economic and biophysical modelling sources in combination with an overview of the legislative and policy landscape, in order to identify governance shortcomings in the context of growing challenges. We analyse the complex interdependence of developments at the global and local (Brazilian) levels, highlighting the impact of global environmental and economic change on Brazil and, conversely, that of developments in Brazil for other countries and the world. We conclude that there is a need to adjust the scientific approach to these challenges as an enabling condition for stronger science-policy bridges for sustainability policy-making.