83 Ergebnisse
Pengukuran Geometri Benda Tipis (Sudu/Blade) dengan 3D Laser Scanner berdasarkan Referensi Vektor dan Pemakaian Benda Pembanding
In: Metal Indonesia, Band 42, Heft 2, S. 43
ISSN: 2548-673X
3D laser scanner merupakan alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengambil data objek geometrik 3D secara cepat dan "akurat" dengan metode pengukuran non-kontak. Dalam pengambilan data, akan diperoleh data kumpulan titik (point clouds) yang selanjutnya diolah menjadi bentuk khas sebagai model permukaan (surface) maupun padat (solid) yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti: analisis geometrik, manufaktur, maupun inspeksi. Sebelum surface maupun solid model terbentuk, diperlukan pemrosesan data kumpulan titik yang telah diambil dengan cara penyatuan (fitting) dan proses editing mesh lainnya. Bagi objek dengan bentuk yang tipis seperti: sudu/blade proses fitting menjadi tidak mudah, karena adanya bentuk kurva yang terbuka antara kurva objek bagian depan dan belakang sudu ketika dilakukan penggabungan data. Proses fitting biasanya membutuhkan referensi minimal tiga buah titik. Pada penelitian ini fungsi referensi titik tersebut digantikan dengan referensi berupa sumbu/vektor. Referensi sumbu/vektor ini diperoleh dengan meletakkan benda berbentuk tabung di sekeliling objek yang akan dilakukan scanning. Selain objek tabung juga digunakan objek lain sebagai perbandingan dalam hal kemudahan proses pengukurannya. Hasil pengubahan referensi ini memperlihatkan nilai rata-rata persentase penyimpangan berdasarkan referensi sumbu adalah 0,935%, sedangkan rata-rata persentase penyimpangan dengan referensi 'pick point' yaitu adalah 8,77%. Jadi, pengubahan acuan referensi penggabungan data kumpulan titik (point clouds) dari tiga titik menjadi vektor akan menaikkan akurasi (ketelitian/kebenaran) proses pengukuran dengan 3D laser scanner.
What Coronavirus Has Done to Music Industry and How They Overcome It
Working paper
Pengembangan Irigasi, Produksi Pangan, dan Implikasinya Terhadap Siklus Air
The cereal production especially rice has increased sharply in Indonesia. The irrigation development program implemented by the government has become an important rote in the production process. However, expansion of irrigated paddy lands significantly influence the hydrological regime in its basin. A set of basic indicator for assessing the hydrological implication of the development in a river basin was proposed.
Logística empresarial
El concepto logístico, se pudo ver reflejado con exactitud desde el punto de vista etimológico e histórico a través de la revista de la E.A.N; ya que tiene cierto carácter militar que lo hace característico a la gestión empresarial y de esto se formula un debate definitivo de este concepto.
Developing Community's Sense of Belonging in Building Bahari Community Center (RPTRA) in South Jakarta
Capital city is full of layered memories from the authority in representing power and identity and from the everyday uses of place. Public space often represents and legitimates power. The use of top down approach in design is imminent and authority uses architecture and urban design as their means of showing identity. However, good urban design approach should include public participation in the process, allowing the users to take in charge and contribute to the decision making. A good city should be designed based on common good for all. The bottom-up approach uses the participative design method to allow citizen to speak, be heard and take in charge. It ensures the sustainable activity as community would be involved in using the place and preserving the resources. Everyone contributes to the city as citizen members of political community. As the result, community would have sense of belonging and engagement towards the public space. This research documented and analysis this participative design approach during the development of Jakarta community center (RPTRA) in South Gandaria. As one of the pilot projects, Bahari community center was one of the successful projects that included community participation during the design and implementation process. Through observation, interview and series of discussion, authors were engaged in this action research of implementing bottom up approach in designing public space.
Empowerment of the Rural Poor through Access to ICT: A Case Study of the Union Information and Service Centre Initiative in Bangladesh
In: Journal of creative communications, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 81-97
ISSN: 0973-2594
This article examines the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) access and the empowerment of rural people through the Union Information and Service Centres (UISCs) established at the Union Council, the lowest administrative unit of the Bangladeshi government. Based on ethnographic research that explores both everyday peoples' and beneficiary perspectives, this study reveals that given the conditions of poverty, the illiterate and relatively powerless majority of the rural poor failed to access and use the facilities provided through UISCs, which were inevitably controlled by the power elites in the service area. The study concludes that while access to and use of relevant information is a key component of empowerment, the way UISCs have been organized in a particular kind of socio-economic arrangement, the services delivered neither succeeded in providing equality of access nor has the information available through these centres been deemed relevant to promoting rural investment or reducing social disparity in any significant way. This article argues that empowerment from ICTs does not follow automatically after their implementation, but rather the success of technologies and their access is subject to power relationships within communities.
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) and Polisi Republik Indonesia (Polri) are two state law enforcement institutions. Indeed both institutions can carry out the organization of law enforcement, particularly in combating corruption, in shoulder to shoulder. But less than a decade, both institutions practice it often indicates that fights enemy volumes. The aims of the sstudy in this paper is to identify, to analyze, and to formulate how the KPK-Polri has a relations in a configured-usurpation than shoulder to shoulder in law enforcement. The corpus study is a series of events conflicts KPK vs Polri Volume III, triggered by the determination of Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as a suspect and arrest event Widjojanto by the Police as well as efforts to make the entire leadership of the KPK suspects. This study indicates the charge contestation or dispute the power ini law enforcement eradication of corruption. The indicators include conjoined twins jurisdictions, law enforcement power struggle, and political events set in law.
Pan-Arabism and regional integration in the arab world
In: Foreign affairs reports, Band 42, Heft 5-7, S. 1-39
ISSN: 0015-7155
World Affairs Online
Political participation and elections in Kuwait
In: Strategic analysis: articles on current developments, Band 15, Heft 9, S. 883-894
ISSN: 0970-0161
World Affairs Online
Exploring factors shaping intercultural competence among China's college students to seize global business opportunities: A systematic literature review
In: Social sciences & humanities open, Band 11, S. 101190
ISSN: 2590-2911
Entrepreneurial Literacy and Social Entrepreneurship Intentions among Youth
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 12, Heft 5
ISSN: 2222-6990
The Effects of Social Media Usage on Small Enterprise Performance
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 12, Heft 2
ISSN: 2222-6990