Validations of the radiation transport module NEUTRO: A deterministic solver for the neutron transport equation
We present significant improvements and validations of a deterministic neutron transport code (NEUTRO) dedicated to solving the Boltzmann Transport Equation. The code is integrated as a module in the Alya software package developed by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center which uses the Discrete Ordinates Method on angular coordinates, multi-group for energy discretization and FEM on unstructured meshes to treat special complex domains. The anisotropy of the scattering medium is introduced into the scattering kernel using real base expressions for spherical harmonics. In order to build the total cross-section and the respective group matrix for the elastic cross-section, we use the NJOY code. We test the solver using different geometries, orders of integration for the angular discretization and number of energy groups. Finally, we compare our results against benchmarks obtained from an NEA database that reported measurements of leakage spectra of several materials. ; This work has been partially carried out within the framework of the EUROlab4HPC and Severo Ochoa fellowship and has been partly co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020. The authors would like to thank Dr A. Portone and Dr M. Fabbri for useful discussions. ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (author's final draft)