Rorty & pragmatism: the philosopher responds to his critics
In: The Vanderbilt library of American philosophy
In: EBSCOhost eBook Collection
Richard Rorty is a philosopher who has been taken seriously in fields and disciplines far beyond his own. He challenges established forms of philosophical inquiry, particularly epistemology and metaphysics, jettisoning philosophical claims to unchanging truth and to scientific accuracy. His view that philosophy is pragmatic, interpretive, and historicist has brought him both accolades and criticism. In Rorty and Pragmatism, this highly influential and sometimes controversial philosopher responds to several of his most prominent critics, representing a wide range of backgrounds and concerns. Each of these critical challenges raises significant questions about Rorty's philosophical outlook. Whether or not one agrees with all of his positions, his replies are consequential. They provide insight into Rorty's thought, its development, and his sense of the future of philosophy. They further the discussion of the role of philosophy and of its contributions to society. General readers as well as scholars in a variety of disciplines will find much here to interest them, and better yet, to make them think.