Drug abuse and illicit trafficking is a complex problem, both causative and related factors. The countermeasures require a multidisciplinary approach, as well as integration across government sectors, as well as the integration of all parties, as well as the role of commitment and the entire community. In this regard, to determine the extent of public understanding and understanding of drugs, there is a positive relationship between improving the quality of human life and its maintenance. Society as a whole and the interaction between the two, it is necessary to empower the community through improving the quality and capacity of human resources in the context of preventing and overcoming drug trafficking. There are many creative ways to invite people to preventing drugs. One of the things that can be maximized is creativity and local wisdom such as urban farming as a medium for drug prevention. The Participants knowledge before socialization can be identified from the pre-test activities, most of which 60% have less knowledge about drugs and 70 % have less knowledge about urban farming. while after socialization the post-test results are mostly good 90% regarding the types of drugs and the impact of drug abuse compared to those with good knowledge regarding urban farming 95% The results of the activity showed that the youth organization had understood the dangers of drugs abuse for their character building. In addition, they were eager to be entrepreneur regarding urban agriculture. The Education Institution such as Universitas Mercubuana together with the local government seeks to empower the community, especially in areas prone to illicit drug trafficking, so as not to fall into the illicit business by providing training and entrepreneurial skills so that people in the area are able to live independently and have a stable economy.