Spain's Intergenerational Awakening: New Initiatives to Promote Intergenerational Solidarity
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 113-118
ISSN: 1535-0932
29 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 113-118
ISSN: 1535-0932
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 107-110
ISSN: 1535-0932
In: Informe anual sobre el racismo en el estado español, Band 4, S. 151-153
In: Emerging markets, finance and trade: EMFT, S. 1-20
ISSN: 1558-0938
The present study makes an exhaustive review of the conditions and challenges faced by society to transform the school into a truly inclusive, coeducational, and democratic space. It proposes a theoretical model, of a bottom-up nature, to achieve gender equality in the school environment, giving special importance to teacher training. This study evaluates the training in gender equality and coeducation that students with degrees related to teaching are receiving. An analysis is conducted of the presence of attitudes that support the gender/sex system and the identification of relevant female references in a sample of 452 students in the Degree in Primary Education or the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching (MUPES). For the collection of information, an ad hoc questionnaire was used that contemplates formative and cultural aspects, together with the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism (ASI), the Attitudes of Heterosexuals toward Homosexuals (HATH), and the Women in History (WH) scales. Among the main results, the important lack of training in aspects related to gender equality and coeducation, as well as a general lack of knowledge of historical female references, stands out. It can be concluded that, at present, teacher training is still in the early stages of the proposed model.
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 54, Heft 4, S. 595-606
ISSN: 1461-7064
This article aims at fostering reflection on trust and social professions through looking at a particular case: social education and its development and current status in Spain. The main argument presented has to do with the link between social professions and the permanent challenge faced by welfare states and democracies to provide answers to social problems and needs. Hence, social education is characterized as a means to fight social exclusion and grant wider access to social rights. Through educational programmes, projects and activities, social educators can struggle against exclusion and social injustice. Therefore, the authors sustain that exclusion is the hinge that articulates the connection between social practitioners and citizens' trust. Specific attention is paid to the capacity of Spanish social educators to be a depository of trust from their clients. The idea that excluded people actually have no choice but to trust someone else, such as for instance, social educators, is explored. According to this analysis, unless an effort is made in Spain to explain to lay citizens the role of social educators the development of trust will be more difficult. Therefore, a major challenge for Spanish social educators at the moment is to expand the knowledge and awareness about their practices in order to promote among citizens not only general confidence in the social system but trust in these social professionals.
In: Social Studies Collection No. 23
In: Colección Estudios Sociales Núm. 23
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 276-293
ISSN: 1535-0932
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 211-213
ISSN: 1535-0932
El aprender, en cuanto a experiencia condicionada por la acción recíproca entre la persona y el mundo, puede ser considerado desde un punto de vista biológico y desde un punto de vista sociocultural. Las ideas del mundo se desarrollan en distintas condiciones, el clima, las razas, las naciones determinadas por la historia y la formación de los Estados, las deli-mitaciones, condicionadas según las épocas, se enlazan con las condiciones especiales que influyen en el origen de la multiplicidad de las visiones del mundo. La diferencias entre ser, poder y fin del hombre hace necesaria la educación: una acción conjunta de los individuos con el objeto de ayudar a los recién nacidos, a los niños y niñas y adolescentes a aprender la «vida humana». La educación y su investigación, así como la reflexión crítica sobre la misma, adquieren hoy día mayor importancia, ya que la forma de vida del individuo, así como las formas de convivencia social, dependen cada vez más de soluciones a conflictos de creencias y de cultura que se deben plantear en la educación. El campo propio de la educación sería el de la libertad, como condición imprescindible para un libre desenvolvimiento de la personalidad. La educación de personas libres, en cuanto no puede tener otro fin que el desenvolvimiento libre de la personalidad, rechaza toda coacción. Tendríamos así un modelo de educación en el que el ideal que la define se concreta en el desarrollo de personas libres, pues la característica de la educación en la modernidad consiste en suprimir la coacción. El currículum multicultural exige un marco democrático de decisiones sobre los contenidos de la enseñanza para representar los intereses de todos. Se trata de un desafío: lograr que la diversidad cultural entre personas y colectivos, etc. deje de ser motivo de marginación para ser factor de enriquecimiento humano. ; It is possible to consider learning with respect to a process conditioned by a reciprocal action between a person and the world. Ideas of the world are developing under different conditions, climates, races, nations determined by history and formation of countries, delimitation's determined by time periods connected with special conditions of influence whose origin is the diversity of views of the world. Education is necessary to differentiate between to be, to be able to and purpose of man: an ensemble action of people with the objective to help new borns, children and adolescents learn «human life». Education and its investigation following in the same line as critical thought, are of greatest importance today because of real people, manners of socializing depend more and more on solutions to cultural conflicts that must be posed to education. The field of education could be that of freedom as an essential condition for the free development of personality. Education of free people, which can not have other aims than the free development of people, lies in the elimination of all coercion. The result would b an education «model» whose ideals are defined by the development of free people, since the characteristic of education in modern times is based on eliminating coercion. The multicultural curriculum needs a democratic program to make the best decisions about the academic contents to represent everyone's interests. This the a challenge: Suceed in making the cultural diversity between people and groups, etc. not a cause of exclusion but a factor of human enrichment.
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 412-417
ISSN: 1535-0932
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 16, Heft 1-2, S. 1-4
ISSN: 1535-0932
In: Anthropology & Aging: journal of the Association for Anthropology & Gerontology, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 182-205
ISSN: 2374-2267
There are many ways to frame and use technology so it functions as a pathway to intergenerational engagement. The ever evolving technoscape is filled with powerful technological tools and resources that help people connect, communicate, build relationships, and take collective action across generations. This technology can be life-altering, especially for isolated seniors and families navigating long distance relationships. However, at the center of the intervention equation is not the technology itself, but the quest for tapping into the relationship-enhancing potential of the technology. To explore this potential, an international survey was conducted with 46 intergenerational programs that reflect innovation and intensive uses of technology. Results demonstrate that important strides are being made in utilizing new technology for effectively connecting generations and positively affecting aging adults' lives.
In: Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, Band 25, Heft 6, S. 1231-1245
ISSN: 1535-3966
AbstractReputational risk is negatively perceived by stakeholders and economic agents, and can cause negative future effects on sustainability, corporate image and stakeholder engagement. This study analyzes and selects bad news regarding a sample of Spanish listed companies and uses it to explain abnormal returns and liquidity risk, to better understand how decisions should be taken in the future in a more innovative and sustainable way. The results indicate that there are negative reputational effects on excess returns and trading volume variations, and positive effects on volatility. Additionally, an increase in illiquidity is implied. The inclusion of bad reputational news in the model improves its goodness of fit by between 1.25% and 3%.