An enhanced kernel weighted collaborative recommended system to alleviate sparsity
User Reviews in the form of ratings giving an opportunity to judge the user interest on the available products and providing a chance to recommend new similar items to the customers. Personalized recommender techniques placing vital role in this grown ecommerce century to predict the users" interest. Collaborative Filtering (CF) system is one of the widely used democratic recommender system where it completely rely on user ratings to provide recommendations for the users. In this paper, an enhanced Collaborative Filtering system is proposed using Kernel Weighted K-means Clustering (KWKC) approach using Radial basis Functions (RBF) for eliminate the Sparsity problem where lack of rating is the challenge of providing the accurate recommendation to the user. The proposed system having two phases of state transitions: Connected and Disconnected. During Connected state the form of transition will be "Recommended mode" where the active user be given with the Predicted-recommended items. In Disconnected State the form of transition will be "Learning mode" where the hybrid learning approach and user clusters will be used to define the similar user models. Disconnected State activities will be performed in hidden layer of RBF and Connected Sate activities will be performed in output Layer. Input Layer of RBF using original user Ratings. The proposed KWKC used to smoothen the sparse original rating matrix and define the similar user clusters. A benchmark comparative study also made with classical learning and prediction techniques in terms of accuracy and computational time. Experiential setup is made using MovieLens dataset.