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In this paper, the authors examine policy and regulatory opportunities available to the U.S. federal government to enforce safety and security requirements on artificial intelligence systems supported by U.S. government funds.
In September 2017, following two catastrophic hurricanes, Puerto Rico's wireline, wireless and cable networks were rendered largely inoperable. As this article will illustrate, the causes of this devasting failure of the telecommunications sector were not attributable to Hurricanes Irma and Maria alone. The hurricanes revealed the fragility of Puerto Rico's telecommunications infrastructure, which failed, leaving the majority of Puerto Rican citizens without a means to communicate by phone or by Internet or to reach 911 for emergency services for weeks or months. This article will also summarize the 33 courses of action (COAs) for rebuilding the telecommunications sector that were proposed by the Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) operated by the RAND Corporation and adopted by the government of Puerto Rico. These COAs were prepared as part of the Congressionally mandated Puerto Rico economic and disaster recovery plan. Even though significant progress has been made toward recovery in Puerto Rico, substantial investment is still required to achieve a resilient and robust telecommunications sector. The estimated cost for the 33 COAs was $3.2 billion. The overall cost estimate for the Puerto Rico recovery plan, including all sectors, was $139 billion.
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In support of the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security Statistics, a new federal statistical agency for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, researchers developed a detailed logic model and an organizational design framework.
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The U.S. Army has been working toward achieving a clean financial audit for decades but has yet to show significant progress in doing so. RAND conducted a study of Army financial management organizations to identify opportunities for change.
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This report, part of a four-volume set, presents case studies of planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) functions in four federal agencies comparable to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to help improve DoD's PPBE processes.
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Analysts examined how different elements that acquisition supports can improve speed, flexibility, and rigor in federal cyber acquisition. This report captures the researchers' recommendations to make them available to a wider audience.
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This report adds two case studies of planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) functions to those of other U.S. federal government agencies in Volume 3, offering insights for improving the U.S. Department of Defense's PPBE processes.
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This executive summary distills key insights from nine case studies of budgeting processes across comparative organizations, as detailed in three companion volumes.
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This executive summary distills key insights from seven case studies of budgeting processes across comparative organizations, as detailed in two companion volumes, and compiles findings from all 16 case studies in the series.
Introduction: The Communications/IT Sector in Puerto Rico -- Damage and Needs Assessment -- Methodology -- Resilient Public Telecommunications for Emergency Services and Continuity of Government -- Partnering with the Private Sector for a Robust Telecommunications Infrastructure and Broadband Internet Deployment -- Information Technology for Critical Infrastructure and for the Digital Transformation of Puerto Rico -- Portfolios, Funding, Implementation, and Concluding Remarks -- Appendix A. Illustration of the Methodology to Estimate the Costs of the Courses of Action for the Communications/IT Sector -- Appendix B. Examples of Implementation Efforts, Opportunities, and Challenges After Delivery of the Recovery Plan -- Appendix C. Full Description of the Courses of Action.