The political economy of rare earth elements: rising powers and technological change
In: International political economy series
151 Ergebnisse
In: International political economy series
In: Perspectives on politics, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 308-310
ISSN: 1541-0986
This dissertation develops a quantum rhetoric: the entanglement of matter and meaning, language and materiality, being and doing. Rather than exploring intersections between rhetoric, philosophy, literature, physics, and the like, I claim that rhetorical being and practice cut across such disciplines in decisive, generative ways. I stress that rhetoric—an affective, communicative way of being, doing, and relating in the world, of acting despite contingency and relativity—underlies much disciplinary (re)volution in the 20th century and beyond. In this way, quantum rhetoric is the marriage of the humanities and sciences, of language and materiality. Quantum rhetoric overturns the classical epistemology of language as controllable, deployed, and reflective of reality. On the contrary, quantum rhetoric is diffractive, approaching language through difference and unpredictability. Here, physics complements rhetoric for three central reasons: first, for its focus on materiality, which materializes rhetoric into bodies and minds in motion, composed of human and non-human beings, compounds and artifacts; second, for its grounding in uncertainty, rooted in rhetoric's Sophistic origin; and third, for its emphasis on action, doing, and work, mirroring rhetoric's concerns. Rhetoric, in turn, complements physics in three main ways: first, rhetoric's focus on affect, effect, and resonance attend to the consequentiality of physics—of entangled bodies in motion—thus humanizing physics and giving meaning to material facts; second, rhetoric foregrounds the effects of our symbolic instruments on our relation to the world; and third, rhetoric fronts the centrality of language, instrumentation, and symbolic subjectivity, distancing us from our assumptions. Together, rhetoric and quantum physics—quantum rhetoric—make central the materiality, uncertainty, and difference in our symbolic endeavors, unearthing a rhizomatic reality: contingent at root. We are all, Einstein writes, "non-rigid bodies of reference," and our symbolic systems and ethical practices must be just as fluid, perceptive, and receptive to flux. Applying theory, I envision the university—and first-year writing and critical thinking classrooms in particular—quantum rhetorically, shaping assignments that cultivate rhetorical being: a way of life, grounded in quantum rhetoric, which responds responsibly to chance, change, and the unknown, and which ungrounds assumptions in pursuit of a more viable democracy.
In: International studies perspectives: a journal of the International Studies Association, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 86-105
ISSN: 1528-3577
World Affairs Online
In: International studies perspectives: ISP, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 86-105
ISSN: 1528-3585
US Internet governance policy, it has been argued, is a threat to the Internet. Calls persist for the development of a multilateral Internet governance organization where states, especially the United States, play a lessened Internet governance role. Yet, US policymakers continue to resist greater multilateralism in global Internet governance favoring instead multistakeholder governance. Why do US policymakers continue to resist greater multilateralism in global governance of the Internet? Employing the Open Door interpretation of US diplomatic history, I show that, in the post-Cold War era, US policymakers purposed the Internet as a platform for the expansion of American products and political ideals and view greater multilateralism in global Internet governance as a threat to this purpose for the Internet. US policymakers will continue to support the present multistakeholder Internet governance structure that reflects US Internet governance policy preferences. Efforts at greater multilateralism in global governance of the Internet will continue to encounter US resistance unless such efforts incorporate US Internet governance policy preferences. Adapted from the source document.
In: Cyberspace and international relations: theory, prospects and challenges, S. 161-180
"This chapter examines US cyber security policy in light of transnational cyber security, deterrence theory, and hegemonic stability theory. Recent work on US cyber security policy has argued for or against deterrence theory as a basis for US cyber security policy. Deterrence theory, as a state level theory of national security, focuses attention on strategic choice enabling policymakers to manage state level responses to perceived threats. The problem is that the Internet is a transnational medium and, increasingly, an important global medium for economic exchange, being treated as a duty free zone under WTO agreements. Thinking about cyber security at the level of the state elides threats to the Internet as a global commercial medium. Framing cyber security as a transnational security issue may assist in developing a comprehensive US cyber security policy that incorporates deterrence and US leadership. The role of the US in the global economic order is to provide leadership ensuring stability necessary or economic and information exchange to occur. From the standpoint of transnational security, the US should fulfill its role as leader of collective hegemony, by leading cyber space stakeholders to develop norms and rules for global cyber security governance regimes and institutions that will teach states the norms and rules necessary for a stable and secure cyber domain through which global information and economic exchange will continue to flourish." (author's abstract)
In: International studies perspectives: ISP, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 86-105
ISSN: 1528-3585
In: Cyberspace and International Relations, S. 161-180
In: The American journal of economics and sociology, Band 72, Heft 1, S. 122-144
ISSN: 1536-7150
AbstractThis article examines the issues surrounding sustainable economic development in American Indian country via the implementation of solar energy projects. The second section addresses Native American economic development, generally, focusing on practical sovereignty, capable institutions, and cultural match. The third section discusses solar energy projects: the benefits of solar energy when compared to other types of energy production; the ways that these projects will benefit Indian country specifically; and the rationale behind implementing solar energy projects as a means to sustainable economic development in Indian country. The fourth section will briefly discuss the question: Given the advantages of solar energy that the article advocates, why is the uptake in Indian country not already prolific?
In: International Political Economy Ser.
Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- Contributors -- Acronyms -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Part I Political Economy -- 1 Social Production and Artificial Intelligence -- A Working Definition of AI -- AI, Social Production, and IPE -- Conclusion -- Works Cited -- 2 The Role of Women in Contemporary Technology and the Feminization of Artificial Intelligence and Its Devices -- Introduction: The Contemporary Link Between Economy, Technology and Women -- Literature Review: Technology and Feminism -- Second-Wave Feminism -- Liberal Feminism -- Radical Feminism -- Socialist or Marxist Feminism -- Third-Wave Feminism -- Post-feminism -- Cyberfeminism -- Technofeminism -- Xenofeminism -- Technology Development Is a Source and a Consequence of the Development of the Role of Women -- Second-Wave Feminism and the Proportion of Women in Technology Jobs -- Third-Wave Feminism and the Female Body -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- 3 Rise of the Centaurs: The Internet of Things Intelligence Augmentation -- Rise of the Machines -- Bicycles for the Mind and the IoTIA -- Political Deskilling and the Fate of Democracy -- Foxes, Hedgehogs, and Centaurs -- Conclusion -- References -- 4 AI in Public Education: Humble Beginnings and Revolutionary Potential -- The Global AI Landscape -- The United States -- The 30,000-Foot View -- Current AI Implementations in Public Education -- China -- The 30,000-Foot View -- Current AI Implementations in Public Education -- Current AI Implementations in Public Education -- India -- The 30,000-Foot View -- Current AI Implementations in Public Education -- AI and Existing Educational Structures -- Charting a Path Forward -- Bibliography -- 5 Chinese and U.S. AI and Cloud Multinational Corporations in Latin America -- Introduction -- Analytical Approach -- Digitalization and Latin America -- AI Policies in the U.S. and China.
In: Contemporary security studies
In: Seminar Studies
Cover -- Half Title -- Dedication -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Introduction to the Series -- Author's Acknowledgements -- Publisher's Acknowledgements -- List of Maps -- Chronology -- Part One: Background -- 1. The Traditions of Us Foreign Relations -- Cooperation, Conflict and the National Interest -- Spheres of Influence: The Monroe Doctrine -- Empire as a Way of Life: Manifest Destiny and Imperialism -- Open Doors: Expanding Trade -- The Turn into the American Century -- Part Two: The United States and the World Wars -- 2. Wilson's Order and European Power
In: The New International History
US Foreign Policy in World History is a survey of US foreign relations and its perceived crusade to spread liberty and democracy in the two hundred years since the American Revolution. David Ryan undertakes a systematic and material analysis of US foreign policy, whilst also explaining the policymakers' grand ideas, ideologies and constructs that have shaped US diplomacy.US Foreign Policy explores these arguments by taking a thematic approach structured around central episodes and ideas in the history of US foreign relations and policy making, including:* The Monroe Doctrine, its philisophical