Derecho europeo de responsabilidad civil del fabricante: (a propósito de la jurisprudencia del TJCE)
In: Colección Privado 67
3 Ergebnisse
In: Colección Privado 67
In: Revista de fomento social, S. 461-492
ISSN: 2695-6462
El presente trabajo constituye una reflexión crítica sobre la RSC/RSE (Responsabilidad Social Corporativa / Responsabilidad Social Empresarial). Como argumento previo se pone de manifiesto la estrecha conexión entre la RSC/RSE y la ética empresarial. Sentado lo anterior el argumento fundamental del trabajo es la incompatibilidad entre la vida de los negocios, necesariamente interesada, y la moral que debe estar presidida por el desinterés. Y se llega a este convencimiento tanto de la mano de las ideas kantianas como de las de A. Smith. De modo que a juicio del autor difícilmente se puede hablar de que la ética empresarial pueda constituir una fuente de beneficios, ni tampoco que se le pueda considerar como la gran regeneradora de la confianza pérdida en los mercados, porque la moral no es un buen instrumento para gobernar la empresa, sino que por el contrario puede ser más bien causa de confusión en la misma. Es la Ley el cauce adecuado para introducir criterios morales en la gestión de la empresa. Desde un punto de vista jurídico–societario, la RSC/RSE y los planteamientos éticos que conlleva no son nada fáciles de integrar en la estructura jurídico–organizativa propia del Derecho de sociedades. Especialmente porque la cláusula de "interés social", que sería la vía de posible entrada de la RSC/RSE en la compañía, se acabaría convirtiendo en un cajón de sastre donde todo cabe, lo que daría lugar entre otras cosas a que dicha cláusula perdiese toda su funcionalidad normativa.
The electric sector is fundamental for the economic and social development of society, impacting on essential aspects such as health, education, employment generation, industrial production, and the provision of various services. In addition to the above, the growing trend in energy consumption worldwide could increase, according to expert estimates, up to 40% by 2030, which in turn increases the efforts of the public and private sector to meet increasing demands and increase access to energy services under requirements of reliability and quality. However, the electricity sector presents challenges and complexities, one of which is the reduction of health and safety risks for workers, service users, and other stakeholders. In many countries, this sector is classified as high risk in occupational safety and health, due to its complexity and the impact of accidents and occupational diseases on the health of workers, in infrastructure, in operating costs and competitiveness of the energy sector. Worldwide, there are rigorous regulations for the electricity sector, from local and national government regulations to international standards to guarantee health and safety conditions. However, it is necessary to develop objective and comprehensive methodologies for evaluating occupational safety and health performance that provides solutions for the electricity sector, not only to comply with standards and regulations also as a continuous improvement tool that supports the decision-making processes given the complexity of the industry and the multiple criteria that are taken into account when evaluating and establishing improvement strategies. In scientific literature, different studies focus on the analysis of accident statistics, the factors that affect accidents and occupational diseases, and the risk assessment of the sector. Despite these considerations, studies that focus directly on the development of hybrid methodologies for the evaluation and improvement of performance in occupational safety and health in the electrical sector, under multiple criteria and uncertainty are mostly limited. Therefore, this document presents an integrated methodology for improving the performance in occupational health and safety in the electric sector through the application of two techniques of Multi-criteria Decision Methods (MCDM) uses in environments under uncertainly. First, the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is applied to estimate the initial relative weights of criteria and sub-criteria. The fuzzy set theory is incorporated to represent the uncertainty of decision-makers' preferences. Then, the Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) used for evaluating the interrelations and feedback among criteria and sub-criteria. FAHP and DEMATEL are later combined for calculating the final criteria and sub-criteria weights under vagueness and interdependence. Subsequently, we applied the proposed methodology in a company of the energy sector for diagnosis of performance in OHS to establish improvement proposals, the work path, and implementation costs. Finally, we evaluate the impact of the strategies applied in the improvement of the performance of the company.