High-pressure structural phase transition in MnWO4
The pressure-induced phase transition of the multiferroic manganese tungstate MnWO4 is studied on single crystals using synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. We observe the monoclinic P2/c to triclinic P (1) over bar phase transition at 20.1 GPa and get insight on the phase transition mechanism from the appearance of tilted triclinic domains. Selective Raman spectroscopy experiments with single crystals have shown that the onset of the phase transition occurs 5 GPa below the previously reported pressure obtained from experiments performed with powder samples. ; The authors thank Professor M. M. Gospodinov from the Institute of Solid State Physics of Bulgaria for providing single-crystal samples of MnWO INF>4 /INF>. This research was partially supported by the Spanish government MINECO under Grant No. MAT2013-46649-C4-1/2-P and by Generalitat Valenciana Grants No. ACOMP-2013-1012 and No. ACOMP-2014-243. We acknowledge Diamond Light Source for time on beamline I15 under proposal EE6517 and I15 beamline scientist for technical support. DESY-Photon Science is gratefully acknowledged. PETRA III at DESY is a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF). J.R.-F. thanks the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a postdoctoral fellowship and T. Bernert from the Max-Planck Institut fur Kohlenforschung for fruitful discussions. A.F. acknowledges financial support from the DFG within the priority program SPP1236 (Project No. FR2491/2-1), W.M. acknowledges the BMBF (Projects No. 05K10RFA and No. 05K13RF1), and J.A.S. acknowledges the MINECO for a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship. ; Ruiz-Fuertes, J.; Friedrich, A.; Gomis, O.; Errandonea, D.; Morgenroth, W.; Sans Tresserras, JÁ.; Santamaria-Perez, D. (2015). High-pressure structural phase transition in MnWO4. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics. 91(10):104109-1-104109-7. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.91.104109 ; S ; 104109-1 ; 104109-7 ; 91 ; 10 ; Cheong, S.-W., & Mostovoy, M. (2007). Multiferroics: a magnetic twist for ...