Desplazamiento, movilidad y retorno en Colombia: dinámicas migratorias recientes
In: Cuadernos del CIDS
In: Serie 3 6
21 Ergebnisse
In: Cuadernos del CIDS
In: Serie 3 6
In: Estudios demográficos y urbanos, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 141
ISSN: 2448-6515
El presente artículo se ocupa de la migración en Colombia a causa del desplazamiento no voluntario de la población, a la cual suele considerarse migración forzada. Se presenta una revisión general de problema, se sostiene su pertinencia en el debate contemporáneo de los problemas de población y se aborda la demografía del conflicto con una visión panorámica de la historia en que hunde sus raíces la situación actual del país; se formula asimismo un análisis general de las características presentes del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia.El desarraigo de cerca de cuatro millones de personas desterradas dentro del territorio nacional es una de las más notables consecuencias del conflicto interno que ha vivido el país durante cerca de cinco décadas. Al ser una migración forzada, en la que muchas veces está en peligro la vida de la población, los movimientos no son planificados; es un proceso caótico en que la población es desarraigada de manera violenta.La investigación de la cual el presente artículo es una síntesis pretende determinar las implicaciones de dicho desplazamiento sobre la tierra rural abandonada por la población y sobre los territorios urbanos que reciben a los millones de desplazados. AbstractThis article is concerned with migration in Colombia due to the population's involuntary displacement, usually regarded as forced migration. A general review of the problem is provided, highlighting its importance in the contemporary debate on population problems and the demographics of the problem are analyzed using an overview of history in which the country's current situation is rooted. This is used to provide an overall analysis of the characteristics of forced displacement in Colombia.The uprooting of nearly four million exiled persons within Colombia is one of the most noticeable consequences of the internal conflict undergone by the country for nearly five decades. The fact that it is forced migration, in which the population's lives are often at risk means that movements are not planned. It is a chaotic process in which the population is violently uprooted.The research summarized in this article seeks to determine the implications of this displacement for the rural land abandoned by the population and the urban territories that receive millions of displaced persons.
In: Strategic planning for energy and the environment, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 66-79
ISSN: 1546-0126
In: Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 83-93
ISSN: 0718-686X
In: Journal of human development and capabilities: a multi-disciplinary journal for people-centered development, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 93-109
ISSN: 1945-2837
In: Science and public policy: journal of the Science Policy Foundation, Band 41, Heft 2, S. 245-256
ISSN: 1471-5430
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Kinetic models are capable of predicting shelf life in keeping with the different variables that can affect the degradation of the food item. In this work, virgin olive oils (VOOs) extracted from olive fruits at three ripening stages with high, medium and low pigment contents respectively, were thermodegraded to characterize the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the oxidation of two pigment fractions: a green fraction (chlorophylls) and a yellow fraction (carotenoids). A first-order kinetic mechanism was appropriate for describing the decoloration processes under non-oxygen thermal auto-oxidation. A marked effect of temperature has been pointed out, with the carotenoids (CARs) being the most affected by heat. The kinetic constants for the CAR degradation were about 3.6 times higher than the respective constants for chlorophylls (CHLs) that showed a more stable structure to decoloration by heat. As well, higher activation energy of CHLs (16.03±0.26kcal·mol-1) as compared to CARs (15.45±0.17kcal·mol-1) implies that a smaller temperature change is needed to increase the kinetic constant of CHLs.Neither isokinetic ratio nor compensation existed between the three VOO matrixes and further, for each pigment fraction (CHLs or CARs) all kinetic constants were explained by a single Arrhenius line. Consequently, the differences between the oily matrixes did not significantly affect the decoloration mechanisms, and moreover, the kinetic parameters obtained as temperature functions according to the Arrhenius model, can be used to develop a prediction mathematical model for decoloration of CHL and CAR pigment fractions in VOO over time and depending on temperature. ; This work was supported by the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT-EU, Spanish and European Governments) under the research project AGL 2012-39714/ALI and by the Junta de Andalucía in the Project AGR 2010-6271 and through the financial support to the group AGR 148-2012. We thank Cooperativa Sor Ángela de la Cruz (Estepa, Sevilla) for supplying the oil samples. The authors are members of the IBERCAROT Network, funded by CYTED (ref. 112RT0445). ; Peer Reviewed
15 Páginas.-- 1 Figura ; A survey was launched to understand the current problems and sensitivities of the olive oil market through a series of questions clustered around topics related to quality, traceability, regulation, standard methods and other issues. The questions were selected after a series of interviews with different actors to identify those aspects where some disagreement or different points of view may exist. These questions were grouped in topics such as geographical traceability, consumer perception and quality management. The survey was addressed to eight different olive oil actors independently: producers, retailers, importers, exporters, analysts, workers at regulatory bodies, and consumers. Approximately half of the respondents (67.0% for consumers and 56.0% for the rest of olive oil actors) claimed to understand the importance of the protected designation of origin. In fact, the traceability objectives that were selected as the most relevant were those related with geographical traceability (19.3%) followed by the detection of adulteration (15.6%). Most of the respondents (80%) would agree to share data for a common database; however, some concerns exist about the use of these data and the issue of paying to have access to this database. The respondents mostly expressed an affirmative answer concerning the efficiency of panel test (74%) and a negative answer (90%) concerning the proposal of removing from regulation, although 42% agree with their revision for improvement. The opinions on "best before" date and their relationship with quality and the willingness to apply non-targeted methods were also surveyed. ; The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 613688 (Food Integrity project). ; Peer reviewed
A decision support tool for sheep farming systems (PASTOR-DSS) was developed to investigate trade-offs between economic and environmental objectives on Spanish dairy sheep farms. The tool combines a hierarchical stochastic simulation model at three levels with a multi-objective optimisation procedure based on genetic algorithms. The first level of simulation includes rumen, reproduction and nutrient balance submodels. These three submodels are integrated into an animal model, which constitutes the second level. The third level is the farm, which includes the flock, the feeding and reproductive management, the availability of feeding resources, and the farm economics. The multi-objective genetic algorithm applies to the farm level. The tool was validated for the different levels of simulation, with outputs having an acceptable level of accuracy and representing correctly the links between feeding and reproduction. The tool was used to optimise the Latxa breed farming systems of the Basque Country (Spain). Two farm types were simulated: a COAST farm located in low-altitude Atlantic conditions and longer grazing period, and the INLAND farm located in mountain areas with a shorter grazing period. The optimisation provided a set of optimal solutions with different economic and environmental (N excretion) performances. The optimal solutions increased the financial margin over feed costs in both farms (+24% and+22% for COAST and INLAND, respectively). The final space of solutions showed a clear trade-off between the economic and environmental performance (nitrogen excretion). The difference in the financial margin over feed costs between the solutions could be interpreted as the opportunity cost of greening in policy design, i.e., the payment that farmers should receive to change their farming methods to reduce nitrogen pollution. ; Funding for this research was provided by INIA (RTA2010-00057, RTA2011-01332), as well as by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government.
In: Cuadernos del CIDS / Serie III, No. 6
World Affairs Online
In: Studies in educational evaluation, Band 56, S. 182-188
ISSN: 0191-491X
Measurements of chemical persistence in natural environments can provide insight into behavior not easily replicated in laboratory studies. However, it is difficult to find environmental situations suitable for such measurements, particularly for substances with half-lives exceeding several weeks. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that a strategic postflood monitoring campaign can be used to quantify transformation half-lives on the scale of months in a real aquatic system. Water samples were collected in the upper Brisbane River estuary on 36 occasions over 37 weeks and analyzed for 127 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides, and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). High quality time trend data were obtained for 41 substances. For many of these, data on the input of a wastewater treatment plant to the upper estuary were also obtained. A mass balance model of the estuary stretch was formulated and parametrized using PFASs as persistent benchmarking chemicals. Transformation half-life estimates were obtained for 10 PPCPs and 7 pesticides ranging from 18 to 260 days. Furthermore, insight was obtained into dominant transformation processes as well as the magnitude of chemical inputs to the estuary and their sources. The approach developed shows that under certain conditions, estuaries can be used to quantify the persistence of organic contaminants with half-lives of the order of several months. ; R. Álvarez-Ruiz acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) for his FPI grant BES-2016−078612. This project was supported by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant (LP180101128) and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734522 (INTERWASTE project).
18 Tablas; 22 Páginas ; The definitions of olive oil categories are common or very similar for all the international regulatory bodies, and in many cases the text is even literally the same. However, the values of some parameters which chemically define the different categories do not have the same degree of agreement. These disagreements mean a difficult task for importers and exporters who have to deal with these differences when they need to defend the quality and genuineness of their product. This work analyzes the differences found when scrutinizing the current trade standards and regulations from a critical viewpoint, with comments and useful tips for improving the current International Olive Council methods when possible, as well as alternatives from non targeted techniques. The values of precision associated with the International Olive Council methods are also examined and the need for re-validating methods to update the analytical quality parameters is discussed. ; Estudio de las diferencias entre las normas comerciales dentro y fuera de Europa. Las definiciones de las categorías de aceite de oliva son comunes o muy similares para todos los organismos reguladores internacionales y, en muchos casos, el texto es incluso literalmente el mismo. Sin embargo, los valores de algunos parámetros que definen químicamente las diferentes categorías no tienen el mismo grado de acuerdo. Estos desacuerdos originan una tarea difícil para los exportadores e importadores que tienen que lidiar con estas diferencias para demostrar la calidad y la autenticidad de su producto. Este trabajo analiza las diferencias encontradas al examinar las normas y regulaciones comerciales actuales desde un punto de vista crítico, con comentarios y sugerencias útiles para mejorar los métodos actuales del Consejo Oleícola Internacional, cuando ha sido posible, así como alternativas de técnicas no dirigidas a analitos específicos. También se examinan los valores de precisión asociados a los métodos del Consejo Oleícola Internacional y se discute la necesidad de volver a validar los métodos para actualizar los parámetros de calidad analítica. ; The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 613688 (Food Integrity project). ; Peer reviewed
In vitro and in vivo experiments were designed to evaluate the effectiveness of laboratory made di-D-fructose dianhydride (DFA)-enriched caramels. The DFA-enriched caramels were obtained from D-fructose (FC), D-fructose and sucrose (FSC), or D-fructose and β-cyclodextrin (FCDC). In the in vitro experiment, raftilose and all caramels increased (P<0.05) L-lactate concentration and decreased (P<0.05) pH. Total SCFA concentration was higher (P<0.05) than controls in tubes containing raftilose, FSC, FCDC and CSC. Raftilose, and all caramels tested except FSC and FC (1%), increased (P<0.01) lactobacilli log10 number of copies compared with the non-additive control. FSC, FCDC and CSC increased (P<0.01) bifidobacteria number of copies respect to controls. All additives except FCDC decreased (P<0.01) Clostridium coccoides / Eubacterium rectale log number of copies. Compared with controls, raftilose, FC and CSC led to lower (P<0.01) Escherichia-Shigella and enterobacteria. For the in vivo experiment, a total of 144 male one-day-old broiler chickens of the Cobb strain were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 dietary treatments for 21 d. Dietary treatments were control (commercial diet with no additive), Inulin (20 g inulin / kg diet) and FC (20 g FC / kg diet). Final body weight of birds fed FC diet was higher (P<0.01) than controls or inulin fed birds, while feed: gain values were not different. Feed intake of chickens fed FC was higher (P<0.01) than that of inulin-fed birds, but not statistically different from controls. Crop pH values were lower (P<0.01) than controls in birds fed FC diet, with inulin fed chickens showing values not different from controls or FC fed birds. Lower (P<0.05) lactobacilli number of copies was determined in crop, ileum and caeca of birds fed the inulin diet compared with controls. Inulin supplementation also resulted in lower (P<0.05) C. coccoides / E. rectale, bacteroides and total bacteria in caecal contents. Addition of FC to broiler diets gave place to lower (P<0.05) enterobacteria and Escherichia-Shigella in crop and caecal contents compared with controls. Bacteroides number of copies increased (P<0.05) respect to controls in ileum, but decreased (P<0.05) in caeca of chickens fed the FC diet. Energy, ADF, NDF and non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) faecal digestibilities were greater (P<0.05) than controls in chickens fed on diets containing inulin or FC. Fat digestibility was higher (P<0.05) in FC fed birds compared with controls or inulin fed chickens. In conclusion, DFA-enriched caramels here tested, particularly FC, may represent a type of new additives useful in poultry production. ; Authors are indebted to Dr L. Lara and to Mrs M. A. Guzmán for excellent technical assistance, and to the Spanish MICIIN (SAF2008-02616, SAF 2010-15670 and AGL 2009-11925) and the Junta de Andalucía (project AGR395) for financial support. This research has been also partially supported by the FEDER and FSE funds from the European Union. ES-P is a "Project of Excellence" Fellow (Junta de Andalucía, contract no. P06-AGR-02150) and MJP is a recipient of a JAEpredoc (CSIC) grant. ; Peer reviewed