Trouer la membrane: penser et vivre la politique par des gestes
In: Esthétiques. Culture et politique
23 Ergebnisse
In: Esthétiques. Culture et politique
In: Debats / Institució Valenciana d'Estudis i Investigació, Generalitat Valenciana, Diputació Provincial de València, Heft 120, S. 27-34
ISSN: 0212-0585
In: Le Sujet dans la Cité: revue internationale de recherche biographique, Band 3, Heft 2, S. II-II
ISSN: 2263-7516
In: Histoire_372Politique: politique, culture, société ; revue électronique du Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 42
ISSN: 1954-3670
In: Revue tiers monde: études interdisciplinaires sur les questions de développement, Band 25, Heft 100, S. 893-899
ISSN: 1963-1359
In: Revue tiers monde
ISSN: 0040-7356, 1293-8882
Alltagsleben, Feste und Rituale in Togo, sowohl in Städten als auch in den ländlichen Gebieten, werden zunehmend durchsetzt von westlichen Handlungsmustern, Wertvorstellungen und Normen. (DSE)
World Affairs Online
In: Nouvelles pratiques sociales: NPS, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 236-252
ISSN: 1703-9312
La détresse psychologique et le suicide chez les agriculteurs s'imposent comme un problème social préoccupant, notamment sous l'angle du genre masculin. Cette étude vise à mieux comprendre les connexions entre cette problématique et les pratiques masculines. Elle repose sur des entretiens qualitatifs avec 32 agriculteurs québécois. Les résultats identifient les principales sources et manifestations de stress, de même que les facteurs de protection. L'analyse fait ressortir les pratiques masculines qui peuvent agir de levier pour promouvoir la santé et le bien-être des agriculteurs et de leur famille. Des recommandations sensibles au genre sont discutées.
In: Revija za socijalnu politiku: Croatian journal of social policy, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 241-254
ISSN: 1845-6014
Stopa samoubojstava i dalje je visoka u Sloveniji, pogotovo u ruralnim područjima i među poljoprivrednicima. Kao i u slučaju mnogih problema s kojima se suočava ruralno stanovništvo, vrlo je malo socijalnih odgovora u smislu političkog djelovanja, zdravstvenih i socijalnih usluga i istraživanja. U ovom se radu detaljno analizira samoubojstvo poljoprivrednika kao socijalni problem utemeljen na sljedećim kriterijima: prvo, opseg situacije smatra se zabrinjavajućim i nejednakim; drugo, normativne strukture su abnormalno ili štetno povezane sa situacijom; treće, postoji volja i moć da se izmijeni situacija jer se ista smatra neprihvatljivom u skladu sa društvenom etikom i vrijednostima; i četvrto, primjena socijalnih odgovora kao što su programi intervencije i zajedničko djelovanje. Ovaj okvir omogućuje naglašavanje roda (muški), lokacije (ruralna), lokalne kulture (agrarne vrijednosti) i zanimanje (poljoprivreda). Prioritet za buduće mjere, praksu i istraživanje treba usmjeriti na ove socijalne odrednice zdravlja i dobrobiti kako bi se pružila podrška poljoprivrednicima, zajednicama i udrugama. ; The rate of suicide remains high in Slovenia, particularly in rural settings and among farmers. As is the case with many issues faced by rural people, few social responses are developed in terms of political action, health and social services and research. In this article, the severity of farmers' suicide in Slovenia is detailed and analysed as a social problem based on the following criteria: first, the scope of the situation is considered worrying and unequal; second, normative structures are abnormally or harmfully connected to the situation; third, there is a will and a power to transform the situation because it is found unacceptable according to social ethics and values; and fourth, the implementation of social responses such as intervention programmes and collective actions. This framework enables to highlight the importance of gender (masculinities), location (rural settings), local culture (agrarian values) and occupation (farming). Priority for future policies, practice and research should focus on these social determinants of health and wellbeing in support of farming people, communities and associations.
In: Sociologia ruralis, Band 54, Heft 4, S. 460-476
ISSN: 1467-9523
AbstractIn many ways, male farmers can be considered to be a vulnerable group in relation to mental health, experiencing high rates of suicide, psychological distress and low use of health services. This study highlights important connections between rurality, farming and masculinities in the context of men's mental health. In‐depth interviews with 32 male farmers from Quebec, Canada were completed focusing on stress and coping strategies. Findings include informal and formal strategies. Many participants had previous positive experience of formal help and would be willing to use such help again and to recommend it to others in need. Those without such experience are sceptical about services but recognise the courage it requires to seek help. Pride and lack of knowledge about services are the main barriers to help‐seeking, but it can be legitimated in certain contexts, such as divorce or other psychosocial crisis, and by alignment with particular male ideals. Role models at national or local levels can also help farmers prioritise their own and their family's wellbeing over stigmas and rigid, traditional masculine ideals. Furthermore, gender‐based strengths and recommendations for practice are also discussed.
In: International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies: IJCYFS, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 49-69
ISSN: 1920-7298
The values that characterize the traditional and stereotypical image of rural masculinity put pressure on farming men to engage with risky behaviours, both physical and mental, and reduce their willingness to seek help. This paper investigates individual and social responses to adversity, under the lenses of response-based practice and gender-transformative health promotion. Our method is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with 32 farming men and 2 focus group interviews with 14 experts on men's health, farming, and rural social work. Results suggest gender is negotiated through individual and social responses to adversity, with fluid transitions between conformity and resistance with regard to traditional masculinity. Individual responses to adversity can include negative or positive coping strategies. Social responses can be supportive, or they can be marginalizing, such as the devaluation of farming. For farmers facing adversity, there is a disparity in social support, with communal solidarity being evident in a material crisis, but not in a personal one. Some community-based responses are highlighted for their ability to support farming men in coping with adversity.
In: Crisis: the journal of crisis intervention and suicide prevention, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 137-143
ISSN: 2151-2396
Abstract. Background: The Province of Quebec, Canada (PQ), witnessed a drastic rise in suicide among adult men between 1990 and 2000, followed by a continuous drop since then. At the end of the 1990s, men's suicide became recognized as a social issue, leading to implementation of gender-responsive strategies focusing on positive aspects of masculinity. Many of these strategies received positive assessments. Aims: This article offers a critical overview of the evolution of social responses to men's suicide in PQ. Method: We highlight elements of success with examples of interventions targeting men directly, professionals who work with men, and natural support networks of men. Results: Results and discussion suggest the benefits to shift towards salutogenic, gender-transformative approach to men's suicide prevention. Conclusion: Closing remarks question the current gaps and upcoming challenges in suicide prevention among men.
In: La revue internationale de l'éducation familiale, Band 30, Heft 2, S. 95-118
ISSN: 1279-7766
Résumé L'éducation d'un enfant exige le concours d'un ensemble de ressources et de compétences. Lorsque les défis auxquels les parents font face excèdent leurs compétences, ils peuvent faire appel à deux types de ressources : les établissements publics financés par l'État et les organismes non gouvernementaux issus des communautés. Cet article documente la nature des pratiques de 19 organismes non gouvernementaux du Québec qui s'adressent aux familles. Communément désignés « organismes communautaires Familles », ces organismes autonomes se donnent comme mission d'offrir, au sein de leur communauté, des activités de promotion, de prévention, d'aide et de soutien aux parents à toutes les étapes de vie de l'enfant, de la grossesse à l'âge adulte. Cette mission très large se traduit par une grande diversité aussi bien dans l'offre de services que dans les méthodes d'intervention adoptées et les personnes qu'elles atteignent.