Care in a Time of Crisis: An Ethnography of Coercive Practices in Italian Acute Mental Health Provision
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- About the Author -- Abbreviations -- List of Tables -- 1: Introduction -- 1.1 Exploring Care and Coercive Practices -- 1.2 Aims of the Research -- 1.3 Outline of the Book -- 1.4 Terminological Choices -- References -- 2: On Coercion in Inpatient Psychiatric Settings -- 2.1 Coercion in Psychiatric Settings: An Introduction -- 2.1.1 What Counts as Coercive? Defining and Justifying Coercion -- 2.2 Involuntary Admission and Treatment -- 2.2.1 Involuntary Admission and Treatment in Italy: "Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio" -- 2.3 Restraint and Its Multiple Forms -- 2.3.1 Contenzione: Mechanical restraint -- 2.3.2 Contenimento: Holding or Manual Restraint -- 2.3.3 The Sedative/Curative Divide: Pharmacological Restraint -- 2.3.4 Locked Versus Open-Door Wards: Environmental Restraint -- References -- 3: A Necessary Evil? Alternatives to Coercive Interventions -- 3.1 The No-Restraint Movement: A Historical Overview -- 3.2 Contemporary Attempts to Reduce Coercion in Psychiatric Settings -- 3.3 Defining the Object: Situated Care and Coercive Practices -- References -- 4: The Empirical Research: Context, Data, and Methods -- 4.1 Ethnographic Research on Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Settings: An Introduction -- 4.2 Investigating Coercion -- 4.3 Feeling the Field -- References -- 5: Crisis and Its Places: Boundary-making in and Around Mental Healthcare Services -- 5.1 The Birth of Community Mental Health Services: A Historical Look at Italian Deinstitutionalization -- 5.2 A Fundamental Dicothomy: ospedale Versus territorio -- 5.3 "We Are in the Hospital, but We Are Not Hospital": A Narrative of "Otherness" -- 5.4 Places of Crisis: Institutional Maps and Wards' Shape -- 5.4.1 Shape-Preservation Strategies: Circulation Work and Pertinence Permeability -- 5.5 Conclusion -- References.