The article examines topical problems of increasing the effectiveness of criminal law in the prevention of criminal offenses. In order to improve the scientific level and quality of the preparation of legislative acts, it is proposed to adopt the Law «On the criminological examination of draft laws».
Academic dishonesty, particularly cheating, is a global phenomenon that exists almost in every country. Different methods are developed to deal with student cheating. All of them can be divided into four main directions. Less investigated way is to enhance moral gravity of punishment in case of spotting a fact of cheating (moral cost enhancing). This paper examines the effect of spotting probability decrease and its relationship with moral cost enhancing. Empirical data used in the paper are based on the results of written tests taken by students of economic faculty of MSU. This fact allowed estimating the cheating probability directly instead of using traditional for such papers questionnaire survey. Different factors impacting on the cheating probability were modeled using differencein-differences econometric method. It is shown that moral gravity of punishment for cheating enhancing exerting significant negative influence on cheating probability. Furthermore, such enhancing decreases significance of academic achievement influence on cheating probability. Gender influence on cheating probability was not detected.
This article examines the psychological barriers of the personality that prevent the development of professionalism of the future physical culture teacher. An analysis of scientific views on the phenomenon of "psychological barrier" is presented, a working definition of this concept is formulated, the results of an empirical study conducted on a sample of students of Kostroma State University (n = 120) are presented, representing the main barriers to professionalisation and the resources to overcome them. It has been established that for future physical education teachers at the initial courses of study, the dominant external psychological barriers to professionalisation include lack of time, misunderstanding from peers, criticism from others. Senior students, more immersed in their future profession, also noted the abundance of documentation, tough competition in professional activities, and low salaries as external barriers. The dominant internal barriers to professional development for future physical education teachers are laziness, lack of experience, destructive emotions, frivolous attitude to the profession, fear of their own psychological and pedagogical incompetency, and shyness. The students named readiness for self-development, willpower, perseverance, social activity, sense of humour as the main mental resources for overcoming psychological barriers. Social resources are the effective work of university pedagogues, communication with friends, the help of a coach, family support, advice from experienced people, sports, and special literature.
The results of research, reflecting dynamics of progress in personally professional qualities of future physical culture pedagogues, studying at a higher education institution, are generalised in this article. The model of growth of personally professional competency of future physical culture teachers is represented. The conditions and methods to upgrade professionally personal qualities of students are described in this article. It has been established that among junior students, the motivation for avoiding failures prevails, and the achievement motivation is formed in the senior students. The dynamics of the formation of professionally significant qualities, general professional and professional competencies of students from the first to the fourth course is shown. The pedagogic conditions for the formation of professional and personal competency of future physical education teachers are revealed: organising the educational process on the basis of interdisciplinarity and integration of work programmes of academic disciplines; accounting in the educational process of objective and subjective factors in the formation of the subject of professional activity; the variability of the use of innovative educational technologies, etc.
This paper considers various factors affecting housing prices in Moscow with special attention to societal conditions — particularly the quality of education provided by schools within the neighborhood. Today in Russia, children are enrolled in elementary school on the principle of territorial priority, which means that children living within the area of a given school are entitled to be enrolled there. Do parents take into consideration the quality of school education when purchasing a property? Are they prepared to pay extra for an access to better education? Does this extra amount depend on housing prices? These are the main questions of this study. To answer them, the paper analyses the best affordable school rating's impact on accommodation prices. Not only parents, but also the real estate market would be interested in the results. Moreover, this research contributes to the understanding of migration patterns within the city. It helps determine the factors affecting someone's choice of property. The findings will provide a more accurate assessment of decision-making in urban planning and education.
The article identifies thе alternative changes to the traditional plot pattern for autobiographical narration. Memoirs of the 18th century are based on the cumulative principle presuming that heterogeneous events (both nation-wide and those of public and private life of the memoirist himself) are described in parallel and in a strict chronological sequence. In contrast to the previous tradition of memoir-making, Shakhovskoy conceptualizes his life as moving from happiness to unhappiness and focuses on the cumulative plot of an adventure novel. He describes only official activity and builds up the plot of the autobiography as a number of series, consisting of structurally homogeneous microplots or plot situations. Happiness alternates with unhappiness both within the series of microplots and in the very sequence of the series (loss of patrons — victories over opponents — victories of opponents — success in the service of Her Majesty). Unlike other autobiographies, The Adventures of Ensign Klimov is based not on the cumulative but on the cyclic pattern of the plot (forced abandonment of the Fatherland and the family — suffering calamities in exile — return). The plot of Klimov's memoirs is semantically based on the story of cruel fate and God's will. The memoirs of Shakhovsky and Klimov actually represent two possible options for transferring the plot structure of epic genres into memoir narration: specifically, the cumulative plot of an adventure novel in one case, and the cyclic one of the parable of the prodigal son and ancient Russian stories dating back to it in the other. The use of models of fiction literature plots is predetermined by the authors' conceptual understanding of their own life history, in contrast to most memoirs of the 18th century, where events are simply recorded as a chronicle and do not line up in a semantically determined plot series.
The relevance of solving the problem of sustainable development of regions with different levels of diversification of the economy is due to the current situation in the entire world economy, the aggravation of social and economic contradictions. The aim of this study is to identify the peculiarities of social and labor relations in the territories with different levels of economic diversification (on the example of a region with monotowns and a weakly urbanized region). The necessity of studying the state of social and labour relations to ensure sustainable development of the regional economy is substantiated. The following conclusions were obtained. 1. A comparative analysis of the main socio-economic indicators of the economy's functioning and indicators of social and labor relations of single-industry and weakly urbanized territorial entities was carried out. 2 The multivariate impact on social and labor relations was studied, primarily from the standpoint of geography and economic structure, taking into account the peculiarities of urbanization processes. 3. Features of social and labor relations of single-industry and weakly urbanized regions were identified under the influence of the triune group of factors. 4. The choice of Kemerovo Oblast is due to the fact that almost half of municipalities are monotowns. The Republic of Tuva was chosen as a weakly urbanized territory, supplemented by information on Altai Krai for comparative analysis. 5. The level of urbanization in Kemerovo Oblast is about 1.5 times higher than the corresponding figure in the Republic of Tuva and Altai Krai. 6. With an equal or significantly smaller area of the compared territories, the population of Altai Krai and Kemerovo Oblast is 7–8 times higher than that of the Republic of Tuva. In the latter, over the past 15 years, there have been positive changes in the gradual increase in numbers, while in the former there is a steady trend of population decline. The number continues to decline in almost all monotowns of Kemerovo Oblast (with extremely rare exceptions). 7. The demographic burden in Altai Krai and the Republic of Tuva has been growing over a 15-year period, with a tendency to gradually equalize the number of people in disabled and working age, thereby exacerbating the situation on the labor market and limiting the opportunities for sustainable economic development. 8. The Republic of Tuva is at the end of the hierarchy of the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of employment, unemployment rate and tension coefficient. 9. One of the main factors determining the specifics and development of social and labor relations of single-industry municipalities is the activities of the city-forming enterprise and its interaction with other subjects of social and labor relations.
The relevance of the solution to the problem of sustainable development is due to the current situation in the entire world economy, the aggravation of socioeconomic contradictions. The aim of this study is to gain an idea of the transformation trends in the main implementations of a person's ability to work in Russia. The author justifies the need to expand opportunities in the system of labour relations for a gradual and sustainable transition from labour as a need to work as a self-realization of the employed. The following conclusions were obtained. (1) The employed can be roughly equally divided into two groups in terms of the role of labour (labour as selfrealisation and labour as necessity). (2) It should be assumed that the implementation of a person's ability to work by representatives of each of these groups can be carried out in the form of wage and non-wage labour. (3) The desired trend is to create the conditions for expanding the possibilities of a gradual transition from labour as a necessity to labour as a self-realisation of those employed in each of these two forms. (4) The processes that take place in each of the forms differ in their results. (5) It is necessary to purposefully develop the national training system for professional workers of various levels of complexity and qualifications. (6) Entrepreneurial activity is not an exclusive economic activity. It can be considered both as a condition for personal self-realisation and as a necessary activity for a person. (7) Self-employment cannot be attributed only to non-wage labour. When analysing employment, it is necessary to take into account the heterogeneity of the group of the self-employed: the hired self-employed, the moonlighting self-employed, etc. The structure of self-employment at the macro-level and in Tomsk Oblast is approximately the same. (8) The trend for secondary employment should be its steady decline. Secondary employment itself contradicts the perception of labour as a condition for a person's self-realisation. The existing official data confirm the emerging trend towards its decline. (9) The presence of informal employment and its scale make it possible to judge about the degree of equality of opportunities for self-realisation through labour. (10) There is a significant reserve of labour, which needs to be more effectively and efficiently managed using one of the forms of implementing the ability to work (wage and non-wage labour). The highest level of underutilisation of the labour force is characteristic of the age group 15-24. One in four has no conditions for implementing their ability to work to the fullest. This group includes graduates of higher and secondary special educational institutions. The underutilisation rate of labour ability among women is higher compared to men. For all age groups in rural areas, the underemployment rate is higher than in urban areas.
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 55, Heft 3, S. 323-335
Aim Previous studies on youth drinking showed opposite trends for high-income and low-income countries. In Russia, a recent decline was observed in the prevalence of alcohol use, particularly among younger cohorts. This study aims at disentangling age and birth cohort effects to better understand the dynamics of abstinence and the volume of alcohol consumption.
Methods Data were collected from annual nationally representative panel surveys from 2006 to 2017. Data included 34,514 individuals aged 14–80. We estimated mixed-effects binary-choice models for percentage of abstainers and mixed-effects linear models with Heckman correction for alcohol volume. Integer variables of age and age-squared were used. Period was defined with a dummy variable using 2012 as the dividing line associated with a new Russian alcohol policy. Birth cohorts were defined as 13 groups from 1930–1939 to 2000–2003. Controls were per capita income, education, marital status, composition of households, body weight, ethnicity, residence type, regional per capita income and regional climate.
Results In both genders, percentage of abstainers increased and drinking volumes declined. Age for both genders showed u-shaped trend for abstinence and inverse u-shaped trend for alcohol volume. Controlling for age effects, cohorts born after 1990 demonstrated the strongest increase in abstinence for both genders and the strongest decrease in alcohol volume for males. The period of 2012–2017 had the effect of increasing the abstinence and decreasing the alcohol volume.
Conclusion Downward trend in alcohol consumption in Russia is partially attributable to increased abstinence and reduced alcohol volume among younger cohorts.
Catalytic properties of MgFe2O4 nanoparticles during oxidative destruction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen were studied. The influence of the conditions of the catalytic process on the efficiency of ibuprofen decomposition was established. It was shown that at the catalyst content of 0.5 g/L, H2O2 concentration of 20.0 mmol/L and pH of 6.0 for 40 min, a decrease in the ibuprofen concentration from 10.0 mg/L to less than detected limit is achieved. It was found that in the process of catalytic destruction the degree of ibuprofen mineralization reached 100 %. The conducted research shows the prospects of practical application of the developed Fenton-like heterogeneous catalyst for wastewater treatment from pharmaceutically active compounds.