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104 Ergebnisse
In: PositionLiberal 88
In: IWH-Diskussionspapiere 2008,15
Policy makers from many regions where old industrial structures in the field of manufacturing have collapsed are trying to stimulate entrepreneurial activities of businesses in the cultural industry. The question is whether this strategy could be successful. This article examines the strategy of supporting the sector of Media Industry (ḾI)́ by policy makers in the region of Halle in East Germany, where a strong deindustrialization has taken place after the German reunification. Stimulated by the policy makers' support measures, there actually was a remarkable development of MI. However, the number of MI firms and their employees did not further increase in recent years, after having reached a certain level. This illustrates the limits of political measures for turning a city's path of industrial development voluntarily. -- Media industry ; Cultural industry ; Business development ; Urban development ; Location factors
In: Schriften des Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle 18
In: Diskussionsschriften aus dem Institut für Finanzwissenschaft der Universität Hamburg 10
Eine Ex-post-Evaluierung zur Abschätzung der "Metropolregions-Rendite" für die an der Metropolregion beteiligten Städte, Kreise und sonstigen Akteure war im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe der ARL zur "Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland" nicht möglich. Um dennoch zumindest ein vorläufiges Fazit hinsichtlich des Nutzens der Metropolregion ziehen zu können, wird der Ansatz einer Ex-ante-Evaluierung verfolgt. Es wird gefragt, welcher Erfolg auf der Basis der gegebenen Strukturelemente der Metropolregion (räumliche Abgrenzung, inhaltliche Aufgaben, Governance-Strukturen) erwartet werden kann. Grundsätzlich zeigt sich eine relativ große Übereinstimmung zwischen den normativen Anforderungen an Metropolregionen und den aktuellen institutionellen Ausprägungen der "Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland". Zu kritisieren ist allerdings, dass die Aufgaben der Metropolregion bislang zum großen Teil wenig konkret und bisherige Erfolge nicht sichtbar sind, sowie dass die räumliche Abgrenzung nicht explizit verdeutlicht wird. Abschließend werden Perspektiven für die raumordnungspolitische Behandlung des mitteldeutschen Raums außerhalb der Metropolregion sowie für die weitere Forschung aufgezeigt. ; As the resoruces for the ARL-Working Group on the Central German Metropolitan Region (CGMR) were quite limited, it was not possible to come to a comprehensive ex-post-evaluation for all categories of benefits produced by the CGMR. Instead, the final chapter of this book presents a kind of ex-ante-evaluation of the CGMR: It wants to answer the question how the major institutional settings of the CGMR (with regard to the spatial dilimination; the categories of services provided by the CGMR; aspects of governance) could have the potential to produce benefits for a successful future development in Centrral Germany. In general, the structures of the CGMR are really quite in accordance with normative criteria for a "good regime" of Metropolitan Regions. But the main tasks or functions of the CGMR are, at the moment, not as concrete as it would be favorable for understanding why we need the CGMR. And the spatial dilimination is quite unclear. Finally, this chapter is discussing possible strategies for those cities and regions in Central Germany which are not members of the CGMR.
Maßnahmen zugunsten von Regionen mit Entwicklungsrückstand sind oft nur dann erfolgreich, wenn eine Region bereits mit einigen notwendigen "Zutaten" für Wachstum ausgestattet ist - Geschichte zählt! Es wäre sinnvoller, ärmere Regionen und Kommunen in die Lage zu versetzen, eigene Strategien für den Aufholprozess zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, als dies zentral zu verordnen. Verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung solcher dezentralen Prozesse werden aufgezeigt. ; Although there are good reasons to support metropolitan areas with strong economies, this article focuses on measures that favour regions that lag behind. After a short description of a wide range of regional policy measures in Germany, the article focuses on traditional assistance to poorer regions. These measures are often only successful if a region is already equipped with some necessary "ingredients" for growth. It may be better to enable the poorer regions and local units to develop and implement their own strategies for catching up. The decentralization processes is discussed.
Vor dem Hintergrund von explorativen Fallstudien für ausgewählte Städte und Regionen wird versucht, zu einer vorläufigen Aussage hinsichtlich der bisherigen Auswirkungen der strukturellen Veränderungen des Standortwettbewerbs für die Raumentwicklung zu gelangen. Ein wichtiger genereller Befund ist, dass sich der Einfluss der veränderten Bedingungen des Wettbewerbs zwischen Unternehmen bislang stärker bei den in den Städten und Regionen jeweils gewählten Entwicklungsstrategien manifestiert, weniger in der realwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der untersuchten Raumeinheiten. Dies lässt sich damit erklären, dass die Veränderungen des Standortwettbewerbs kontinuierlich und langfristig wirken und kurzfristig von anderen Faktoren (wie der Systemtransformation seit 1990) überlagert werden. Zukünftige Forschungsprojekte sollten u. a. der Frage nachgehen, ob die neue Politik der Städte und Regionen mehr als eine gleichsam 'kosmetische' Korrektur der bisherigen Strategien darstellt oder vielfach nur dem Marketing dienen soll. ; Against the background of the explorative case studies of selected cities and regions the attempt is made to come to an initial conclusion about the effects of the structural changes of locational competition on spatial development to date. An important general finding is that the influence of the changed competitive conditions between businesses has so far manifested itself more strongly in terms of the individual development strategies chosen for the cities and regions than it has in the actual economic development of the spatial units under investigation. This can be explained by the fact that changes in locational competition have continual long term effects that have in the short term been superimposed by other factors (such as the system transformation since 1990). Future research projects should, among other things, investigate whether the new policies of the cities and regions represent more than a quasi 'cosmetic' correction of past strategies or in many cases serve only for marketing.
In: Deutschland Archiv, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 792-799
ISSN: 0012-1428
This article attempts to shed light on the effects of interregional compensatory politics to date. It will also show how today's routine compensatory mechanisms could or should be rearranged & what significance the principle equal living conditions will have in the future. A brief overview of the scientific discussions regarding the causes of interregional disparities is presented. The knowledge of these causes will allow utilizing such measures for the benefit of structurally weak regions, which are able to help their economic development. The author briefly addresses the question whether & how compensatory measures benefiting structurally weak regions can be justified. E. Sanchez
Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, in welche Richtung die Regionalpolitik der EU weiterentwickelt werden sollte. Zunächst werden die Konsequenzen der EU-Osterweiterung erläutert, die sich ohne Veränderung der heutigen Regelungen nach 2006 ergeben würden. Anschließend wird untersucht, welche materiellen Auswirkungen die EU-Osterweiterung für die Ordnung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur hat und welche weiteren Einflussfaktoren der europäischen Regionalentwicklung für eine Reform der heutigen regionalpolitischen Regelungen von Belang sind. Der Beitrag gelangt zum Ergebnis, dass sich die EU-Ebene zukünftig auf die Beihilfenkontrolle, die Festlegung von Förderregionen sowie die Vergabe von finanziellen Mitteln konzentrieren sollte. Innerhalb der Förderregionen sollte anstelle des "Gießkannenprinzips" ein eher wachstumsorientiertes Konzept zur Anwendung kommen. Dabei sollte versucht werden, mit regionalpolitischen Maßnahmen noch stärker als bislang an den jeweiligen tatsächlichen regionalen Wachstumshemmnissen anzusetzen; dies sind vielfach nicht das fehlende unternehmerische Kapital, sondern Engpässe bei der Infrastruktur, fehlende regionale Netzwerke und Schwächen bei der Innovationstätigkeit. ; The article examines the possibilities for restructuring the current EU system of regional policy. In the framework of the existing institutional arrangement, the EU enlargement will lead "automatically" to some adjustments in European regional policy, after 2006. Apart from these "automatic" consequences in the field of regional policy, the territorial enlargement of the EU is contributing to relevant changes in the pattern of regional economic development in Europe. At the same time, globalization and technological changes will increase the disparities between wealthier and poorer regions. Against this background, the EU competencies in the field of regional policy should, in future, be restricted to state aid control, determining the regions to be supported and financing regional policy measures, while the competencies for deciding on the measures themselves should be allocated to the regional or to the national level of government. Both the regional and the national decision makers should replace the current use of the "watering can principle" and subsidies for private investment by concentrating regional policy measures on the expected regional growth centres and on the existing specific bottlenecks of regional economic development (e. g. more on infrastructure, business networks and innovation activities, less on private investment).
In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Band 74, Heft 1, S. 111-125
ISSN: 1861-1559
Regional policy has – in general – the intention to supporting the efforts of regions with development problems to overcome their current problems and to stimulate an increase in regional economic growth. If the regional policy measures by a jurisdiction are successful, there will be a tendency towards more economic convergence between the various regions within that jurisdiction, with the result of a higher degree of cohesion between these regions, than in a state without regional policy. There are many studies on evaluating the impact of different instruments of regional policy on cohesion. But there are only few investigations so far into the institutional framework of these instruments. One institutional aspect has become more and more relevant in public discussions during the last few years: In federations (e. g. in the EU), there is in general not only one jurisdiction responsible for regional policy, but two, three or even more levels of government; the responsibilities (or: competences) are fragmentated between these levels. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of the allocation of competences in the field of regional policy on the outcome (interregional cohesion) and on the costs (economic efficiency) of regional policy. The analysis is based on the Theory of Fiscal Federalism, including the Economic Theory of Intergovernmental Grants. All the possible more central or more decentral arrangements of regional policy are located between two polar cases: At one pole, we have an arrangement where only the central level of government (e. g. the EU level) is responsible for regional policy; neither any subcentral unit of government (e. g. at the member state level in the EU), nor the regions which are to be supported (the less developed regions) have any influence for deciding on the implementation of regional policy instruments, and only the central government has to finance regional policy with its own resources. At the other pole, we find an arrangement where only the subcentral units of government and the less developed regions themselves are deciding on regional policy and are responsible for financing. In connection with financing, different categories of grants in aid may be applied. In addition, the arrangements may differ from each other because of different institutions for controlling the activities of the lower levels. The main hypothesis is, that a more decentralized institutional arrangement is not in general more efficient and effective than a more centralized arrangement; but – as compared to the status quo in Europe – a more decentralized arrangement for some public responsibilities would lead to better results in the field of regional policy. Central questions to be answered are: Have subcentral governments (as compared to central units of government) a tendency for neglecting their subregions with development problems' What is the impact of information costs and asymmetrical information on the choice of the level of government for certain (sub-) responsibilities' To which degree is the central influence stimulating – or: paralyzing – the initiative of the regions which are to be supported?
In: Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa, Band 3, S. 182-198
ISSN: 1616-6558