Production and Supply Logistics of Sweet Sorghum as an Energy Feedstock
In: Sustainable Bioenergy Production, S. 193-212
6 Ergebnisse
In: Sustainable Bioenergy Production, S. 193-212
The origin of the Rule of Reason can be traced to the notable decision of United States v. Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. (1898), which was written by William Howard Taft during his tenure on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. There, Judge Taft distinguished between restraints that were mainly or entirely designed to restrain trade and those that are ancillary to a procompetitive main purpose. That fundamental distinction, drawn at the dawn of Sherman Act jurisprudence, forms the basis of the Rule of Reason that currently informs antitrust case law. This Article describes the context in which the Rule of Reason was debated and defended both in public discourse by President and Professor Taft and in the landmark Supreme Court decisions of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States (1911) and United States v. American Tobacco Co.(1911). This Article then follows the development of the Rule of Reason through Board of Trade of City of Chicago v. United States (1918) to the modern era of antitrust jurisprudence. Finally, this Article describes the application of the Rule of Reason to reverse-payment settlements in the pharmaceutical sector, one of the most challenging contemporary antitrust issues. It does so through a discussion of the Supreme Court case FTC v. Actavis (2013) and the Third Circuit's application of Actavis in In re Wellbutrin Xl Antitrust Litig. Indirect Purchaser Class (2017). This Article provided the foundation for, and introduction to, the remarks of Professor Michael A. Carrier and Mr. Saul Morgenstern that were delivered at the New York State Bar Association Antitrust Law Section's William Howard Taft Lecture on September 28, 2017. Those remarks are reprinted in article form in this volume of the Columbia Business Law Review.
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 31-37
ISSN: 1945-1350
The foregoing has been an attempt to illustrate the process of psychiatric casework in the outpatient department of a United States army general hospital. Although social work in the army had its beginning during the recent war where it performed service in training camps, overseas bases, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals, in the years following the war it has become focused in well-defined areas. The casework process, as illustrated, is similar to social casework in many civilian psychiatric settings. The similarity is brought out intentionally. The basic skill of casework is the same in all settings. Casework is applicable to the military community to the same degree that it applies to any well-organized community. The soldier and his dependents live in surroundings that in many respects resemble those found in the average American town. In order that he may be a more efficient soldier the army community strives to meet his needs just as any town or city endeavors to meet the needs of its citizens. The neuropsychiatric outpatient clinic and the role of the social worker in such a clinic are but one example of the peacetime medical care program in the military community.
In: Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products; Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, S. 125-154
In: Concurrences, No. 4, 2016
Current knowledge of yield potential and best agronomic management practices for perennial bioenergy grasses is primarily derived from small-scale and short-term studies, yet these studies inform policy at the national scale. In an effort to learn more about how bioenergy grasses perform across multiple locations and years, the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE)/Sun Grant Initiative Regional Feedstock Partnership was initiated in 2008. The objectives of the Feedstock Partnership were to (1) provide a wide range of information for feedstock selection (species choice) and management practice options for a variety of regions and (2) develop national maps of potential feedstock yield for each of the herbaceous species evaluated. The Feedstock Partnership expands our previous understanding of the bioenergy potential of switchgrass, Miscanthus, sorghum, energycane, and prairie mixtures on Conservation Reserve Program land by conducting long-term, replicated trials of each species at diverse environments in the U.S. Trials were initiated between 2008 and 2010 and completed between 2012 and 2015 depending on species. Field-scale plots were utilized for switchgrass and Conservation Reserve Program trials to use traditional agricultural machinery. This is important as we know that the smaller scale studies often overestimated yield potential of some of these species. Insufficient vegetative propagules of energycane and Miscanthus prohibited farm-scale trials of these species. The Feedstock Partnership studies also confirmed that environmental differences across years and across sites had a large impact on biomass production. Nitrogen application had variable effects across feedstocks, but some nitrogen fertilizer generally had a positive effect. National yield potential maps were developed using PRISM-ELM for each species in the Feedstock Partnership. This manuscript, with the accompanying supplemental data, will be useful in making decisions about feedstock selection as well as agronomic practices across a wide region of the country. ; North Central Regional Sun Grant Center at South Dakota State University through US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office [DE-FC36-05GO85041] ; This research was supported by funding from the North Central Regional Sun Grant Center at South Dakota State University through a grant provided by the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office under award number DE-FC36-05GO85041. The authors would also like to thank the many individuals who assisted with data collection, producers who allowed field trials to be conducted on their land, and any others who helped make the Feedstock Partnership a success. ; Public domain authored by a U.S. government employee