Examines how governments in LDCs are expanding the types of revenues suggested by international organisations for financing the decentralisation of urban services and infrastructure. Assesses municipal governments' most critical financial management problems and outlines implications for improving local administrative capacity. (SJK)
For 3 decades the US has been the largest contributor to multilateral assistance organisations such as the World Bank and the UN. But USAID has come under criticism. Traces the nature and sources of these tensions during the evolution of foreign aid policy. Outlines principal policy options for the 1990s. (SJK)
Both international assistance organizations and governments are searching for alternative means of providing public services in order to relieve the growing financial burdens and to reduce high levels of public employment. (SJO)
Many aid projects ignore or discount the cultural traditions and social practices of the recipient countries that will implement development activities. But recent studies indicate that social dimensions are crucial variables affecting their success or failure. Reviews the findings of these studies, identifies the social factors that influence the implementation of US Agency for International Development African development projects, and draws lessons from experience. (Abstract amended)
Describes the demographic trends and changes in labor force characteristics in developing nations that will shape their development assistance needs during the next decade. Assesses the current scope of US foreign aid programs in urban development, and outlines the implications of rapid urbanization for all policy in the future. (SJK)