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Open Access#22018
Saltwater intrusion under climate change in North-Western Germany - mapping, modelling and management approaches in the projects TOPSOIL and go-CAM
Climate change will result in rising sea level and, at least for the North Sea region, in rising groundwater table. This leads to a new balance at the fresh–saline groundwater boundary and a new distribution of saltwater intrusions with strong regional differentiations. These effects are investigated in several research projects funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Objectives and some results from the projects TOPSOIL and go-CAM are presented in this poster.
Implementing strategic development goals in coastal aquifer management (go-CAM) - Implementierung strategischer Entwicklungsziele im Küstenzonenmanagement: Abschlussbericht zum GRoW-Verbundprojekt go-CAM
Schöniger, Hans Matthias; Langmann, Tobias; Eley, Malte; Kobi, Daniel; Ebers, Niklas; Schneider, Anke; Zhao, Hong; Wolf, Jens
Schöniger, Hans Matthias; Langmann, Tobias; Eley, Malte; Kobi, Daniel; Ebers, Niklas; Schneider, Anke; Zhao, Hong; Wolf, Jens; Harms, Egon; Scheihing, Konstantin; Sütering, Uwe; Penning, Markus; Howahr, Michael; Mollenhauer, Silke; Vries de, Dieter; Eden, Tanja; Wiederhold, Helga; Ronczka, Mathias; Sobisch, Hans-Georg; Schade, Sara; Sander, Michael; Kejo, Haval; Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau; Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit; Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband; Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz; Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik; INSIGHT Geologische Softwaresysteme GmbH; GISCON Geoinformatik
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