El desarrollo de la economia regional en el Departamento de Cuzco y, mas especificamente, en la Cuenca del Vilcanota, se halla bloqueado debido a la subacumulacion, que esta muy relacionada con la procedencia, destino y retorno de la inversion o del capital-dinero. Tal contexto le sirve al autor de marco para plantear la cuestion de los dineros alternativos. Se postula que la identificacion, diseno e implementacion de esquemas monetarios heterodoxos, desde la escala local, puede ser uno de los instrumentos importantes para ir resolviendo los problemas del desarrollo regional, en este caso para dinamizar los intercambios y promover los mercados. (Apuntes/DÜI)
Focusing on two striking episodes in the early history of Natick, a Christian Indian town in colonial Massachusetts, this article examines the importance of Indian fathers and sons in New England missionary discourse and efforts. Just as missionaries saw fatherhood and patrimony as key to propagating Indian Christianity across generations, Native Americans who resisted the mission viewed prominent fathers and sons as a useful target for their resentment.
La cuestión acerca de la libertad religiosa tiene una gran relevancia en la conformación del gran conflicto bisecular de las dos Españas. No se trató de un problema práctico en el sentido de que nunca hubo en España una sustancial población de confesión distinta a la católica. Fue ante todo una discusión sobre los principios mismos de la comunidad política española, que enfrentó a los partidarios de la libertad individual con la idea de una nación esencialmente católica. Distinguimos para ello seis etapas: 1812-1854, 1854-1868, 1868-1876, 1876-1931, 1931-1936 y 1936-1976. ; Debate about religious freedom is a very relevant issue for understanding the so-called Two Spains conflict. It was not a practical problem in the sense that never there was a sizable population in Spain who professed religions other than Catholic. It was above all an argument about the very foundations of the Spanish political community that confronted supporters of individual liberty to an idea of an essentially Catholic nation. The story is organized in six phases: 1812-1854, 1854-1868, 1868-1876, 1876-1931, 1931-1936 and 1936-1976.
Reseña de Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013. VI, 441 pp. ISBN: 9781107007857.
Abstract. The high-impact precipitation events that regularly affect the western Mediterranean coastal regions are still difficult to predict with the current prediction systems. Bearing this in mind, this paper focuses on the superensemble technique applied to the precipitation field. Encouraged by the skill shown by a previous multiphysics ensemble prediction system applied to western Mediterranean precipitation events, the superensemble is fed with this ensemble. The training phase of the superensemble contributes to the actual forecast with weights obtained by comparing the past performance of the ensemble members and the corresponding observed states. The non-hydrostatic MM5 mesoscale model is used to run the multiphysics ensemble. Simulations are performed with a 22.5 km resolution domain (Domain 1 in http://mm5forecasts.uib.es) nested in the ECMWF forecast fields. The period between September and December 2001 is used to train the superensemble and a collection of 19~MEDEX cyclones is used to test it. The verification procedure involves testing the superensemble performance and comparing it with that of the poor-man and bias-corrected ensemble mean and the multiphysic EPS control member. The results emphasize the need of a well-behaved training phase to obtain good results with the superensemble technique. A strategy to obtain this improved training phase is already outlined.
En este artículo se estudian las carreras profesionales, financieras, políticas y honoríficas de algunos de los máximos directivos del monopolio fiscal del tabaco durante el período en el que dejó de ser una renta arrendada para convertirse en un ramo administrado directamente por la Real Hacienda. La mayoría de estos altos oficiales combinaron, en diversas proporciones, actividades político-financieras con responsabilidades político-administrativas y, en general, observamos una adaptación de los individuos al escenario creado con la supresión de los arrendamientos. ; In this paper we study the professional, financial, political and honorific careers of some tobacco fiscal monopoly's top managers during the period when this royal income ceased to be leased and became a directly managed branch by the Royal Treasury. The majority of those high officials combined politico-financial activities with politico-administrative responsibilities and, generally, we perceive how they succeeded to adapt themselves to the existing situation after the tax farming suppression.
este artículo estudia a través de 17 casos concretos de administradores provinciales de la Renta del tabaco, cuáles eran las características socioeconómicas de estos cuadros medios del monopolio tabaquero en el momento de transición del modelo de arrendamientos y subarrendamientos al de administración directa. dentro de la variedad de situaciones que esta breve cata permite vislumbrar, en todo caso se advierte cómo los administradores provinciales eran por lo general pequeños negociantes enmarcados en intrincadas redes sociales en las que se confundían las actividades financieras con las administrativas y políticas. ; this paper studies, through 17 case studies, which were the socioeconomic features of the provincial administrators of the Spanish Royal tobacco Monopoly, at the time of its transition from a tax-farming scheme to a bureaucratic one. considering the wide range of situations that this brief prospect lets to make out, we may realize besides how those provincial administrators generally were small businessmen who acted from within intricate social networks, in which the financial, administrative and political activities intertwined.
El monopolio real del tabaco fue decretado sólo para la Corona de Castilla en 1636. Debido a su reconocida eficacia, los gobernantes españoles intentaron implantarlo allá donde fuese políticamente posible. Después de la guerra de Sucesión, fue establecido en la Corona de Aragón, ya que estos territorios perdieron entonces su régimen foral de autonomía. Como las provincias vascas y Navarra consiguieron conservar su régimen foral, el Gobierno español no pudo someter allí el régimen general del estanco tabaquero y tuvo que contentarse con negociar soluciones que no perjudicasen al estanco general. Finalmente, en el contexto de las reformas borbónicas en América, la Renta del Tabaco fue gradualmente introducida en todos los territorios de las Indias españolas. ; The Spanish Crown's Tobacco Tax Monopoly vas decreed only for the kingdom of Castile in 1936. Due to its acknowledged performance. Spanish rulers tried to set it up wherever politically possible. After the War of Succession, it was established in the kingdoms of Aragon, so those kingdoms lost their political autonomy. Basque provinces and Navarre succeeded to preserve their special political status, and the Spanish Government could not put into service the general Tobacco Tax Monopoly there and had to negotiate solutions in order to not damage the general Monopoly. Finally, in the context of the Bourbonic reforms in America, the Tobacco Tax Monopoly was gradually introduced in every territory of the Spanish Indies.
El Estado dotó a los empleados del monopolio real del tabaco de un régimen de privilegio con el doble propósito de facilitarles el ejercicio de sus funciones y, sobre todo, de estimular el servicio en la Renta mediante unas compensaciones económicas —y también sociales— que no repercutían en las finanzas reales sino que se trasladaban al conjunto de la masa social no privilegiada. El privilegio de estos empleados de la Real Hacienda fue controvertido, puesto que si bien suponía un perjuicio para el bien común, suponía también un ahorro de costes muy importante para el aparato recaudatorio del Estado. ; The Spanish State gave many privileges and exemptions to the Royal Tobacco Tax Monopoly employees in order to help them to perform their functions and, above all, to encourage them to work in the Monopoly by means of economic —and also social— compensations that did not distress royal finances as they were supported by non-privileged people. Those privileges were controversial because they damaged the common good but, on the other hand, they meant a noteworthy cutback of the Royal Treasury disbursements.
Abstract. During the afternoon of 4 October 2007, a thunderstorm swept across the Island of Mallorca from southwest to northeast. Strong straight-line winds (up to 30 m/s) and heavy rain (rates up to 100 mm/h) were registered accompanying the storm. Tornadoes with an estimated intensity of F2–F3 developed nearby the city of Palma, severely affecting industrial installations. One person was killed by the impact of heavy debris while more than 10 million € in damages were attributed to the event in the industrial area only. The observed evolution of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure, as well as the sequence of radar images, reveal that a squall line was initially organized over the sea and then moved north-eastwards at an estimated speed of around 80 km/h. This paper presents an analysis of the event from an observational point of view. The aim of the study is to contribute to the characterization of these rare events in the Western Mediterranean by analyzing the observational information available for this particular extreme event. The diagnosis is aimed at helping forecasters to identify this kind of organized deep convective events and being able to issue timely warnings. The synoptic scenario shows warm and moist advection at low levels over Balearics and an upper-level trough over mainland Spain. This situation is known to be prone to deep convection in Mediterranean Spain in autumn. Radiosonde ascents from Murcia and Palma show convective instability at mid levels that can conduce to develop convection if appropriate ascents occur. A plausible lifting mechanism to trigger convection is attributed to large amplitude gravity waves, registered as short-period pressure oscillations by surface barographs.
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 64A-64A
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 178A-178A
Aim:The specific professional activity of pilots is dependent of health status. Health hazards associated with acrobatic flight may have negative aspects, since pilots do not always receive precise preparation for certain situations. Together with a complex position and an increased gravitational load, the acrobatic movements place high demand on skeletal muscles and circulatory system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mean and peak electromyographic amplitude of upper limbs in Brazilian Air Force flight instructors submitted to a reproduction of acrobatic maneuvers (Looping, Tonneau Barrel, Tonneau Slow, Returnemant) using the Force Simulator Prototype (SFA-EMB312/T27). This study is of fundamental importance to prevent shoulder injuries in Brazilian military pilots. The incidence of detachment and injury due to the high forces generated in the joystick is very high. Methods:Twelve male flight instructors participated in the study. Surface electromyography was used to analyse ten muscles of the upper limbs during four movements (the front, the back, external rotation and internal rotation) on a Force Simulator Prototype (SFA-EMB312/T27). The Root Mean Square (RMS) of the signal, expressed in microvolt's (mV; mean±SD), was calculated through the electromyographic amplitude of each selected muscle in all maneuvers. Results:There were higher mean electromyographic activation (EMGa) for the Anterior Deltoid muscle (162,280±60;mV) in the front movement; the Flexor Carpi Radialis muscle (123,349±36;mV) in the back movement; the Brachial Biceps muscle (314,587±73;mV) in the Internal Rotation movement; and the Posterior Deltoid muscle (545,028±125,5;mV) in the External Rotation movement. The mean EMGa indicated greater total muscle activation (132,592±157;mV) in the External Rotation movement. Results of peak EMGa showed that the highest values were presented for the Anterior Deltoid muscle (334,234±109;mV) in the front movement; the Flexor Carpi Radialis muscle (407,969±114;mV) in the back movement; the Brachial Biceps muscle (440,263±120;mV) in the Internal Rotation movement; and the Posterior Deltoid muscle (1277,229±333,5;mV) in the External Rotation movement. Conclusion:Our data demonstrated that some maneuvers within acrobatic flights require a higher demand for specific muscles of the upper limbs. Further research is required to define the influence of physical training as well as volume, intensity and optimum loads to improve pilot performance and safety, and to prevent injury during acrobatic flights.
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 62A-62A