Antropologia giuridica: un percorso evoluzionista verso l'origine della relazione giuridica
In: Studi / Università degli studi Sapienza di Roma, Accademia internazionale di filosofiadel diritto 48
10 Ergebnisse
In: Studi / Università degli studi Sapienza di Roma, Accademia internazionale di filosofiadel diritto 48
In: Abhandlungen zur rechtswissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung 76
In: Münchener Universitätsschriften
In: Juristische Fakultät
In: Logon didonai. Saggi 20
In the first part of this paper we will present a series of Levi letters, between the 1920's and 1930's, that he addressed to the Rockefeller Foundation's officers, who always supported his research, found in the archives of the Foundation itself. These letters are an important testimony of the Italian political and cultural climate of those years. A second part is dedicated to some of the 80 letters sent by Levi's student Oliviero Mario Olivo, a professor of the Medical Faculty in Bologna, from 1932 to 1964. Forty years after the death of Giuseppe Levi, we wanted to dedicate to his figure and that of the Professor Victor McKusick, a pioneer in medical genetics died in 2008, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Genetic and Medicine in Ronzano-Bologna. Key words: Rockefeller Foundation - Fascism - Science and Society - Cultural heritage
In: Logon didonai. Saggi 12