6 Ergebnisse
Upaya Pengembangan Agroforestry Sebagai Langkah Pengamanan Peyangga Hutan Di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya
ABSTRACT. This research was aimed to : analyze Agrpforestry policy and effect of community social economic factors in conducting agroforestry consenssionin Pidie Jaya District. The research uses survey method with Multi Stage Cluster Sampling. The research was carried out in Pidie Jaya District right in Bandar Baru,Trienggadeng, and Pante Raja Sub-districts. The research result revealed that police of agroforestry does include the local community. The obstacle in agroforestry policy such as unjustice of policy more emphasized of economic factor, assumption of forest is public matter, consention authority still be handled by central government, and anthropocentrism attitude on forest. Policy directive of agroforestty consenssion in Pidie Jaya District can be done by establishing area of cacao and havea plantation in buffer zone, and also giving conservation concession to broken forest, critical, and degradated. Factors that correlated very tight to forest degradation are law enforcement cultivation land wide, residence status, and security condition.
The Success of Food House Lestari Area Program in the Farmer Women Group in Aceh Jaya District
The Success of food house Lestari Area Program in the farmer women Group in Aceh Jaya District. Research that discusses the conditions and success of food houseLesatari Area (KRPL) program and how the influence of internal and external factors on the success of the KRPL program in Aceh Jaya District. The method used in the sampling technique is a simple random sampling method with a sample number of 45 people. The analysis tool is a questionnaire given to a group of farm women. From the results obtained KRPL Program conditions in Aceh Jaya district has already been good with the achievement of the percentage of performance by 95%, for the achievement of the 100% Seed garden program, 100% demonstration plot, and 75% of member's yard. However, the success of the KRPL Program in the Women Farmers Group in Aceh Jaya District based on the PPH score indicator and the Food Expenditure Share obtained the success rate of the KRPL program with a percentage of 86.67% with the number of KWT respondents included in the low success rate category of 39 people. For KWT who are already in the high success rate category with a percentage of 13.33% with the number of KWT respondents as many as 6 people. The results of the Logistic Regression conducted to see the influence between variables obtained the results that the variables of Internal factors that have an influence on the success of the KRPL program are KWT Education (X1), while the number of KWT Family Members (X2) does not have a significant influence on the success of KRPL, and External Factors of the success of the Program that has an influence on the success of the program is the variable (X3) The Role of instructor, while (X4) Institution does not have a significant influence on the success of the KRPL program in the group of women farmers in Aceh Jaya District.
Analysis of Nutmeg Market Structure in South Aceh District
In: International journal of multicultural and multireligious understanding: IJMMU, Band 6, Heft 5, S. 950
ISSN: 2364-5369
Market structure can affect performance and behavior in a market. This research aim to analyze the nutmeg market structure in South Aceh District. Indonesia. By looking at the level of competition, market concentration and barriers to market entry. The results of a qualitative study of nutmeg market structure are classified as oligopoly markets while quantitatively by looking at market share, market concentration and market entry barriers from the results obtained by the market are highly concentrated so it is very difficult to enter to the nutmeg market by new traders.
The Livestock Partnership Development Strategy between Companies and Farmers in Greater Aceh Regency
In: International journal of multicultural and multireligious understanding: IJMMU, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 166
ISSN: 2364-5369
The partnership may unite the interests of farmers and companies as the providers of livestock production facilities. The partnership pattern can be used to overcome various kinds of shortcomings faced by smallholder farmers in Greater Aceh Regency, in case that sometimes the partnership model often causes criticism and suspicion that lead to dissension. This research aimed to find out the strategy of developing livestock partnership patterns between companies and broiler breeders in Greater Aceh Regency. The results of the study showed that the livestock partnership development strategy between companies and breeders in Greater Aceh Regency are 1) Expanding marketing and promotion networks, 2) Increasing collaboration with academics and stakeholders in developing broiler livestock, 3) Increasing livestock cultivation resources and market information, 4) Strengthening business institutional in the field of production to meet market needs, 5) Certiifying the availability of quantity and ensuring the quality of livestock and conduct training / coaching for breeders, 6) Strengthening cooperative relations with partners and organizations that reinforce the livestock facilities, 7) Improving the quality of human resources in field staff and improving supervision in guidance and 8) Maximizing the use of facilities and infrastructure that are available.
Indonesia is one of agrarian countries in the world that rely on the agricultural sector in support of itseconomy. Indonesia had been a self-sufficient country in 1984 and now the government of President Joko Widodo with his Work Cabinet had established UPSUS Pajale program to achieve back the selfsufficiencythat ever lost. This research was conducted in order to analyze UPSUS Pajale strategy in increasing rice production in Big Aceh District and contribution of increasing rice production to economic improvement in Big Aceh District. The results showed that UPSUS Pajale in Big Aceh District did not increase rice production, even decreased production to 230,985 tons in 2015 and 199,248 tons in 2016 compared to before the implementation of UPSUS Pajale 264,190 tons in 2014 and 243,734 tons in 2013. UPSUS Pajale strategy that needs to be implemented in increasing rice production in Big Aceh District is SO (Strength-Opportunity). The implementation of the UPSUS Pajale program in Big Aceh District did not result an increase in the contribution of paddy production to the PDRB and agricultural sector PDRB, and even a decline in rice contribution during the implementation of UPSUS PajaleKeywords: UPSUS Pajale, rice production, regional economic growth