
11 Ergebnisse


Buch(elektronisch)#120182 Versionen verfügbar

"Se conoce que usted es 'Moderna'": lecturas de la mujer moderna en la colonia hispana de Nueva York (1920-1940)

In: Tiempo emulado. Historia de América y España 63



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Open Access#32020

En nombre del amor: políticas de la sexualidad en el proyecto socialista bolivariano ; In the Name of Love: Politics of Sexuality in the Bolivarian Socialist Project ; Em nome do amor: políticas da sexualidade no projeto socialista bolivariano


Open Access#42020

"I behaved like an animal": sobre los límites de lo humano y la vida animal en We the Animals de Justin Torres ; "I behaved like an animal": About the Limits of the Human and the Animal Life in Justin Torres' We the Animals ; "I behaved like an animal": sobre os limites do humano e a vida animal em ...


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Open Access#62019

"I behaved like an animal": About the Limits of the Human and the Animal Life in Justin Torres' We the Animals ; "I behaved like an animal": sobre los límites de lo humano y la vida animal en We the Animals de Justin Torres ; "I behaved like an animal": sobre os limites do humano e a vida animal em ...



New Perspectives on Hispanic Caribbean Studies

In: Springer eBook Collection



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Open Access#92021

Deliberative Teaching as an Emergent Field: The Challenge of Articulating Diverse Research Agendas to Promote Educational Experiences for Citizenship


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Open Access#112019

The inclusion of LGTBI students in Chilean schools: Between invisibility and social recognition La inclusión de estudiantes LGTBI en las escuelas chilenas: Entre invisibilización y reconocimiento social