El canal de Panamá motivo de controversias
In: Revista de las Fuerzas Armadas, Heft 48, S. 493-500
ISSN: 2981-3018
6 Ergebnisse
In: Revista de las Fuerzas Armadas, Heft 48, S. 493-500
ISSN: 2981-3018
In: Administrative science quarterly: ASQ ; dedicated to advancing the understanding of administration through empirical investigation and theoretical analysis, Band 60, Heft 2, S. NP31-NP32
ISSN: 0001-8392
In: Peace research abstracts journal, Band 44, Heft 6, S. 431
ISSN: 0031-3599
Editorial ; Balance de fin de año ; Aguilera, Oscar ; Presentación. ; Aguilera, Oscar ; Populismo, democracia y política social en Venezuela. ; Populism, democracy and Venezuelan social policy. ; Alvarado Chacín, Neritza ; Cultura tributaria y contribuyentes: Datos y aspectos metodológicos. ; Tributary culture and taxpayers: Data and methodological aspects. ; Méndez Peña, María; Morales, Nelson; Aguilera, Oscar ; Método etnográfico y trabajo social: Algunos aportes para las áreas de investigación e intervención social. ; Ethnographic method and social work: Some contributions for the research areas and social intervention. ; Gómez Sánchez, Irey Coromoto; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Luis; Alarcón, Luis ; Intervención sobre la imagen urbana en centros tradicionales. Proyecto de renovación urbana: Funicular-trolebús, Mérida, Venezuela. ; Intervention over urban image in traditional centers. Urban renovation project: Cable-car and trolley in Mérida, Venezuela. ; Gil Scheuren, Beatríz María; Briceño Ávila, Morella ; "Oriana" de Fina Torres: Un lugar para el discurso femenino. ; Fina Torres' Oriana: A place to the femenine discourse. ; Arreaza, Emperatriz ; Aspectos éticos del uso de la realidad virtual en la enseñanza de la anatomía humana. ; Ethic aspects about the use of virtual reality in the human anatomy teaching. ; Zambrano Ferre, Alejandro ; Aportes para formar un individuo integral en la educación superior venezolana. ; Contributions to form a integral individual in higher education. ; Romero González, Adolfo; Hernández, Marbelys; Hernández Rojas, María; Graterol, Mireya; Márquez Sulbarán, Moraima ; Codificación prosódica de la información incidental en el discurso espontáneo. Un estudio de caso. ; Prosodic codification of incidental information in the spontaneous discourse. A study case. ; Asuaje, Rosa Amelia; Blondet, Maria Alejandra; Mora Gallardo, Elsa; Rojas F., Enrique L. ; Algunos términos del español colonia venezolano en causas sobre comercio ilegal de urao y chimó en Mérida, siglos XVIII y XIX. ; Some expressions of the Venezuelan colonial spanish in causes on the illegal trade of urao and chimó in Mérida from 18th and 19th centuries. ; Urbina, Jorge Ender; Ramos, Elvira; Rodríguez LorenZo, Miguel Ángel ; Indice acumulado ; 449-460 ; rosa@ula.ve ; elsamora@ula.ve ; mblondet@ula.ve ; enriqueluisrojas@ula.ve ; trimestral ; Nivel analítico
In: Advances in applied ceramics: structural, functional and bioceramics, Band 114, Heft sup1, S. S42-S47
ISSN: 1743-6761
STFC ; Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship ; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) ; Royal Society ; InvisiblesPlus RISE from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant ; National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) - Korea government (MSIT) ; NExT Institute ; STFC CG ; H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 ; University of Southampton (U.K.) ; STFC: ST/L000296/1 ; Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship: LT140094 ; Royal Society: IE150682 ; InvisiblesPlus RISE from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant: 690575 ; National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) - Korea government (MSIT): 2018R1A6A1A06024970 ; National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) - Korea government (MSIT): 2018R1C1B5045624 ; STFC CG: ST/L000296/1 ; H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014: 645722 ; Processo FAPESP: 2013/01907-0 ; Processo FAPESP: 2016/15897-4 ; Processo University of Southampton (U.K.): FAPESP 2013/50905-0 ; The inert two- Higgs-doublet Model (i2HDM) is a well-motivated minimal consistent dark matter (DM) model, but it is rather challenging to test at the LHC in the parameter space allowed by relic density and DM direct detection constraints. This is especially true when considering the latest XENON 1T data on direct DM searches, which we use here to present the best current combined limit on the i2HDM parameter space. In this analysis, we present prospects to advance the exploitation of DM monojet signatures from the i2HDM at the LHC, by emphasising that a shape analysis of the missing transverse momentum distribution allows one to sizably improve the LHC discovery potential. For a key element of our analysis, we explore the validity of using an effective vertex, ggH, for the coupling of the Higgs boson to gluons using a full one-loop computation. We have found sizeable differences between the two approaches, especially in the high missing transverse momentum region, and incorporated the respective K-factors to obtain the correct kinematical distributions. As a result, we delineate a realistic search strategy and present the improved current and projected LHC sensitivity to the i2HDM parameter space.