Antibody responses to flagellin C and Streptococcus gallolyticus pilus proteins in colorectal cancer
The "Acción Transversal del Cáncer", approved on the Spanish Ministry Council on the 11th October 2007; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER funds –a way to build Europe- (grants numbers PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI08/1359, PS09/00773, PS09/01662, PS09/01286, PS09/01903, PS09/02078, PI11/00226, PI11/01403, PI11/01810, PI11/01889, PI11/02213, PI12/00150, PI12/00265, PI12/00488, PI12/00715, PI12/01270, PI14/00613, PI17/00092); the Fundación Marques de Valdecilla (grant number API 10/09); Obra Social CAJASTUR (grant number SV-CAJASTUR-1); Recercaixa (grant number 2010ACUP 00310); Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientifc Foundation; Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) –Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalonian Government) (grant numbers 2009SGR1026, 2009SGR1465 and 2017SGR723); and Junta de Castilla y León (grant number LE022A10-2). Sample collection and storage was partially supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (grant number RD09/0076/00036), Xarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya sponsored by Pla Director d'Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC).