Analysis of selected Philippine industries, Vol. 1, Mutual fund, credit card, pension fund, electric power, cement, and telecommunications services
In: Analysis of selected Philippine industries Vol. 1
9 Ergebnisse
In: Analysis of selected Philippine industries Vol. 1
Over nearly forty years, Hip Hop has developed as a cultural and artistic phenomenon affecting youth culture around the world. For many youth, and some adults, "Hip Hop reflects the social economic, political, and cultural realities, and conditions of their lives, speaking to them in a language and manner they understand" (Alridge and Stewart 190). As a result of both its longevity and its cogent message for many youth worldwide, Hip Hop cannot be dismissed as merely a passing fad or as a youth movement that will soon run its course. Hip Hop will continue for another three or four decades, and will continue to mold and shape the mind-set, behavior, and social status of the culture. In this thesis, I intend to demonstrate that the Hip Hop Culture that surrounds the music phenomenon can and should be reached for the gospel by using the mission and vision technique of Crossover Community Church, by understanding the need to stop the ethnocentrisms by the church upon the hip hop community that will allow bridges of fellowship to be built, and therefore become indigenous to the Hip-Hop Culture while implementing Donald Larson's, "the learner, trader, storyteller model."
In: Pertsonak eta antolakunde publikoak kudeatzeko euskal aldizkaria: Revista vasca de gestión de personas y organizaciones públicas, Heft 19, S. 20-41
ISSN: 2531-2103
Vamos a abordar cómo se debe ejercitar la «potestad discrecional» en el nombramiento en puestos de libre designación en las Administraciones Públicas. Analizaremos el derecho subjetivo a la carrera profesional del personal funcionario público y la distinción entre los sistemas de provisión de puestos de trabajo: el concurso y la libre designación. De la discrecionalidad de la libre designación escudriñaremos los elementos que la componen en relación con el mérito y la capacidad. El resultado de tal actividad, que deberá ejercerse desde los principios de objetividad, imparcialidad y transparencia, nos llevará hasta determinar la persona candidata a seleccionar, la persona idónea.
Administrazio publikoetako izendapen askeko lanpostuetarako izendapenetan «ahalmen diskrezionala» nola erabili aztertuko dugu. Funtzionario publikoen karrera profesionalerako eskubide subjektiboa ikertuko dugu, baita lanpostuak betetzeko sistemen arteko aldea ere: lehiaketa eta izendapen askea. Izendapen askearen diskrezionalitatearen kasuan, hura osatzen duten elementuak aztertuko ditugu, merezimenduari eta gaitasunari dagokienez. Prozesu hori objektibotasun-, inpartzialtasun- eta gardentasun-printzipioetatik abiatuta gauzatu beharko da, eta jarduera horren emaitzak hautatu beharreko hautagaia, pertsona egokia, zehaztera eramango gaitu.
We are going to address how the «discretionary power» should be exercised in the appointment of freely appointed positions in the Public Administrations. We will analyze the subjective right to the professional career of public officials and the distinction between the systems for the provision of jobs: competition and free appointment. Regarding the discretion of free designation, we will scrutinize the elements that compose it in relation to merit and capacity. The result of such activity, which must be exercised from the principles of objectivity, impartiality and transparency, will lead us to determine the candidate to select, the ideal person.
La construcción de una identidad y su relación con el turismo en México tiene sus orígenes alrededor de los años 30 del siglo pasado. En ese tiempo, México tenía un proyecto de nación a partir de dos visiones completamente disímiles: una nacionalista -tradicional y una modernizadora -urbana. Este artículo describe y discute la influencia de estas dos visiones dentro del desarrollo turístico en México. Esta influencia se veía reflejada tanto en el desarrollo del interés por promover el pasado cultural (representado en el patrimonio histórico y el pasado indigenista) como en el apoyo financiero y político del gobierno para crear las condiciones de un destino turístico moderno. Esta información ayuda a entender las circunstancias por las cuáles México adoptó patrones de promoción y desarrollo turístico que subsisten hasta el día de hoy, así como el papel que juega la ideología política, económica y social dentro de la definición de un destino. ; The construction of a cultural identity and its relation with the tourism industry in Mexico has its origins in 1930s. At the time, Mexico's nation building project has combined two completely different visions: one nationalistic -traditional and the other, modern -urban. This article describes and discusses the influence of these two visions on the development of tourism in Mexico, which combines the promotion of the cultural past represented by the indigenous pre -hispanic cultural heritage, with the financial and political support from the government in creating the conditions for a modern tourist destination. This helps us understand the circumstances by which Mexico embraced a promotion and tourism development blueprint (or model) that has persisted up to the present day, as well as the role that political, economic and social ideology plays in the definition of a tourist destination.
What was the international impact on the Chilean transition to democracy? How much influence was there from international aid both from countries themselves as well as from organizations outside Chile? Where was this aid coming from, how was it manifesting itself, and what was its goal and to whom did it go? How significant was the organizational power of the opposition groups? Did they cooperate? Were they efficient? In the academic literature on the Chilean transition, we find that these questions have not been answered satisfactorily. The bias toward internal phenomena due to the influential lead roles played by local actors has caused interest to wane in regards to the international impact. Institutions from European countries, the United States, and Canada concentrated their efforts in conjoining the opposition to combat a regime that no longer had international legitimacy. Therefore, if we were to venture an explanation on this phenomenon we could see that there was a correlation between the internal and external events that assisted in inducing three elements that today are recognized as having been influential on the Chilean transition: a) the coordination between two sectors, which prior to the coup, were strongly antagonistic (the Socialist Party and Christian Democrats), b) the creation of a strong and functional organization of private research centers, which acted in parallel to the institutions that the regime interfered with (e.g.: universities), and c) the coordination between those who were exiled and those who were in the country, with the aim of preparing the transition to democracy.
In: Latin American politics and society, Band 57, Heft 2, S. 91-110
ISSN: 1548-2456
AbstractThe potential democratizing effect of political decentralization reforms has been a matter of substantial theoretical and empirical debate. This article analyzes the effect of local democratic institution building on the political attitudes and behavior of citizens living in small towns in Uruguay. More specifically, using a natural experiment design, this research seeks to establish the causal impact of recently established elections of local authorities on individuals' political engagement. It develops a comparative case study analyzing the consequences of this institutional innovation in two towns. It shows that individuals from the town where citizens have the opportunity to elect their local authorities have more positive attitudes toward politics than those from the town without such elections.
In: Política y gobierno, Band 18, Heft 2
ISSN: 1665-2037
This article analyzes the effects of majoritarian formulas on the effective number of candidates in the elections for president (absolute majority) and mayor (relative majority) in Chile. Although, in theory, greater fragmentation with the absolute majority system with run-off voting would be expected, the authors demonstrate that, in the case of Chile, precisely the opposite is observed. Fragmentation is greater in the relative majority system. This is explained by the lower entry and information costs that exist in mayoral elections with respect to presidential ones. We support this hypothesis with a time series statistical model (cross-sectional time series regression model). We use electoral data added to the communal level for the 2004 and 2008 municipal elections, and for the 1999 and 2005 presidential elections. Adapted from the source document.
This paper accounts for the process that led to the construction of a public policy about teaching assesment in Colombia. Teaching performance assessment in this country has been a controversial issue during the last decades, as it is one of the tools favored by the government to impact the quality of education. The discussion about its pertinence, its conception and its characteristics becomes the meeting point of different actors that, while looking for the best option to characterize teachers' performance and assessment, have allowed for the statement of some public policy trends on the issue. The paper accounts for this process. ; El presente artículo tiene como objetivo dar cuenta del proceso que ha seguido la construcción de políticas para la evaluación docente en Colombia. La evaluación del desempeño docente en en el país ha sido materia de debate en las últimas décadas, en tanto constituye una de las herramientas que se ha privilegiado desde el nivel gubernamental para incidir en la calidad de la educación. El debate en torno a su pertinencia, a su concepción y a sus características se convierte en el punto de encuentro de diversos actores que, en la búsqueda de la mejor opción para caracterizar el desempeño de los docentes y de su evaluación, han posibilitado el trazo de algunas líneas de política pública al respecto. ; A avaliação de desempenho docente na Colômbia tem sido matéria de debate nas últimas décadas, pois constitui uma das ferramentas privilegiadas desde o nível governamental para incidir na qualidade da educação. O debate ao redor de sua pertinência, sua concepção e suas características é o ponto de encontro de diversos atores que na busca da melhor opção para caracterizar o desempenho dos professores e de sua avaliação, possibilitaram o traçado de algumas linhas de política pública a este respeito, do qual da conta o presente artigo.
The design of the aerospace systems for future aircraft requires the identification of new suitable communication infrastructures that can overcome the limitations that often come with the use of the legacy, albeit well-proven, protocols that are routinely integrated into aerospace. This allows us to overcome the bandwidth constraints, large deployment costs, or the lack of flexibility of other alternatives, such as SpaceWire, or legacy systems, such as the MIL-STD-1553B bus. These protocols can be replaced with new technologies that can fulfill the greater real-time and interconnectivity demands of advanced scientific probes or manned spacecraft. The advent of the new microlauncher systems has all but confirmed this trend. In this context, we describe the design and implementation of a time-sensitive networking (TSN) bus for the avionics of the Miura 1 suborbital microlauncher. TSN represents an appropriate interface for this type of platform given its ability to provide the determinism and reliability expected in space-grade systems in combination with the higher data rates (gigabit Ethernet) and greater flexibility of standard Ethernet. This has resulted in a TSN platform developed by Seven Solutions S.L. based on the commercially available Zynq-7000 devices from Xilinx. Thus, our design features a light-footprint field-programmable gate array (FPGA) architecture powered by a real-time executive for multiprocessor systems (RTEMS) operating system, which is currently pending its certification from the European space agency (ESA) for space applications. All these elements have been successfully integrated and validated for the avionics of the Miura 1 sounding rocket, which represents an illustrative case that verifies their applicability to similar scenarios. © 1965-2011 IEEE. ; This work was supported in part by the Amiga-7 under Grant RTI2018-096 228-B-C3 and it was conducted in the context of the Gigabit Ethernet TSN Deterministic Network (GETDEN) Project of the European Space Agency. ; With funding from the Spanish government through the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation SEV-2017-0709. ; Peer reviewed