16 Ergebnisse
Educação Especial e Inclusiva em Portugal Factos e opções
Nas últimas décadas os governos de Portugal têm desenvolvidos políticas conducentes a permitir a educação de alunos com dificuldades e deficiencias nas escolas regulares. Estas políticas conduziram a acções no ámbito da formação de profesores, na provisão de diferentes tipos de recursos e novas formas de organização da escola e do apoio educativo. Como resultado destas políticas, Portugal tem actualmente pouco mais de 2% de alunos com deficiencia em escolas especiais estando os restantes alunos em escolas regulares. Em Janeiro de 2008 foi publicada uma nova lei de Educação especial. Este artigo tem por objectivo apresentar as linhas principais desta nova legislaçVo juntamente como alguns dados estatísticos. No final do artigo faz-se uma análise crítica das medidas legislativas em vigoe nomeadamente as "escolas de referencia", as "unidades especializadas", o sistema de financiamiento e a utilização da CIF-CJ (OMS, 2007)
COVID-19 and Sexual Desire: Perceived Fear Is Associated with Enhanced Relationship Functioning
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 59, Heft 4, S. 403-412
ISSN: 1559-8519
Sociosexuality, Commitment, Sexual Infidelity, and Perceptions of Infidelity: Data From the Second Love Web Site
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 54, Heft 2, S. 241-253
ISSN: 1559-8519
Regulatory Focus and Sexual Health: Motives for Security and Pleasure in Sexuality are Associated with Distinct Protective Behaviors
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 59, Heft 4, S. 484-492
ISSN: 1559-8519
Caught in a "Bad Romance"? Reconsidering the Negative Association Between Sociosexuality and Relationship Functioning
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 54, Heft 9, S. 1118-1127
ISSN: 1559-8519
Factors Associated with Perceived Self-efficacy in Online and Face-to-Face Flirting Skills
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 496-508
ISSN: 1936-4822
A new look at online attraction: Unilateral initial attraction and the pivotal role of perceived similarity
In: Computers in human behavior, Band 74, S. 16-25
ISSN: 0747-5632
Perceived parent and friend support for romantic relationships in emerging adults
In: Personal relationships, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 4-16
ISSN: 1475-6811
AbstractPositive close relationships with immediate close network members are associated with healthy adjustment among emerging adults (EA). These influence the initiation and maintenance of romantic relationships. A cross‐sectional study (N = 630) explored the role of perceived parental and friend support for the current romantic relationship in relationship quality among early EA (EEA; 18–21 years) and middle EA (MEA; 22–25 years) heterosexuals. Structural equation modeling results showed that in EEA, greater friend support was associated with greater commitment, satisfaction, and investments, and less quality of alternatives. Greater parental support was associated with greater commitment, satisfaction, and investments in MEA. This research advances literature by showing different associations between sources of social support and relationship quality in two EA age groups.
Psychological Correlates of Attitudes toward Pet Relinquishment and of Actual Pet Relinquishment: The Role of Pragmatism and Obligation
SIMPLE SUMMARY: Understanding the psychological correlates of attitudes toward pet relinquishment and actual pet relinquishment is essential to inform interventions, and assess their impact. In this study, we developed new scales to measure attitudes toward pet relinquishment, motives for pet relinquishment, and general trust in pets. With these scales, we showed that attitudes of lack of obligation toward pet relinquishment were more likely in older people, those who perceived their pet as a burden, and those with lower general trust in pets. In addition, we found that attitudes of pragmatism toward pet relinquishment were more likely in men, those who were the main pet caretaker, those who perceived their pet as a burden, those with higher motives for pet relinquishment, and those with lower general trust in pets. Moreover, we found that past pet relinquishment behavior was more likely among people with attitudes of pragmatism toward pet relinquishment. Broadly, these findings advance our knowledge of pet relinquishment, and are likely to inform intervention campaigns to prevent it. ABSTRACT: Understanding pet relinquishment is essential to inform interventions and assess their impact. In a cross-sectional study, we explored how attitudes of lack of obligation and pragmatism toward pet relinquishment correlated with, and differed according to, sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, education, political orientation, religion, income, and household), previous animal experience, and owner perceptions of animals (perceiving pet as a burden, motives for pet relinquishment, regret having a pet, and general trust in pets). We adapted and developed three scales to measure attitudes toward pet relinquishment (ATPR), motives for pet relinquishment (MPR), and general trust in pets (GTP), revealing good psychometric qualities. Hierarchical linear regressions showed that attitudes of lack of obligation toward pet relinquishment were stronger in older people, those perceiving their pet as a burden, and those with ...
Perceived Social Support Buffers the Consequences of Internalized Negativity Among Individuals in Consensual Non-Monogamous Relationships
In: The Journal of sex research, S. 1-11
ISSN: 1559-8519
Psychological correlates of attitudes toward pet relinquishment and of actual pet relinquishment : the role of pragmatism and obligation
Understanding pet relinquishment is essential to inform interventions and assess their impact. In a cross-sectional study, we explored how attitudes of lack of obligation and pragmatism toward pet relinquishment correlated with, and differed according to, sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, education, political orientation, religion, income, and household), previous animal experience, and owner perceptions of animals (perceiving pet as a burden, motives for pet relinquishment, regret having a pet, and general trust in pets). We adapted and developed three scales to measure attitudes toward pet relinquishment (ATPR), motives for pet relinquishment (MPR), and general trust in pets (GTP), revealing good psychometric qualities. Hierarchical linear regressions showed that attitudes of lack of obligation toward pet relinquishment were stronger in older people, those perceiving their pet as a burden, and those with lower general trust in pets. Attitudes of pragmatism toward pet relinquishment were stronger in men, those who were main pet caretakers,those perceiving their pet as a burden, those with higher motives for pet relinquishment, and those with lower general trust in pets. Furthermore, results showed that past pet relinquishment behavior was predicted by attitudes of pragmatism, but not attitudes of lack of obligation.
Romantic Jealousy: A Test of Social Cognitive and Evolutionary Models in A Population-Representative Sample of Adults
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 57, Heft 4, S. 498-507
ISSN: 1559-8519
Safety and Pleasure Motives Determine Perceived Risks and Rewards in Casual Sex
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 28, Heft 6, S. 2559-2580
ISSN: 1936-4822
AbstractPeople differ in their predispositions to value safety maintenance (i.e., disease prevention regulatory focus) or pleasure pursuit (i.e., pleasure promotion regulatory focus). Extending recent research, results of a cross-sectional study with participants living in Portugal and Spain (N = 770) showed that these individual differences resulted in a trade-off between potential health risks and pleasure rewards in sexual practices and experiences with casual partners. Specifically, people who were more focused on promotion (vs. prevention) reported riskier and more unrestricted sexual activities (more frequent condomless sex activities; more casual partners) and experienced more positive sexual outcomes (more sexual satisfaction; more positive and less negative affect related to condomless sex). This pattern of results remained the same after controlling for country differences, suggesting the robustness of our findings across different cultural contexts. Our study shows the complexity of sexual decisions and align with our reasoning that prevention-focused people tend to prioritize health safety, whereas promotion-focused people tend to prioritize sexual pleasure. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.
Condom Use Beliefs Differ According to Regulatory Focus: A Mixed-Methods Study in Portugal and Spain
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 61, Heft 5, S. 709-726
ISSN: 1559-8519