Model for evaluating teacher and trainer competences
In: European journal of vocational training, Heft 47, S. 103-124
ISSN: 1977-0219
4 Ergebnisse
In: European journal of vocational training, Heft 47, S. 103-124
ISSN: 1977-0219
Five chrysopetalid species are reported from samples collected at bathyal depths in three NE Atlantic regions: the Bay of Biscay, the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain and the Gulf of Cadiz. Arichlidon reyssi (Katzmann et al., 1974), Dysponetus caecus (Langerhans, 1880) and D. profundus Böggemann, 2009 are free-living forms found mainly on biogenic substrates (e.g., coral and sunken wood). A brief description and taxonomical remarks are given for each of these species and their geographical distributions and habitat records were updated accordingly. Natsushima bifurcata Miura & Laubier, 1990 and Craseoschema thyasiricola gen. et sp. nov. are symbionts inhabiting the mantle cavity of chemosynthesis-based bivalves known from four mud volcanoes from the Gulf of Cadiz. Craseoschema thyasiricola gen. et sp. nov. was found inside a thyasirid bivalve and presents mixed morphological characteristics of free-living and symbiotic forms within Calamyzinae Hartmann-Schröder, 1971. A full description of the new species is given together with DNA sequences of the genes COI, 16S and H3 that were used in a phylogenetic analysis to indicate the position of the new genus within the family ; Financial support was provided by CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019) and by FCT/MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia /Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through national funds. AR was supported by a postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/112408/2015) from FCT co-financed by ESF (European Science Foundation) and MEC (Ministério da Fundação e Ciência). CR and LG were supported by postdoctoral grants, SFRH/BPD/107805/2015 and SFRH/ BPD/96142/2013, respectively. This study is a contribution of the "Macroevolutionary Transitions in Syllidae" Project (CGL2015-63593-P), supported by MINECO/FEDER (Ministério de Economia y Competitividad/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and European Union funds (PI: MTA)
Recent advances in technology have enabled an unprecedented development of underwater research, extending from near shore to the deepest regions of the globe. However, monitoring of biodiversity is not fully implemented in political agendas and biological observations in the deep ocean have been even more limited in space and time.The Foresight Workshop on Advances in Ocean Biological Observations: a sustained system for deep-ocean meroplankton was convened to to foster advances in the knowledge on deep-ocean invertebrate larval distributions and improve our understanding of fundamental deep-ocean ecological processes such as connectivity and resilience of benthic communities to natural and human-induced disturbance. This Meroplankton Observations Workshop had two specific goals: 1) review the state-of-the-art instrumentation available for meroplankton observations; 2) develop a strategy to implement technological innovations for in-situ meroplankton observation. Presentations and discussions are summarised in this report covering: i) key challenges and priorities for advancing the knowledge of deep-sea larval diversity and distribution: ii) recent developments in technology and future needs for plankton observation, iii) data integration and oceanographic modelling; iv) synergies and added value of a sustained observation system for meroplankton; v) steps for developing a sustained observation system for deep-ocean meroplankton and plans to maximise collaborative opportunities.
Recent years have seen a rapid increase in survey and sampling expeditions to the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) abyssal plain, a vast area of the central Pacific that is currently being actively explored for deep-sea minerals (ISA, 2016). Critical to the development of evidence-based environmental policy in the CCZ are data on the biogeography and connectivity of species at a CCZ-regional level. The London Workshop on the Biogeography and Connectivity of the CCZ was convened to support the integration and synthesis of data from European Union (EU) CCZ projects, supported by the EU Managing Impacts of Deep-Sea Resource Exploitation (MIDAS) and EU Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) projects. The London Workshop had three clear goals: (1) To explore, review and synthesise the latest molecular biogeography and connectivity data from across recent CCZ cruises from both contractor and academia-funded projects; (2) To develop complementary and collaborative institutional and program-based academic publication plans to avoid duplication of effort and ensure maximum collaborative impact; (3) To plan a joint synthetic data publication highlighting key results from a range of planned molecular biogeography/connectivity publications. 32 participants attended the workshop at the Natural History Museum in London from 10-12 May 2016. Presentations and discussions are summarised in this report covering (1) overviews of current CCZ environmental projects, (2) policy and industry perspectives, (3) synthesis of DNA taxonomy and biogeography studies, (4) summaries of the latest population genetic studies, (5) summaries of the latest broader morphological context, (6) an overview of publication and proposal plans to maximise collaborative opportunities and finally a series of workshop recommendations.