Plasmonics in atomically thin crystalline silver films
Light-matter interaction at the atomic scale rules fundamental phenomena such as photoemission and lasing while enabling basic everyday technologies, including photovoltaics and optical communications. In this context, plasmons, the collective electron oscillations in conducting materials, are important because they allow the manipulation of optical fields at the nanoscale. The advent of graphene and other two-dimensional crystals has pushed plasmons down to genuinely atomic dimensions, displaying appealing properties such as a large electrical tunability. However, plasmons in these materials are either too broad or lying at low frequencies, well below the technologically relevant near-infrared regime ; This work has been supported inpart by ERC (Advanced Grant 789104-eNANO), the SpanishMINECO (grant nos. MAT2017-88492-R, SEV2015-0522,PCIN-2015-155, and MAT2016-78293-C6-6-R), the CatalanCERCA Program, the Basque Government (grant no. IT-1255-19), FundacióPrivada Cellex, and the U.S. NationalScience Foundation CAREER Award (grant no. 1552461). ; Postprint (published version)