Tips from Widowers
Cover -- Half-Title -- Title -- Dedication -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Part I: Before she dies -- Money I -- Not quite a widower -- Part II When she dies -- Funeral director -- Registrar -- Funeral -- Letter writing -- Afterlife -- Accountant -- Part III The months after she dies -- Love and loss: the symptoms -- Love and loss: dealing with loss -- Other people's reactions -- Children -- Young widowers and children -- Grandchildren -- Crying and psychological higher education -- Flashbacks -- Anger -- Guilt -- House and home -- Emergencies -- Money II -- Walking -- Going alone -- Miscellaneous thoughts and maxims -- Part IV The years after she dies -- Remembering -- Consolations -- Dating and remarriage -- Quiche & crampons: 'wolves surrounding the laager' -- Remarriage and your children -- Part V When you die -- A practical approach to your own death -- Appendix -- Gifts -- Joint bank accounts -- Your accountant -- Acknowledgements -- Poems -- On the death of Elizabeth Soane -- Ode to Kath -- Untitled -- Splendour in the Grass -- Baucis and Philemon -- A note on the author -- Also by Jan Robinson -- Copyright