Status Degradation and Organizational Succession: An Ethnomethodological Approach
In: Administrative Science Quarterly, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 553
2033 Ergebnisse
In: Administrative Science Quarterly, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 553
"The story of three locations in the United States -- in Mississippi, Minnesota, and Oklahoma -- where the indigenous people were driven out by European colonists, where vicious racial killings took place in the last century, and how these places are coming to terms with the past, creating new organizations dedicated to racial repair and reconciliation as they aspire to a more inclusive, more promising future"--
In: Springer Polar Sciences
Preface -- Chapter 1. Introduction and Setting the Stage for Arctic Security -- Chapter 2. Comparative Security Policy in the North Atlantic -- Chapter 3. Academic insecurity – scholarly failure to address future Arctic security -- Chapter 4. North Atlantic Small State Security – the West Nordic Security Zone -- Chapter 5. Recommendation for an Icelandic Security Force – 2025 -- Chapter 6. Future Icelandic Sub-strategic Security Scenarios – 2025 -- Chapter 7. Icelandic Attitudes and Legal Framework Involving Security -- Chapter 8. Conclusion – Icelandic Security Ramifications.
"Forensic Forestry: A Guidebook for Foresters on the Witness Stand is a one-of-a-kind, hands-on resource for those forestry and land use professionals who find themselves called upon to work on legal cases, and oftentimes testify, in a courtroom. Land use and forestry issues in the United States in particular, and likewise around the world, have become increasingly scrutinized, debated, and contentious. There seems to be little to suggest that conflicts over forestlands will fade away. More likely, such conflicts will become more widespread and sharper over debates on public policy, political philosophy and political activism. There are a number of informative books available on land use and forestry, and such related issues under the broader heading of environmental science. Having said that, this book will not go into these concepts or discuss best practices. But, if someone is already an expert in land use and forestry, this book will tell them the ins and outs of the legal system, and how they can best serve to make a case, using evidence, in a court of lost. What is shown in the book in the many case examples is that there is a lot of work involved for such technical subjects to be adjudicated. While professionals' expertise is often more oriented to purely ecological issues than economic ones, money, policy, and corporate interests come into play. And this is where the professional forester's ability to deal with conflict becomes, if anything, more critical. Forensic Forestry goes to the heart of the issue by informing professional foresters as to an overall understanding of the courts, and the legal process. In this, it outline's the profession's role working on cases-and in the courtroom-as the stakes rise and more cases over land use and forestland rights, forestry management and safety, criminal and civil cases in liability in forest fires-among other such cases-are entering the vernacular. As such, this book will be a welcome addition to those professionals called upon to consult on, and testify in, such cases including land use professionals, foresters and forestry managers, ecologists, environmentalists, environmental policy advocates, and those in related fields"--
Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Part I : Theory and history. The theory and brief history of money and banking -- A brief history of the gold standard, with a focus on the United States -- The history and structure of the Federal Reserve system -- Part II : The mechanics. Standard open market operations : how the Fed and commercial banks "create money" -- Beyond the Fed : "shadow banking" and the global market for dollars -- Central banking since the 2008 financial crisis -- The Fed's policies since the 2020 coronavirus pandemic -- Part III : Applications. Ludwig von Mises's "Circulation credit theory of the trade cycle" -- Monetary inflation and price inflation -- The inverted yield curve and recession -- The Fed and the housing bubble/bust -- Part IV : Challenges. Do the textbooks get money and banking backward? -- Crying wolf on (hyper)inflation? -- The Keynesians on the cause of, and cure for, depression -- The "market monetarists" and NGDP targeting -- Bitcoin and the theory of money -- An Austrian reaction to modern monetary theory (MMT) -- Index.
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis -- Galileo and the authority of science -- Rene Descartes : workshop thinking -- Giambattista Vico : going mad rationally -- Mary Shelley's hideous idea -- Auguste Comte's religion of humanity -- Max Weber : authority and bureaucracy -- Kemal Atatørk : science and patriotism -- Edmund Husserl : cultural crisis -- Hannah Arendt : action -- Conclusion.
In: Relational perspectives book series
In: New critical viewpoints on society series
ch. 1. What is White privilege? -- ch. 2. Why is it so difficult for us Whites to understand/accept our White privilege? -- ch. 3. The costs of White privilege to Whites -- ch. 4. Responsibility, action, accountability and benefits -- ch. 5. Conclusion.
In: Across the Aisle Ser
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Introduction -- Entry Features -- Afghanistan -- Overview -- Democrats on U.S. Relations with Afghanistan -- Republicans on U.S. Relations with Afghanistan -- Further Reading -- Arms Control and Disarmament -- Overview -- Democrats on Arms Control and Disarmament Policy -- Republicans on Arms Control and Disarmament Policy -- Further Reading -- Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) -- Overview -- Democrats on Missile Defense Policy -- Republicans on Missile Defense Policy -- Further Reading -- Brexit and the European Union -- Overview -- Republicans on the EU and Brexit -- Democrats on the EU and Brexit -- Further Reading -- China -- Overview -- Republicans on U.S. Relations with China -- Democrats on U.S. Relations with China -- Further Reading -- Climate Change -- Overview -- Democrats on Climate Change -- Republicans on Climate Change -- Further Reading -- Cuba -- Overview -- Democrats on U.S. Relations with Cuba -- Republicans on U.S. Relations with Cuba -- Further Reading -- Cyberterrorism and Security -- Overview -- Republicans on Cybersecurity Policy -- Democrats on Cybersecurity Policy -- Further Reading -- Debt Relief for Developing Countries -- Overview -- Democrats on Debt Relief for Developing Countries -- Republicans on Debt Relief for Developing Countries -- Further Reading -- Defense Spending -- Overview -- Republicans on Defense Spending -- Democrats on Defense Spending -- Further Reading -- Egypt -- Overview -- Republicans on U.S. Relations with Egypt -- Democrats on U.S. Relations with Egypt -- Further Reading -- Energy Policy -- Overview -- Democrats on Energy Policy -- Republicans on Energy Policy -- Further Reading -- Foreign Aid -- Overview -- Republicans on U.S. Foreign Aid Policy -- Democrats on U.S. Foreign Aid Policy -- Further Reading -- Human Rights -- Overview
In: Studies in postwar American political development
Since the 1960s, America's policymaking system has lurched from one in which leaders could simply disparage the concept of budget projections to one in which policymakers manipulate cost estimates. After rounds of good government reforms, the very rules and safeguards put in place to thwart economically unsound legislation now cause chaos by incentivizing the development of flawed, even blatantly unworkable, policies. This work examines this topic.
Obituary: White Christian America, prominent cultural force in the nation's history, is dead -- Who is White Christian America? -- Vital signs: a divided and dying White Christian America -- Politics: the end of the White Christian strategy -- Family: gay marriage and White Christian America -- Desegregating White Christian America -- A eulogy for White Christian America