Avec qui partageons-nous nos émotions ?
In: Sciences humaines: SH, Band 150, Heft 6, S. 24-24
16 Ergebnisse
In: Sciences humaines: SH, Band 150, Heft 6, S. 24-24
In: Sciences humaines: SH, Band 104, Heft 4, S. 20-20
In: Studies in emotion and social interaction
Neuropsychology of facial expression / William E. Rinn -- Brain pathology, lateralization, and nonverbal behavior / Pierre Feyereisen -- The development of facial expressions in infancy / Linda A. Camras, Carol Malatesta, and Carroll E. Izard -- Toward an ecology of expressiveness / Amy G. Halberstadt -- Facial expression / Paul Ekman and Maureen O'Sullivan -- Voice and emotion / Arvid Kappas, Ursula Hess, and Klaus R. Scherer -- Gesture and speech / Bernard Rim(c)♭ and Loris Schiaratura -- Expressiveness as an individual difference / Antony S. R. Manstead -- Social competence and nonverbal behavior / Robert S. Feldman, Pierre Philippot, and Robert J. Custrini -- Nonverbal behavior and self-presentation / Bella M. Depaulo -- Interpersonal coordination / Frank J. Bernieri and Robert Rosenthal -- Symbolic nonverbal behavior / Pio Enrico Ricci Bitti and Isabella Poggi -- A functional approach to nonverbal exchange / Miles L. Patterson
Collective memory theories propose that groups' remembrances of their past depend upon their current social situation. In Belgium, a significant proportion of Dutch speakers share a collective memory of past victimisation by French speakers and fight for an ever-larger autonomy of their region. Yet, as the respective economic, political and social situations of the linguistic regions of Belgium recently evolved with a reversal of fortunes, the current experience of younger Dutch speakers does not fit the traditional memory anymore. We thus predicted that the collective memories of victimhood would decline amongst them, thus bringing changes in intergroup attitudes and political aspirations. Three generations were compared in a survey of 1226 French-speaking and 1457 Dutch-speaking individuals. For both groups, younger generations evidenced less regionalist and more integrative positions than older ones. However, these effects were stronger for Dutch-speaking respondents, and for them, collective memory of victimhood mediated the relation linking age and identification with Belgium, intergroup attitudes and political aspirations. We concluded that the current social context has decisive consequences for collective remembrances, which, in turn, impact intergroup relations and political attitudes and choices
A field experiment compared the level of personal and collective guilt in survivors (N = 200) and accused perpetrators (N = 184) of the Rwandan genocide before and after participation in Gacaca community courts and in control groups of survivors (N = 195) and prisoners (N = 179) who did not participate in Gacaca. Participation in Gacaca led to a marked reduction in survivors' personal and collective guilt and to an increase in prisoners' personal guilt. Prisoners' collective guilt was unaffected by participation but collective guilt was higher for prisoners participating in Gacaca suggesting an effect of the mere anticipation of participation. Survivors who participated in Gacaca had greater doubts about Gacaca, trusted the prisoners' apologies less, were less inclined to forgive, were more revengeful, and opted more for intragroup contact and less for intergroup contact. In sum, participation in Gacaca failed to have direct effects upon dispositions to reconciliation but it produced important indirect effects in this direction by drastically reducing survivors' guilt feelings, which may have enhanced their empowerment.
In: Restoring Civil Societies, S. 175-191
This article examines the effects of participation in transitional justice rituals. Truth Commissions and trials have instrumental goals of distributive justice, and serve as rituals given their marked symbolic character, helping to achieve reconciliation and the reconstruction of social norms. Evidence suggests that participation in trials increases negative emotion and negative emotional climate. However participants in such rituals have evidenced increased empowerment, despite conditions of limited justice and reparation. Moreover, participation in Gacaca or popular trials in Rwanda, decreases shame in victims, and decreases negative stereotypes and increases individualization of out-groups. Finally, a collective analysis of 16 Latin America nations found that trials and a successful Truth Commission reinforces respect for human rights. ; El análisis de las experiencias de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación en Sudáfrica, los juicios populares o Gacaca en Ruanda y los rituales de los procesos de transición a la democracia concluye que la participación en comisiones y juicios implica un coste emocional para los participantes (aumenta la emocionalidad negativa y los síntomas) y aumenta el clima emocional negativo en la sociedad, pero también aumenta la sensación de control y eficacia de los participantes, disminuye algunas emociones negativas en los sobrevivientes como la vergüenza, y aumenta los estereotipos positivos y una visión más diferenciada del exogrupo. En países de América Latina donde se han desarrollado procesos y comisiones de verdad más eficaces, se constató una mejora del respeto a los derechos humanos.
In: International journal for educational and vocational guidance, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 567-589
ISSN: 1573-1782
In: Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; the journal of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 452-464
ISSN: 1532-7949
Original survey data from Chile are used (N = 1267) to study the determinants of attitudes toward transitional rituals (1991 National Truth and Reconciliation Commission). A logistic regression analysis based on this data was carried out to evaluate the work of truth commissions as the dependent variable (in terms of "approval" and "disapproval"). Results reveal that predictors of favorable attitudes toward truth commissions include emotions such as sadness and hope, TRCs' contribution to truth and to the construction of an inclusive history (and to a lesser extent to justice), high social sharing, perception of a positive social climate, high institutional trust, and positive perception of official apologies. People supporting TRCs also agree with complementary reparation, suggesting that a positive attitude towards TRCs is negative related to denial the traumatic past. ; El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar un conjunto de variables predictoras del apoyo de los procesos de justicia transicional (Comisión Nacional de Verdad y Reconciliación, CNVR, 1991). Actualmente no disponemos de estudios que reporten las variables que predicen una valoración positiva de las dichas comisiones en Chile. Un análisis de regresión logística fue realizado con datos de una muestra de población general (N=1267) para evaluar el trabajo realizado por la Comisión (en términos de aprobación o rechazo). Los resultados indican que las emociones de tristeza y esperanza son buenas predictoras de actitudes favorables hacia el trabajo de la CNVR, así como el logro de los objetivos referidos a verdad, justicia y construcción de una historia integradora. Del mismo modo, altos niveles de compartición social de las experiencias, percepción del clima social como positivo, confianza institucional y una percepción positiva de las disculpas institucionales resultan buenos predictores de una positiva evaluación del trabajo de la CNVR. Las personas que a que valoran positivamente el trabajo de la comisión están más de acuerdo a su vez con las medidas de reparación y menos dispuestas a negar el pasado traumático.
The present study addresses antecedents and consequences of attitudes towards collaboration in the context of World War II (WWII) in Belgium. A survey conducted on 922 Belgian French‐ and Dutch‐speaking participants shows that, on overall, Dutch‐speakers perceive collaboration as more moral and support amnesty of the former collaborators at a higher level than their Francophone counterparts. In addition, we show that these attitudes are predicted by the generational belonging, linguistic and national identification of the participants. Finally, we find that attitudes towards WWII collaboration are linked to specific political prospects for the future of the country only among Dutch‐speakers. These findings suggest that, 75 years after its end, the issue of collaboration during WWII still divides the Belgian society. Furthermore, they underline the added value of a multilevel approach in the understanding of social psychological phenomena.
The present study addresses antecedents and consequences of attitudes towards collaboration in the context of World War II (WWII) in Belgium. A survey conducted on 922 Belgian French- and Dutch-speaking participants shows that, on overall, Dutch-speakers perceive collaboration as more moral and support amnesty of the former collaborators at a higher level than their Francophone counterparts. In addition, we show that these attitudes are predicted by the generational belonging, linguistic and national identification of the participants. Finally, we find that attitudes towards WWII collaboration are linked to specific political prospects for the future of the country only among Dutch-speakers. These findings suggest that, 75 years after its end, the issue of collaboration during WWII still divides the Belgian society. Furthermore, they underline the added value of a multilevel approach in the understanding of social psychological phenomena. ; SCOPUS: ar.j ; info:eu-repo/semantics/published
The present study addresses antecedents and consequences of attitudes towards collaboration in the context of World War II (WWII) in Belgium. A survey conducted on 922 Belgian French‐ and Dutch‐speaking participants shows that, on overall, Dutch‐speakers perceive collaboration as more moral and support amnesty of the former collaborators at a higher level than their Francophone counterparts. In addition, we show that these attitudes are predicted by the generational belonging, linguistic and national identification of the participants. Finally, we find that attitudes towards WWII collaboration are linked to specific political prospects for the future of the country only among Dutch‐speakers. These findings suggest that, 75 years after its end, the issue of collaboration during WWII still divides the Belgian society. Furthermore, they underline the added value of a multilevel approach in the understanding of social psychological phenomena.
The present study addresses antecedents and consequences of attitudes towards collaboration in the context of World War II (WWII) in Belgium. A survey conducted on 922 Belgian French- and Dutch- speaking participants shows that, on overall, Dutch-speakers perceive collaboration as more moral and support amnesty of the former collaborators at a higher level than their Francophone counterparts. In addition, we show that these attitudes are predicted by the generational belonging, linguistic and national identification of the participants. Finally, we find that attitudes towards WWII collaboration are linked to specific political prospects for the future of the country only among Dutch-speakers. These findings suggest that, 75 years after its end, the issue of collaboration during WWII still divides the Belgian society. Furthermore, they underline the added value of a multi-level approach in the understanding of social psychological phenomena. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/inPress
In: Group processes & intergroup relations: GPIR, Band 27, Heft 8, S. 1931-1959
ISSN: 1461-7188
The present research aims to explore the relationship between group identification and emotional synchronization in a series of collective gatherings and evaluate their respective effects on key social-psychological variables. Thirteen studies were conducted in highly varied contexts, studying naturally happening phenomena, and focusing on a wide range of collective gatherings ( N = 2,260 participants). The results of factor analyses and a random-model meta-analysis strongly support the idea that group identification and emotional synchronization constitute two differentiated constructs that are systematically positively associated. At the aggregate level, results of multilevel models show that both group identification and emotional synchronization are significant predictors of key social-psychological variables. These findings suggest that an integrative approach is most needed to capture the experience of collective gatherings.