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8 Ergebnisse
In: Sociology compass, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 161-165
ISSN: 1751-9020
The goal for this course is to have students think about war in all its complexities. Militarism and war have a relationship with, and impact on, the practice of gender. Looking at what gender has to do with war, how masculinity and femininity work in times of war to create soldiers, and how gender is used, along with race, to create enemies, helps students to engage ideas about gender and its relationship to war and militarism, to understand more fully the impact of war on women both inside and outside of the military, to look at world affairs and the current global situation in context, and to ask questions about imperialism and alternatives to war. Conceptions of the proper practice of gender have particular meaning for women in wartime, but their meaning for both men and women in this particular war with increased participation by US women soldiers is shifting. How are ideas about femininity shaken when women participate in the military? What about ideas about masculinity? Because militarism functions as a form of imperialism, the US military occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq has gendered implications on the people of those states. What then are the transnational implications of militarism, these wars, occupation, and the accompanying ideas about gender?Suggested readingsCynthia Cockburn. 2007. From Where We Stand: War, Women's Activism & Feminist Analysis. London, UK: Zed Books.The author looks at women's resistance in various contexts around the world.Eisenstein Zillah. 2007. Sexual Decoys: Gender, Race, and War in Imperial Democracy. London, UK: Zed Books.An interesting exploration of the ways femininity and race are simultaneously deployed in the war on Iraq.Cynthia Enloe. 2000. Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.Enloe's exhaustive enumeration of militarization around the world is essential for students.Chris Hedges. 2002. War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning. New York, NY: Anchor Books.Written by a journalist who has witnessed various wars, this book gives a sense of the seductiveness of war as a solution to conflict and a good look at its consequences.Sorayya Khan. 2006. Noor. Wilmington, NC: University of North Carolina Press.This beautiful novel set in Pakistan explores how gender works within a family deeply affected by the war between East and West Pakistan that created Bangladesh.Robin Riley, Naeem Inayatullah. 2006. Interrogating Imperialism: Conversations on Gender, Race, and War. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.This collection of essays from writers in various disciplines enumerates the effects of the war on Iraq from feminist, International Relations, and Post‐colonial Studies perspectives.Robin Riley, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, and Minnie Bruce Pratt. Forthcoming. Feminism and War: Confronting U.S. Imperialism. London, UK: Zed Press.A diverse set of scholars and activists examine the questions raised by ongoing US military initiatives. These theorists and organizers develop an anti‐racist, feminist politics that puts the analysis of imperialist power, and forms of resistance to it, front and center in relation to contemporary issues of women and war.Barbara Sutton, Sandra Morgen, and Julie Novkov (Eds). 2008. Critical Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Militarization. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.A transnational collection of essays detailing the consequences of militarism around the world.Note
* Women's and Gender Studies Department, Syracuse University. E‐mail: rlriley@syr.edu Online resourcesTeach peace.com http://teachpeace.com/This website has lots of good materials to problematize the issues of war and militarism. It has newsletters, articles from a variety of authors on war and militarism around the world, and free films that can be shown to students in classesInternational Committee of the Red Cross http://www.icrc.org/Eng/womenStatistics and information on the state of women around the world in war zonesUnited Nations Development Fund For Women http://www.unifem.org/resources/item_detail.php?ProductID=17 Report on the effects of armed conflict on women around the world. Resources and linksWomen in War Zones http://www.womeninwarzones.org/The situation of women in the CongoCode Pink: Women Say No To War http://www.womensaynotowar.org/article.php?list=type&type=100Anti war site with organizing information, and articles about women in war zones as well as links to other anti war sitesSaying No to Militarism and War http://www.converge.org.nz/pma/sayno.htmThis website has statistics relating to the cost of wars around the planet and good information on military spendingAmerican Friends Service Committee http://www.afsc.orgWebsite of Quaker group with information, videos, and links promoting peaceWorld Military Spending http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world‐military‐spendingLinks and information on the aboveFilms Generation Kill 2008 HBO Series. Fictionalized accounts of one unit's experiences in Iraq good exploration of the horrors and boredom of war and how masculinity works within these highly masculinized sites. Jarhead 2005 A film adaptation of a former Marine's story of his service in Desert Storm. It exemplifies how masculinity works within a war zone. In the Valley of Elah 2007. Fictionalized account of a true story of the return of an American GI and his subsequent disappearance and murder. The story is told through the voice of his father, a former soldier himself, who searches for his son. Quite a moving portrayal of the impact of war on soldier's families. The Women Outside 2000 Documentary detailing the lives of women whose lives are dependent on American military bases. Why We Fight 2005 Documentary that elaborates the escalation of militarism following World War II. Control Room. 2004 Documentary that chronicles the early days of the war on Iraq through the view of Al Jazeera television and the relationship with the Western media and occupying troops.Sample syllabusScheduleWeeks 1–3 Introductions plan for the course Women in the military Jessica Lynch, Shoshanna Johnson and Lori Piestewa Start Reading Kayla Williams Love my Rifle More Than You NortonWeek 4 Militiarism Read:Ismael Hossein‐Zadeh. The Political Economy of US Militarism. pp. 1–26, 39–74Catherine Lutz. Homefront: A Military City and the American 20th CenturyBeacon 1–44Week 5 Creating An Enemy Read: Hossein Zaddeh 75–125Lutz 171–214Week 6 Defense Spending & Defense Contractors Read: Hossein Zaddeh 181–245Lutz 214–257Week 7 Masculinity and Soldiering Read: Cynthia Enloe. 'Masculinity As A Foreign Policy Issue'. pp. 254–258Cynthia Enloe. 'Beyond "Rambo" Women and the Varieties of Militarized Masculinity'. pp. 71–93Soldier's Stories: Dispatches From Iraq. pp. 112–129. New Yorker. June 12, 2006Cynthia Enloe. 'When Soldiers Rape' 108–152Ruth Seifert. 'War and Rape: A Preliminary Analysis'. pp. 54–69Eric Schmitt. 'Rapes Reported by Servicewomen ...' pp. 1–3Week 8 Abu Ghraib, Torture and Lynndie, Meghan and Janis & Other Prisoners Read: BB McElvey. 'Cell Block Party'. pp. 17–27McElvey. 'Counterinsurgency Operations'. pp. 75–86Mc Elvey. 'A Letter Asking For Poion'. pp. 199–205Harding. 'The Other Prisoners'. pp. 1–3Harding. 'Behind The Walls of Abu Ghraib'.Barbara Ehrenreich. 'Feminism's Assumptions Upended'. pp. 1–3Week 9 Military Prostitution:
The Women Outside Read: BB Enloe. 'The Prostitute, The Colonel, And The Nationalist'. pp. 49–107Katherine Moon. 'Partners in Prostitution'Jennifer Butler. 'Militarized Prostitution'. pp. 205–232World Tribune.com. 'US Military Blames Lap Dances For Declining Discipline'. pp. 1–2Week 10 Women IN War‐ Suicide Bombers and Life in Afghanistan and Iraq Read: BB Cooke Miriam. 'Saving Brown Women'. pp. 468–470Walter. 'Women at War'. pp. 1–3Ayesha Khan. 'Afghan Refugee Women's Experience ...' pp. 421–425Dickey. 'Women of Al Qaeda'. pp. 1–7Dehghanpisheh. 'Iraq's Hidden War'. pp. 1–5Banerjee. 'Rape and Silence about it Haunts Baghdad'. pp. 1–3Castle. 'The Girl Next Door'. pp. 1–3Smith. 'Raised As Catholic in Belgium'. pp. 1–4Weeks 11 & 12 Peacekeepers & War Zones Read: Sandra Whitworth. Men, Militarism and UN Peackeeping. Lynne Reiner. pp. 1–52Riverbend. Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog From Iraq. The Feminist Press. pp. xi–xxiii, 1–44Week 13 Life Under Occupation Read: Riverbend. 46–81, 92–114, 186–193, 222–235, 258–266Week 14 Anti‐War Resistance.
In: Sociology compass, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 1192-1208
ISSN: 1751-9020
AbstractWomen around the world, in various geographic spaces, social and cultural contexts, as partners, wives, sisters, daughters, mothers, mourners, and victims experience war. Women's experience of war and their participation in it, either as actors or resistors, victims or perpetrators (Moser and Clark 2001), cheerleaders or critics, are always influenced by the construction of gender operating in and around their lives. While constructions of masculinity and femininity are always circulating in and around militarism and war, women's bodies are sometimes primary considerations for military and state leaders; this creates a visibility/invisibility/hyper‐visibility problem for women in wartime. In this essay, women's participation in war as soldiers, refugees, prisoners, jailers, activists, and suicide bombers and the accompanying shift in the practice of femininity and masculinity is explored.
In: International feminist journal of politics, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 341-357
ISSN: 1468-4470
In: International feminist journal of politics, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 341-357
ISSN: 1461-6742
Introduction : Feminism and US wars : mapping the ground / Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Robin L. Riley -- A vocabulary for feminist praxis : on war and radical critique / Angela Y. Davis -- Resexing militarism for the globe / Zillah Eisenstein -- Feminists and queers in the service of empire / Jasbir Puar -- Interrogating Americana : an African feminist critique / Patricia McFadden -- In praise of Afrika's children / Micere Githae Mugo -- What's left? : after 'imperial feminist' hijackings / Huibin Amelia Chew -- Women-of-color veterans on war, militarism, and feminism / Setsu Shigematsu with Anuradha Kristina Bhagwati and Eli Painted Crow -- Decolonizing the racial grammar of international law / Elizabeth Philipose -- The other v-word : the politics of victimhood fueling George W. Bush's war machine / Alyson M. Cole -- Deconstructing the myth of liberation @ riverbendblog.com / Nadine Sinno -- "Rallying public opinion" and other misuses of feminism / Jennifer L. Fluri -- Afghan women : the limits of colonial rescue / Shahnaz Khan -- Gendered, racialized and sexualized torture at Abu Ghraib / Isis Nusair -- Whose bodies count? : feminist geopolitics and lessons from Iraq / Jennifer Hyndman -- "Freedom for women" : stories of Baghdad and New York / Berenice Malka Fisher -- The war on Iraq / Micere Githae Mugo -- Violence against women : the US war on women / LeiLani Dowell -- "We say code pink" : feminist direct action and the "war on terror" / Judy Rohrer -- Women, gentrification, and Harlem / Nellie Hester Bailey -- US economic wars and Latin America / Berta Joubert-Ceci -- Feminist organizing in Israel / Melanie Kaye Kantrowitz -- Reflections on feminism, war, and the politics of dissent / Leslie Cagan -- Feminism and war : stopping militarizers, critiquing power / Cynthia Enloe -- Prosaic poem / Micere Githae Mugo.
In: Journal of LGBT youth: an international quarterly devoted to research, policy, theory, and practice, Band 6, Heft 2-3, S. 272-287
ISSN: 1936-1661