The grace of troublesome questions: vocation, restoration, and race
Section one: making sense of troublesome questions -- Chapter one: the grace of troublesome questions -- Chapter two: the apocalyptic Origins of Churches of Christ and the triumph of modernism -- Chapter three: two restoration traditions: Mormons and Churches of Christ in the nineteenth century -- Section two: making sense of the restoration vision -- Chapter four: called by a book -- Chapter five: restoring first times in the Anglo-American experience -- Chapter six: why restorationists don 't fit the Evangelical mold; why Churches of Christ do -- Section three: The call of the upside-down kingdom -- Chapter seven: how a teacher heard the call of racial justice -- Chapter eight: the summons of the biblical text -- Chapter nine: finding vocation in loss, suffering and death -- Chapter ten: why I am not an Evangelical Christian -- Section four: the restoration vision, innocence, and race -- Chapter eleven: the restoration vision and the myth of the innocent nation -- Chapter twelve: how slavery still shapes the world of white Evangelical Christians -- Chapter thirteen: Resisting white supremacy -- Chapter fourteen: Christian nationalism and racial injustice? Where do people of faith go from here? -- Chapter fifteen: how can we rethink the restoration vision? -- Section five: the people who shaped my vocation -- Chapter sixteen: the people who shaped my vocation -- Chapter seventeen: finding someone to love -- Chapter eighteen: "next time, send Jan" -- Chapter nineteen: they believed in me: the grace of good teachers -- Chapter twenty: five words that made a difference - and the man who spoke them -- Afterword: Richard C. Goode.