Value and Unequal Exchange in International Trade: The Geography of Global Capitalist Exploitation
In: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Ser.
Cover -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- List of abbreviations of Marx's works cited in the text -- Preface -- Chapter 1 Introduction: Theoretical foundations and measurement of unequal exchange -- 1.1 The cultural hegemony of free trade neoliberalism -- 1.2 The "practical circumstances" of unequal exchange in heterodox and Marxist economics -- 1.3 The theoretical foundations of unequal exchange -- 1.4 Mapping unequal exchange in the actual global economy -- Chapter 2 The heresy of unequal exchange -- 2.1 The antecedent: The dispute between mercantilism and free trade -- 2.1.1 Mercantilism -- 2.1.2 The dogma of free trade and neo-mercantilist exceptions -- 2.2 Structuralist unequal exchange -- 2.2.1 Lewis's dualistic model -- 2.2.2 The "Prebisch-Singer thesis" -- 2.3 Marxist unequal exchange -- 2.3.1 Non-equivalent exchange -- 2.3.2 Unequal exchange and monopoly capitalism -- 2.4 Arghiri Emmanuel's theory of unequal exchange -- 2.5 A taxonomy of the forms of unequal exchange -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Chapter 3 The social algorithm of value -- 3.1 The Marxist debate on abstract labour -- 3.2 Social labour in general -- 3.3 The social algorithm of value -- 3.3.1 The notion of algorithm in Marx's Mathematical Manuscripts31 -- 3.4 The dual nature of substance and form of value -- 3.4.1 The dual nature of abstract labour -- 3.4.2 The dual nature of exchange value -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Chapter 4 The dual measure of value: Money and labour time -- 4.1 "Money as general commodity"1 -- 4.1.1 The simplifying assumption of gold money in Marx's Capital -- 4.1.2 Commodity in general and specific social forms of commodity -- 4.2 The functions of money -- 4.2.1 Money as the medium of circulation -- 4.2.2 Money as the measure of values.