Enquête sur les opposants à l'Europe: à droite et à gauche leur impact d'hier à aujourd'hui
In: Collection Clair & net
44 Ergebnisse
In: Collection Clair & net
World Affairs Online
In: Revue française de science politique, Band 72, Heft 5, S. 872-873
ISSN: 1950-6686
In: Revue française de science politique, Band 70, Heft 2, S. III-III
ISSN: 1950-6686
In: Politique européenne, Band 57, Heft 3, S. 178-186
ISSN: 2105-2875
In: International political science review: the journal of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) = Revue internationale de science politique, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 296-310
ISSN: 1460-373X
This study of the uses of Europe by the leaders of the Front National shows how the opening of a new European political space can have indirect effects, supporting political parties at the domestic level and strengthening specific actors within political organizations. The theme of Europe, together with European elections and the European Parliament, are transformed by Front National leaders into material as well as symbolic resources which they mobilize in the national political space at both inter and intra-party level. These uses of Europe reinforce the capacities and resources of the party as well as its legitimacy and visibility. It helps Front National actors to widen their electoral support and allows party presidents to strengthen their position. The article reveals the specificity of the Front National relationship to the European arena and underlines the strong continuity of the practices developed by the new leadership. Finally the study provides a detailed account of the process of Front National Europeanization and advances understanding of the impact of European integration on domestic political competition.
In: International political science review: IPSR = Revue internationale de science politique : RISP, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 296-310
ISSN: 0192-5121
World Affairs Online
International audience ; This study of the uses of Europe by the leaders of the Front National shows how the opening of a new European political space can have indirect effects, supporting political parties at the domestic level and strengthening specific actors within political organizations. The theme of Europe, together with European elections and the European Parliament, are transformed by FN leaders into material as well as symbolic resources which they mobilize in the national political space at both inter and intra-party level. These uses of Europe reinforce the capacities and resources of the party as well as its legitimacy and visibility. It helps FN actors to widen their electoral support and allows party presidents to strengthen their position. The article reveals the specificity of the FN relationship to the European arena and underlines the strong continuity of the practices developed by the new leadership. Finally the study provides a detailed account of the process of FN Europeanization and advances understanding of the impact of European integration on domestic political competition.
International audience ; This study of the uses of Europe by the leaders of the Front National shows how the opening of a new European political space can have indirect effects, supporting political parties at the domestic level and strengthening specific actors within political organizations. The theme of Europe, together with European elections and the European Parliament, are transformed by FN leaders into material as well as symbolic resources which they mobilize in the national political space at both inter and intra-party level. These uses of Europe reinforce the capacities and resources of the party as well as its legitimacy and visibility. It helps FN actors to widen their electoral support and allows party presidents to strengthen their position. The article reveals the specificity of the FN relationship to the European arena and underlines the strong continuity of the practices developed by the new leadership. Finally the study provides a detailed account of the process of FN Europeanization and advances understanding of the impact of European integration on domestic political competition.
In: Politique européenne, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 120-162
ISSN: 2105-2875
L'analyse des usages de l'Europe développés par les dirigeants du FN montre comment l'ouverture d'une arène politique communautaire peut, de manière indirecte, venir constituer un réel point d'appui à une entreprise partisane dans la compétition politique nationale et renforcer un groupe spécifique au sein de celle-ci. Les investissements du thème, de l'élection et de l'institution parlementaire européenne sont convertis par les acteurs frontistes en ressources matérielles et symboliques mobilisables dans l'arène domestique aux échelles inter – et intra-partisane. Ces appropriations de l'Europe viennent renforcer les capacités d'action matérielles, la visibilité et la légitimité du parti et de ses acteurs, appuyer les tentatives d'élargissement de l'assise électorale du FN et consolider la position du leader en affermissant son contrôle de l'appareil. L'analyse dégage la spécificité – relative – du FN à cet égard, soulignant que la mobilisation et les usages partisans de l'Europe peuvent être mis en relation tant à des facteurs contextuels et institutionnels domestiques, qu'aux caractéristiques idéologiques, culturelles et organisationnelles du parti. Tout en soulignant la continuité des pratiques de la nouvelle direction menée par Marine Le Pen, l'étude montre la fabrique du processus d'européanisation à l'œuvre au FN ainsi que l'impact de l'intégration européenne sur la compétition nationale et les évolutions des pratiques politiques.
In: Revue française de science politique, Band 63, Heft 6, S. XV-XV
ISSN: 1950-6686
In: Savoir/agir: revue trimestrielle de l'association savoir/agir, Band 26, Heft 4, S. 103-109
ISSN: 1958-5535
In: Revue française de science politique, Band 63, Heft 6, S. 1232-1234
ISSN: 0035-2950
In: Perspectives on European politics and society, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 292-312
ISSN: 1568-0258
In: Perspectives on European politics and society: journal of intra-European dialogue, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 292-312
ISSN: 1570-5854
In: Les cahiers irice, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 113
ISSN: 2118-0067