A XXX. Neumann Kollokvium programja és előadásai - 30th Neumann's Colloquium, 2017, program and conference presentations
John von Neumann Computer Society Biomedical Section has been organizing its annual scientific meetings, the Neumann Colloquium, since 1970. The event series, originating from the Laboratory of Cybernetics at the University of Szeged, was hosted by many cities throughout the years, including Szeged, Szekszárd, and Veszprém. The 30-80 speakers of the Colloquium have mainly come from university research institutes or industrial partners, but also representatives of the healthcare government sector, healthcare administration and healthcare providers appeared among them. Institutional users of healthcare informatics represented a considerable proportion of the 80-160-member audience of the Colloquium. As the industrial background for innovations in national healthcare informatics was rearranged after the regime change, the position of major nuclear medicine and ECG manufacturers changed on the world market, and the activity of the Section also declined in the early 2000s. From 2011 on, the management of the Biomedical Section has been renewed. The new leaders have deliberately expanded the scope of topics discussed by the Section. In addition to research and development, the Section also raised several issues related to modern applications of medical information technology during its events. From 2012, monthly sessions of the Biomedical Section discussed the medical needs of the various medical registers, and the solution concepts of the IT service providers and healthcare government sector, with great interest. A stand-alone event focused on inter-institutional telemedicinal solutions, and another event covered the topic of systems supporting home-care for chronic diseases. Also, an independent event reviewed the question of utilization possibilities of national healthcare data assets and the major healthcare informatics projects. Instead of the monthly sessions, in the second semester of every year, the Section focuses on organizing an annual conference, the Neumann Colloquium. As a result, the IEEE 30th Jubilee ...