A new role for NGOs in development?
"The wealth of individual case studies of NGO activities reported in the development literature highlights some important lessons to be learned from their experiences. Lesson one: The need for in-depth analysis of poverty . Lesson two: Development initiatives for the poor must emanate from the needs of the poor as perceived by them . Lesson three: Chronic, systemic poverty requires change that concentrates on strengthening the social and political situation of the poor; as well as their economic conditions . Lesson four: The poorest are more likely to benefit if development activities are designed in such a way that appropriation by others is difficult or unprofitable . Lesson five: The simpler the design, the greater the likelihood that the poorest can control and benefit from development projects . Lesson six: Development for the poor neqessarily involves changing the structures which keep them in poverty, and a readiness to cope with the conflict which may accompany such changes."