Die strafrechtsähnliche Rechtsnatur der Sanktionen von Art. 49a Abs. 1 KG
In: Impulse zur praxisorientierten Rechtswissenschaft # 16
14 Ergebnisse
In: Impulse zur praxisorientierten Rechtswissenschaft # 16
In: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft
In: Integratives Marketing - Wissenstransfer zwischen Theorie und Praxis
In: Integratives Marketing - Wissenstransfer zwischen Theorie und Praxis
In: Gabler-Lehrbuch
In: Integratives Marketing - Wissenstransfer zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Martin Reimann verknüpft kulturelle Wertekonstrukte und intrapersonale Verhaltenskonstrukte, unterzieht sie einer kausalanalytischen Untersuchung und stellt sie im Rahmen von Partialmodellen des kulturell bedingten Investorenverhaltens dar. Er leitet Implikationen für interkulturelle Investor Relations ab und erarbeitet eine qualitative Basis für eine differenzierte Kommunikation zwischen Investor-Relations-Managern und Investoren
In: Journal of consumer research: JCR ; an interdisciplinary journal, Band 44, Heft 3, S. 673-691
ISSN: 1537-5277
In: Annual review of sociology, Band 47, Heft 1, S. 239-259
ISSN: 1545-2115
Trust is key to understanding the dynamics of social relations, to the extent that it is often viewed as the glue that holds society together. We review the mounting sociological literature to help answer what trust is and where it comes from. To this end, we identify two research streams—on particularized trust and generalized trust, respectively—and propose an integrative framework that bridges these lines of research while also enhancing conceptual precision. This framework provides the springboard for identifying several important avenues for future research, including new investigations into the radius of trust, the intermediate form of categorical trust, and the interrelationships between different forms of trust. This article also calls for more scholarship focusing on the consequences (versus antecedents) of trust, addressing more fully the trustee side of the relation, and employing new empirical methods. Such novel approaches will ensure that trust research will continue to provide important insights into the functioning of modern society in the years to come.
In: Journal of International Marketing, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 24-46
In: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 188-197
In: Materials and design, Band 132, S. 283-294
ISSN: 1873-4197
In: Journal of Marketing Research, Band 49, Heft 4, S. 594-608
In: Journal of service research, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 63-73
ISSN: 1552-7379
The extent to which members of different cultures vary in their reactions to uncertainty can have a major impact on how perceived service quality affects customer satisfaction. This article addresses the issue of cultural differences in the context of business-to-business relationships. A study involving 303 Spanish, German, and Swedish business-to-business customers reveals that clients from cultures with a high degree of uncertainty avoidance were less satisfied than low-uncertainty avoidant clients when, as a result of a service defect, their service expectations were not met. In light of the tolerance zone concept, the finding suggests a narrower range of acceptable outcomes for high-uncertainty avoidance cultures. Important management implications of this study relate to service quality efforts, which should be explicitly designed to reflect intercultural differences in operations planning and training of service personnel.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022 Vol. 119 No. 30
In: Journal of consumer research: JCR ; an interdisciplinary journal
ISSN: 1537-5277
Across six studies, we provide converging and robust lab and field evidence that the fundamental human desire for control motivates consumer engagement in collecting, defined as the act of acquiring items that belong to an existing collection. This is because consumers who desire control seek structure, which is created when interconnected components form a holistic entity. A collection can provide such a structure, as it comprises related items that together create a whole set. Hence, as consumers add items to a collection, they are also manifesting a structure. Indeed, we demonstrate that desire for control's motivating effect on engagement diminishes when structure-seeking is hindered or when the collection is far from completion. This work contributes to extant consumer research by identifying desire for control as a fundamental motivation of collecting behavior, explaining when and why consumers work toward completing their collections, and explicating the structured nature of collecting. Of practical relevance, we provide implications for the enhancement of consumer well-being; the design, positioning, and communication of collectible products; and the creation of policies regulating the collectibles market.
In: Journal of consumer research: JCR ; an interdisciplinary journal, Band 45, Heft 6, S. 1194-1212
ISSN: 1537-5277