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22 Ergebnisse
In: Advertising & society review, Band 8, Heft 2
ISSN: 1534-7311
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 3-6
ISSN: 1936-4822
In: Annual review of sex research, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 241-273
ISSN: 2168-3654
In: Journal of current issues and research in advertising, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 9-22
ISSN: 2164-7313
In: Routledge Communication Series
Sex in Advertising: Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal is the first book to thoroughly tackle important issues about sex in advertising. What is it? Does it work? How does it affect individuals and society? Well-respected scholars and popular writers answer these questions as they address the following issues associated with sex in today's advertising environment: gender differences and representation, unintended social effects, subliminal embeds, appeals to the homosexual community, and new media. The book contains a blend of perspectives, including original experimental studies, interpretive
In: LEA's communication series
In: Advertising & society review, Band 8, Heft 2
ISSN: 1534-7311
In: Journalism & mass communication quarterly: JMCQ, Band 81, Heft 4, S. 823-837
ISSN: 2161-430X
Magazine advertisements from 2003 were content analyzed as an extension of a study reported in Journalism Quarterly that assessed sex in advertising in 1983 and 1993. As watchdog groups become more vocal concerning indecency in advertising and media in general, it is important to assess the state of sex in advertising since 1993. The findings indicate overall increases in sexual dress and intimate contact from 1983 to 2003 and that female models were more explicitly dressed in 2003 (49%) than 1993 (40%). In addition, sexual content continued to be more explicit and prevalent in women's and men's magazines compared to newsweeklies. In 2003, for instance, 78% of women in ads in men's magazines were sexually attired.
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 120-136
ISSN: 1936-4822
In: Journalism & mass communication quarterly: JMCQ, Band 86, Heft 3, S. 563-577
ISSN: 2161-430X
Given the upturn in young-voter turnout in 2004, this study updates an analysis of the 2000 election to determine if coverage in youth-oriented magazines remained superficial, strategic, and cynical. Quantity of coverage increased 69% over 2000 (coverage in Rolling Stone increased 300%) despite a decrease in women's magazines' coverage. There was no difference in the largely strategic, cynical, and biased coverage between the two elections. Despite a "wartime" election, the magazines rarely published stories focusing on the Iraq war. The study suggests that resurgent interest in politics among young people was not mirrored in popular magazines they read regularly.
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 21-36
ISSN: 1936-4822
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 41-55
ISSN: 1936-4822
This invaluable resource guides readers through the process of creating scholarly, publishable prose from the results of quantitative experiments and investigations. It delves into the issues commonly encountered when reporting the results of statistical experiments and investigations, and provides instruction re the representation of these results in text and visual formats. This unique research companion serves as a must-have reference for advanced students doing quantitative research and working with statistics, with the goal of writing up and publishing their findings; it also serves as a useful refresher for experienced researchers. --