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To build the societal resilience required to respond effectively to everything from climate-related emergencies to pandemics, to intentional state-on-state attacks, and disinformation, a joint approach is needed, not only across government, but across wider society.
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This report discusses the ways in which Defence contributes to confronting grey zone activities conducted by the UK's adversaries, and the ways in which it can collaborate across government, in society, and internationally to achieve HMG's aims.
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Economic security is increasingly recognised as a key element of national security. This response examines the need to clearly define economic security, how to strengthen HMG's approach and the opportunities offered by international cooperation.
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AbstractThe term 'resilience' has increasingly featured in foreign and security policy discourse, appearing in the 2016 European Union Global Strategy, the 2017 US National Security Strategy, and most recently in the UK's 2021 Integrated Review. These strategies note the importance of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from crises that could affect civilian society. While these strategies agree on the importance of building resilience, they do not specify the concrete policies that would be required to do so. Through a comparison of three democratic countries that refer to resilience in their national security documents, Sweden, Israel, and Australia, this article will identify measures that contribute to resilience in democracies. It will also discuss how policymakers in democratic countries should anticipate emerging trends and future threats to enhance their resilience in an increasingly complex and dangerous security environment.
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This is the first in a series of four papers examining how Command and Control (C2) will manifest in the future and sets a baseline for subsequent research by exploring the future operating environment for C2 systems.
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The authors developed a research agenda to understand how defense supply chains can better withstand unanticipated and highly impactful disruptions whose probability and impact cannot be readily calculated or quantified.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os pareceres legislativos referente à proposta de alteração da Lei de n. 11.105/2005 (Lei de Biossegurança) que conforma o Projeto de Lei º؟ 34/2015 da Câmara dos Deputados, examinando os fundamentos usados pelos relatores na Comissão de Agricultura e Reforma Agrária (CRA), na Comissão de Meio Ambiente (CMA), na Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação, Comunicação e Informática (CCT) e na Comissão de Assuntos Sociais (CAS) – todas no âmbito do Senado Federal. Como objetivo complementar, buscou identificar, de um lado, as possíveis consequências dessa alteração legislativa às empresas de biotecnologia, aos pequenos produtores e pequenos empresários e, de outro, as potenciais violações aos direitos dos consumidores. A conclusão a que chegou foi a de que a propositura desprestigia o direito constitucional da informação e o princípio da precaução. Em relação ao primeiro, conforme os termos da proposta, o consumidor de alimentos não será comunicado da eventual presença de organismos geneticamente modificados, caso estes perfaçam menos de 1 (um) por cento da composição total do produto; além disso, não receberá informações que se esperariam amplas e adequadas nos rótulos dos alimentos cuja composição apresente concentração superior àquele limite, não lhe restando condições reais para uma escolha madura quanto ao consumo desses alimentos. Quanto à ausência de precaução, não existe análise científica conclusiva sobre os impactos dos alimentos geneticamente modificados, sejam eles danosos ou benéficos, na saúde dos seres humanos; acrescente-se o fato de a transgenia ter diferentes alcances e consequências biológicas, a depender de quem ingere o alimento, razão pela qual se torna ainda mais importante que o consumidor tenha a possibilidade de escolher, conscientemente, os produtos alimentícios que possam conter transgênicos. A pesquisa também chega à conclusão de que é inócua e ineficaz a proposta legal que faculta ao pequeno agricultor e ao pequeno empresário mencionarem a não utilização de organismos geneticamente modificados em seus produtos, uma vez que a análise necessária para comprovação da composição do alimento produzido gera custos que são repassados ao consumidor, violando a livre concorrência. A metodologia utilizada, quanto aos meios, foi a dos métodos dedutivo e descritivo, por meio de análise doutrinária, bibliográfica e legal. Quanto aos fins, a pesquisa foi qualitativa. PALAVRA-CHAVE: Alteração legislativa; Direito do consumidor; Princípio da informação; Rotulagem; Transgênicos.
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This is the second in a series of four papers examining how Command and Control (C2) will manifest in the future, and focuses on what will likely constitute the C2 enterprise.
Training programmes for the carers of adopted and looked after children have mixed efficacy, and the beneficial effects of their specific components are unclear. This article seeks to address this deficiency by assessing the impact of a parenting training programme distinguished by the inclusion of immersive videos. Eleven adoptive parents, seven foster carers and four special guardians participated. A mixed methods approach comprising questionnaires and interviews was utilised with data collected before, during and after training. Overall satisfaction with the training and trainers was high, and participants reported increased understanding and greater empathy regarding children's early-life trauma and neglect (ELTN), plus enhanced competence and confidence in addressing any associated behavioural challenges. Qualitative analysis revealed differences in trainees' responses according to the extent of their carer experience, with those relatively new to the work appreciating open-ended discussion and more experienced carers preferring discourse and role play that focused on the issues important to them. All participants valued the immersive videos, especially one that gave a toddler's visual point of view in an environment where he was alternately shouted at and neglected. The study concluded that training programmes that include immersive videos can improve parenting knowledge and skills and that future research should examine their impact on child outcomes.
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These nine essays discuss strategic issues concerning the UK, NATO, China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, and are intended to stimulate reflection, further thinking and discussion within the UK Ministry of Defence and the wider defence community.