Our Yup'Ik World and Weather: Continuity and Change on the Bering Sea Coast
Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Yup'ik Contributors -- Introduction -- Qanruyutet Anirturyugngaatgen - Qanruyutet Can Save Your Life -- Nuna-gguq Mamkitellruuq - They Say the Land Was Thin -- Ella Alerquutengqertuq - The World and Its Weather Have Teachings -- Nunavut - Our Land -- Kuiget Nanvat-llu - Rivers and Lakes -- Yuilqumun Atalriit Qanruyutet - Instructions Concerning the Wilderness -- Qanikcaq - Snow -- Imarpik Elitaituq - The Ocean Cannot Be Learned -- Ciku - Ice -- Yun'i Maliggluki Ella Ayuqucimitun Ayuqenrirtuq - The World Is Changing Following Its People -- Notes -- References -- Index.