Mechanisms of cooperation
In: Routledge advances in sociology
47 Ergebnisse
In: Routledge advances in sociology
In: Explanatory sociology publications
In: Soziologische Texte N.F., 120
In: Homo oeconomicus: HOE ; journal of behavioral and institutional economics
ISSN: 2366-6161
AbstractWe show how 'cooperation' and 'defection' in the Volunteer's Dilemma can be conceptualized in line with established terminology for game-theoretic models of social dilemmas. Commonly employed labels for strategies in the Volunteer's Dilemma are not well in line with our conceptualization. Also, our conceptualization suggests new theory formation and empirical research on the Volunteer's Dilemma.
In: Rationality and society, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 319-365
ISSN: 1461-7358
We study voluntary hostage posting - pledging a bond - as a commitment mechanism promoting trust, including trust in economic exchange. A hostage can promote trust by binding the trustee through reducing his incentives for abusing trust, by providing compensation for the trustor in case trust is abused, and by serving as a signal for the trustor about unobservable characteristics of the trustee that are related to the trustee's opportunities and incentives for abusing trust. We provide an integrated model that allows for a simultaneous analysis of how hostages promote trust through binding, compensation, and signaling. We model hostage posting as a mechanism of trust using a game with incomplete information and uncertainty. Our theorems provide conditions for equilibria such that a hostage is posted by the trustee and induces the trustor to place trust that is subsequently honored by the trustee. The article shows that equilibrium selection problems are not severe: the equilibria are unique or there are only few other equilibria with less appealing properties. Hence, the results can be used for predictions on trust based on hostage posting among rational actors.
In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Sonderhefte; Soziale Integration, S. 239-268
In: Analyse & Kritik: journal of philosophy and social theory, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 187-194
ISSN: 2365-9858
Various mechanisms are known that can stabilize trust relations. Examples are repeated interactions and credible commitments through warranties, deposits, and other kinds of 'hostages'. Usually, these mechanisms are studied in isolation from one another. An integrated analysis is widely neglected. In this note, the effects of a 'mix' of mechanisms are analyzed. A simple case is offered, where a combination of repeated interactions and credible commitments can stabilize trust, while neither of the mechanisms alone can do so.
In: Rationality and society, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 67-93
ISSN: 1461-7358
This article analyzes the active and intentional modification of preferences as a mechanism of cooperation in "problematic" social situations (i.e., situations where individually rational behavior generates outcomes that are suboptimal in the Pareto sense). It is shown that an intentional modification of preferences in such situations can result in a generalization of Sen's Assurance Game preferences. As a formal framework for the analysis, a noncooperative N-person preference adaptation game is used. In this game, actors are able to choose effective preference orderings of outcomes in an underlying problematic situation. Under rather general conditions, mutual choice of generalized Assurance Game preferences is an ε-equilibrium point (Radner) in a preference adaptation game.
In: The journal of mathematical sociology, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 311-357
ISSN: 1545-5874
In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie: KZfSS, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 381-383
ISSN: 0023-2653
In: European Journal of Political Economy, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 367-380
In: Technik und sozialer Wandel: 23. Deutscher Soziologentag 1986: Beiträge der Sektions- und Ad-hoc-Gruppen, S. 230-233
In: 23. Deutscher Soziologentag 1986, S. 230-233
In: Beiträge zur Gesellschaftsforschung 1
In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie: KZfSS, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 150-154
ISSN: 0023-2653