In the last decade, energy markets have developed substantially due to the growing activity of financial investors. One consequence of this massive presence of investors is a stronger link between the hitherto segmented energy and financial markets. This book addresses some of the recent developments in the interrelationship between financial and energy markets. It aims to further the understanding of the rich interplay between financial and energy markets by presenting several empirical studies that illustrate and discuss some of the main issues on this agenda.
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In: S. Ramos and H. Veiga (eds.), The Interrelationship Between Financial and Energy Markets, Lecture Notes in Energy 54, Edited by Sofia B. Ramos and Helena Veiga, 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
This paper analyzes the exposure of the oil and gas industry of 34 countries to oil prices. Using a multifactor panel model to estimate the oil and gas excess stock returns, our results strongly support the view that oil price is a globally priced factor for the oil industry. In particular, the response of the oil and gas sector to changes oil prices is positive and larger for developed countries than for emerging markets. The industry response is asymmetric, with positive oil price changes having a greater impact on the oil sector returns than negative changes. Furthermore, local market index returns, currency rates and oil price volatility also have a significant impact on oil industry's excess returns. Finally, industry local sensitivities seem to vary with stock market activity and with levels of appropriation of industry revenues by governments. Results are robust to a battery of tests.
Geographical versus industrial diversification has been the subject of much debate in equity investment strategies. This article revisits this issue and analyzes the contention that if national factors have lost importance since the launch of the euro, then the regime dynamics of industry indexes in the eurozone countries should be more similar. Results show a core group of country-industry indexes sharing the same regime dynamics, which comprise the majority of industry indexes of France and Germany. After the euro launch, a group of industry indexes gained more similarities with the core group of the eurozone - notably industries from Italy, Spain and Finland. Nevertheless, dynamics in a small group of industries did not change. Overall, synchronization between country-industry indexes has increased except for a small group of industries. Adapted from the source document.
This research identifies trends in artificial intelligence (AI) in auditing and fraud detection using a combination of two methods: a bibliometric and a systematic review of AI trends in auditing in fraud detection. This research develops a bibliometric analysis of 1,348 papers on "fraud", "auditing", and "artificial intelligence" from 1986 to 2022. The results provide a robust set of information for in-depth research on AI trends in auditing and security detection. They not only demonstrate that there is growing academic interest in the research topic of fraud but also show clear evidence that the words "fraud", "crime", and "fraud detection" were the most cited, generating a great impact in the literature and developing concern with the topic. Our analysis suggests that the application of AI allows for greater facilitation of procedures to combat fraud and irregularities in the field of criminal justice and fundamental rights. Most technological changes increase ethical motivations to deter fraud, and these changes will lead to a long-term decrease in the incidence of fraud (Karpoff, 2021). This research contributes to AI valuing in audit procedures to detect and prevent fraud and simultaneously mitigate it. It also contributes to the literature, highlighting trends in AI, auditing and fraud detection, thereby enabling the development of professional judgment on the topic and providing direction for future investigations.