The Chicano Perspective
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 52, Heft 5, S. 323-324
ISSN: 1945-1350
71 Ergebnisse
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 52, Heft 5, S. 323-324
ISSN: 1945-1350
In: Social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 119-119
ISSN: 1545-6846
Sensing otherwise -- The poetics of sensing: decolonial verses in antipoetry and conversational poetry -- Decolonial sounds: redolent echoes of nueva canción -- Decolonial visuality and new Latin American cinema -- Decolonial aesthetics in Latin America -- Conclusion: Sensing the irresolute past in the present
In: Social & legal studies: an international journal
ISSN: 1461-7390
For over a decade, Spanish police have prevented asylum-seekers in Ceuta and Melilla—two Spanish exclaves in Northern Africa—from moving to mainland Spain. Since 2020, similar measures have been taken in the Canary Islands. However, this practice has not taken place in a vacuum. This article shows that the Spanish authorities have long drafted and interpreted Spanish law in such a way as to create a veil of legality over these residence restrictions. Moreover, they have ignored attempts by the courts to uphold the freedom of asylum-seekers to choose their place of residence within the borders of the State. The government and the police have thus exercised a kind of "diluted" legal social control, in which legal certainty and human rights safeguards are out of the picture. This article analyzes the issue from different perspectives, using social control theories, classical legal doctrinal analysis, and comparisons with criminal law.
The author would like to extend his gratitude to his Ph.D. supervisor Prof. Javier Roldán Barbero and to the academics in these two institutions who gave him valuable feedback. ; In the context of the 2015 refugee crisis, European States have pushed for tighter migration control policies by, inter alia, extending and toughening the practice of detaining asylum-seekers. The aim of this study is to assess how the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) constrains this worrisome practice. Does it grant States the same margin of appreciation as in other migration-related judgments, or does it adopt a more active role in protecting asylum-seekers' right to liberty? To answer this question, this study analyses the case law of the ECtHR after 2015 on the subject and evaluates it in the light of the relevant international human rights treaties, European Union law and scholarly opinion. In doing so, it especially seeks to identify any changes in the Court´s case law that might indicate a reaction of the Strasbourg Court to the political tensions of the refugee crisis. ; Humanos (TEDH) limita esta preocupante práctica. ¿Otorga a los Estados el mismo margen de apreciación que en otras sentencias relativas a las migraciones, o adopta un papel más activo en la protección del derecho a la libertad de los solicitantes de asilo? Para responder a esta pregunta, el presente trabajo analiza la jurisprudencia del TEDH después de 2015 en esta materia y la evalúa a la luz de los tratados de derechos humanos pertinentes, el Derecho de la Unión Europea y la doctrina. En esta labor, el estudio trata especialmente de identificar cambios en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal que indiquen una reacción de Estrasburgo a las tensiones políticas derivadas de la crisis de refugiados. ; "Beca de Iniciacion a la Investigacion para Estudiantes de Masteres Oficiales" of the University of Granada
In: Humanity & society, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 132-134
ISSN: 2372-9708
In: Revista española de ciencia política, Heft 12, S. 197-198
ISSN: 1575-6548
Planning and development concepts have independently evolved in their meaning until jointly configuring the development planning technique. Now then, by virtue of the fact that concepts make up realities, even institutions, this article proposes that the first step towards the development of a country is the consensus around the definition of such term, as it must be related to the cultural, historical, anthropological and geographic aspects that determine a nation; otherwise it would be unfruitful to design public policies. After a deductive exercise, it was concluded that the consensus on the meaning of development must be followed by the insertion thereof as a public institution in the structure of the State, as economic planning of development must be a state matter and not a government matter, which, this way will guarantee the dignification of the human individual and the non-use of the State for the stingy satisfaction of personal interests.
Planning and development concepts have independently evolved in their meaning until jointly configuring the development planning technique. Now then, by virtue of the fact that concepts make up realities, even institutions, this article proposes that the first step towards the development of a country is the consensus around the definition of such term, as it must be related to the cultural, historical, anthropological and geographic aspects that determine a nation; otherwise it would be unfruitful to design public policies. After a deductive exercise, it was concluded that the consensus on the meaning of development must be followed by the insertion thereof as a public institution in the structure of the State, as economic planning of development must be a state matter and not a government matter, which, this way will guarantee the dignification of the human individual and the non-use of the State for the stingy satisfaction of personal interests.
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto recuperar una tradición a menudo olvidada, el constitucionalismo radical. La aproximación que se propone sobre este gira en torno a la relación entre democracia y propiedad, situándose en un primer momento en el contexto de los orígenes del constitucionalismo en las Américas, para luego ver como esta se constituye en un eje central de la reflexión de dos pensadores radicales chilenos, Francisco Bilbao y Luis Emilio Recabarren. Habiendo entre ellos ciertos puntos de ruptura y de continuidad, los que se han de explicarse en virtud de las diferencias históricas en las que les tocó desarrollar su pensamiento y acción.