13 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Working paper
Revisiting the Lisbon Treaty’s Constitutional Design of EU External Relations
In: The EU after Lisbon, S. 215-239
EU Diplomacy: Measuring Success in Light of the Post-Lisbon Institutional Framework
In: Global Power Europe: Vol. 1, Theoretical and institutional approaches to the EU's external relations, S. 19-35
"This paper discusses the effects of the EU's external relations institutional framework on the conduct of its diplomacy. Drawing upon the academic writing in the field, we attempt to take a step further, examining how the post-Lisbon external relations architecture influences EU diplomacy in practice, combining legal analysis with policy-making. Our conclusion is that the new architecture has not yet managed to achieve its major objective to instill coherence, consistency and unity in EU foreign policy as prerequisites for a more prominent and, thereby, effective role of the EU on the international plane. Instead of streamlining cooperation and coordination of the different actors relevant to the conduct of EU foreign policy, it has given rise to turf battles among them in the effort to determine ad novo the power balances in this field." (publisher's description)
EU Diplomacy: Measuring Success in Light of the Post-Lisbon Institutional Framework
In: Global Power Europe - Vol. 1, S. 19-35
Revisiting the Lisbon Treaty's Constitutional Design of EU External Relations
In: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Working Paper No. 119
Working paper
Working paper
Worlds Apart? Comparing the Approaches of the European Court of Justice and the EU Legislature to International Law
In: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Working Paper No. 96
Working paper
The law of EU external relations: cases, materials, and commentary on the EU as an international legal actor
In: Oxford scholarship online
A fully updated third edition, this unique compilation of materials, cases, and commentary on EU external relations law is both a valuable teaching tool on the foreign relations of the European Union, as well as an indispensable first initiation in the legal foundations of the external action of the Union for practitioners
The law of EU external relations: cases, materials, and commentary on the EU as an international legal actor
Personality and powers of the EU -- International representation of the EU -- Treaty-making procedures -- Mixed agreements -- The EU in international organizations -- EU sanctions and countermeasures -- Common commercial policy -- Cooperation policies and humanitarian aid -- Enlargement and neighbourhood policy -- External environmental policy -- Common foreign and security policy -- The status of international law in the EU -- International agreements of the member states
The law of EU external relations: cases, materials, and commentary on the EU as an international legal actor
In this second edition, new case law and legislative developments are critically discussed and previous material updated to reflect new international agreements. Combining key primary legal materials relating to foreign relations powers of the EU with editorial commentary, this book is an ideal resource for students, scholars, and practitioners
Time to reconsider status: the IMF, the EU, the Euro Area and its sovereign debt crisis
In: Working paper / Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, 164
World Affairs Online
The EU after Lisbon: amending or coping with the existing treaties?
Giacomo Di Federico: Access to Healthcare in the Post-Lisbon Era and the Genuine Enjoyment of EU Citizens' Rights. - S. 177-212
World Affairs Online