15 Ergebnisse
Bibliometric profile of RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal
In: RUSC, universities and knowledge society journal, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 42
ISSN: 1698-580X
Las facultades constitucionales del Ejecutivo en América Latina: entre la concentración y la dispersión de poder
In: Estudios Políticos, Band 37, S. 111-141
Cambios de paradigma en la evaluación del aprendizaje: estudio de caso
In: FECIES 2013, S. 1064-1071
In the process of adaptation to the new EHEA framework, in order to get an effective teaching & learning, we must not only impart knowledge and skills but also we should devote our efforts to make students learn. In this new scenario teachers must rethink both the organization and teaching methodology, and the methods of assessment of learning. With this in mind, we will conduct a case study of the gradual adaptation of a given subject from previous URA frame (the University Reform Law of 25 August, 1983, in Spain) to the new ECTS frame. We will restrict ourselves to the comparison of the academic results obtained over the four ECTS academic courses and we will implement their corresponding representative graphs. Finally, we will try to interpret the data obtained adopting different approaches.
La Participación Política de los Jóvenes
Cuando se habla de ciudadanía se entra en un terreno en construcción, uno de los puntos principales en torno al tema de la democracia es la participación ciudadana en los asuntos políticos. Existen 4 tipos de participación que se verán, y son participación social,participación comunitaria, participación política y la participación ciudadana.
La cultura política y la democracia
La cultura de una sociedad hace referencia a la creación colectiva de la misma, en el sentido de darle significado y forma a los valores que la misma sociedad considerada son importantes y centrales para su funcionamiento. La cultura política, son el conjunto de valores y actitudes de la sociedad con respecto al ejercicio y estructura política de la misma.
Internacionalización de la docencia. Incorporación y extensión hacia la experiencia profesional e investigadora extranjera
El Máster en Arquitectura y Patrimonio Histórico de la Universidad de Sevilla entiende que la amplitud del marco legislativo en materia de Patrimonio se extiende globalmente y se particulariza en cada territorio. Desde la docencia de posgrado, se transmite esta complejidad y su evolución. Convenios y organizaciones internacionales muestran un enfoque conceptual más renovado pero cuya aplicación se diluye en la escala y la práctica patrimonial más local. El trabajo busca determinar la componente de internacionalidad en la formación de máster y su relación con las experiencias patrimoniales y formadoras. Para ello, se efectúan análisis de nacionalidades de profesorado y alumnos. Así mismo, se consideran metodologías de intervención e investigación, proyectos de musealización y gestión en patrimonios próximos. Se discuten los datos obtenidos y su aplicación metodológica en las estancias en instituciones del alumnado y sus trabajos prácticos y de investigación. Se contrastan distintos modelos en los que los estudiantes inician una labor profesional y crítica abierta a experiencias internacionales. El perfil internacional de profesorado y alumnado incita a una diversificación de temas y nacionalidades tratados, lo que se revela así mismo en la producción de los Trabajos Fin de Máster. Ello permitirá al alumnado aplicar lo aprendido en contextos diferentes. ; The Master in Architecture and Historical Heritage from the University of Seville understands that the scope of the legislative framework on Heritage extends globally and is particularised in each territory. This complexity and its evolution are being transmitted from the postgraduate teaching. European agreements and FECIES 2017 organizations show a renewed conceptual approach. However, their application is diluted within the scale and the local heritage practice. The research aims to determine the component of internationality in the Master's studies, as well as its link with heritage experiences abroad, in both the professional and research fields. Thus, quantitative and qualitative analyses are carried out, regarding the nationalities of both teachers and students. Furthermore, intervention and research methodologies, musealisation projects and management in nearby heritage contexts are taken in consideration. The data collected and their methodological application will be discussed in the practical and research dissertations pursued by the students, during their studies and in residence at institutions. Different models contrast a professional and critical framework opened to international experiences, in which students are being initiated. he international profiles of professors and alumni lead to the diversification of nationalities and topics, what is shown by the production of Master Thesis'. This will allow the students to apply the knowledge acquired to different contexts.
E-Nose Discrimination of Abnormal Fermentations in Spanish-Style Green Olives
Current legislation in Spain indicates that table olives must be free of off-odors and off-flavors and without symptoms of ongoing alteration or abnormal fermentations. In this regard, the International Olive Council (IOC) has developed a protocol for the sensory classification of table olives according to the intensity of the predominantly perceived defect (PPD). An electronic nose (e-nose) was used to assess the abnormal fermentation defects of Spanish-style table olives that were previously classified by a tasting panel according to the IOC protocol, namely zapateria, butyric, putrid, and musty or humidity. When olives with different defects were mixed, the putrid defect had the greatest sensory impact on the others, while the butyric defect had the least sensory dominance. A total of 49 volatile compounds were identified by gas chromatography, and each defect was characterized by a specific profile. The e-nose data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The different defects were clearly separated from each other and from the control treatment, independently of PPD intensity. Moreover, the e-nose differentiated control olives from table olives with combined sensory defects despite the dilution effect resulting from the combination. These results demonstrate that e-nose can be used as an olfactory sensor for the organoleptic classification of table olives and can successfully support the tasting panel.
Entrenamiento intervalado en el desarrollo de la resistencia aeróbica del personal militar del Grupo de Artillería N.13 "Mariscal Sucre"
En este estudio se realizó una investigación de campo con el personal militar del Grupo de Artillería N.13 "MARISCAL SUCRE", con el objeto de aplicar un entrenamiento intervalado y conocer su incidencia en el desarrollo de la resistencia aeróbica, dejando la posibilidad para una nueva investigación sobre la influencia en el Indicie de Masa Corporal; para ello, se trabajó con un grupo de control e intervención, realizando mediciones de la edad, estatura y peso para determinar el IMC, así como de la medición del VO2 Max con el test de 2 millas. Se comprobó la efectividad del entrenamiento intervalado (Intervalado extensivo medio e Intervalado intensivo corto), en el desarrollo del VO2 Max, con (p=0,000), con un valor promedio de (7,27 ml/kg/min); así mismo el valor promedio del IMC (1,08 Kg/m2) de mejoría entre el pre test y post test, a favor del Grupo intervenido con el entrenamiento intervalado. En cuanto al tiempo promedio en el test de 2 millas, en el pre test se obtuvo un resultado de 15,26 minutos y en el post test 14,04 minutos. Evidentemente existió una mejoría de 1,22 minutos, después de las 12 semanas de entrenamiento. Se concluye que el entrenamiento intervalado (Intervalado extensivo medio e Intervalado intensivo corto), es efectivo para mejorar la resistencia Aeróbica (estimación del VO2Max), lo cual genera interés en implementar este entrenamiento en las unidades militares de Ecuador.
La cultura política y democracia en los jóvenes en el área metropolitana de Monterrey
Se realiza un repaso histórico al concepto de cultura política, identificando tres tipos de culturas políticas (parroquial, de súbdito y participante), seguido de un debate conceptual en torno a los conceptos de democracia procedimental, deliberativa y una tercera vía, la realista. Seguidamente nos presentan un estudio realizado entre jóvenes del área metropolitana de Monterrey entre 18 y 29 años que tiene como resultado un esbozo de la concepción que de la democracia tienen estos jóvenes.
Biogeographical Patterns in the Deep North Atlantic: a Revision of the GOODS Classification System
Poster presentation at ATLAS 3rd General Assembly. Understanding marine biogeography and, in particular, vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) will lead to better ocean governance in a future ocean challenged by rapid rates of climate change and the exploitation of living and non-living resources in the deep ocean. Most of the deep-seabed and VMEs, however, lie in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), where the study of VME biogeography has received far less attention and where there is very limited governance. Biogeographic classifications have been used to date to analyse patterns of marine biodiversity and advancing knowledge of evolutionary and ecosystem processes (Rice et al., 2011). These classifications can also assist governments in designing management tools such as marine protected areas. The Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed (GOODS) biogeographic classification system (UNESCO, 2009; Watling et al., 2013) was developed to provide technical support to planning and policy decisions related to open ocean and deep-seabed areas. GOODS divides the deep ocean into pelagic and benthic biogeographic provinces based on biological data such as primary production, and a range of environmental variables. The classification is based entirely on physical proxies, presumed to reflect species biogeography. Physical-proxy based schemes are available now for managers and they are based on data that are more easily compiled and updated. Thus, a main purpose of my thesis is to validate GOODS using species data and refine where necessary to overcome three limitations of GOODS to delineate biogeographic provinces in the deep ocean. Firstly, GOODS has not been validated for complex habitats formed by VME indicator taxa, which underpins the need of testing the biogeography of VME indicator species. Secondly, it does not account for projected future climate change scenarios, and thus is currently only a static product. Finally, it represents a high-level classification system, with both pronounced heterogeneity and a ...
Blockchain como herramienta en el monitoreo de pacientes afectados por COVID- 19 ; Blockchain as a tool in patient monitoring affected by COVID-19
Las limitaciones del conocimiento sobre el COVID-19 han afectado los sistemas de salud a nivel mundial, así como la capacidad de respuesta en dentro de cada entorno político, social, económico y tecnológico, uno de los problemas comunes son las estadísticas no fiables y el escaso monitoreo de los pacientes intradomiciliados. De esta forma, la presente investigación proporciona una alternativa de aplicación de la herramienta blockchain con el fin de recolectar datos estadísticos cifrados, actualizados, fiables, continuos, privados e intercambiables, con mejoras en la trazabilidad y un oportuno seguimiento administrativo de las alteraciones de signos⸺síntomas predominantes y atípicos de los pacientes estudiados, datos que serán registrados, procesados y verificados en una cadena de bloques; proceso que constituiría un recurso médico⸺ que permita el continuo control de la salud. Esta enfermedad presenta signos y síntomas silenciosos atribuibles a otras enfermedades, por ello, un diagnóstico temprano proporcionaría la prevención, atención y evitaría consecuencias letales. ; The limitations of knowledge on COVID-19 have affected global health systems, responsiveness in the political, social, economic and technological environment, one of which are statistics and poor monitoring of intradomiciliated patients; so this research presents an alternative application of the blockchain tool to collect statistical data, up-to-date, reliable, continuous, private and interchangeable, with improved traceability and timely follow-up of sign alterations - predominant and atypical symptoms of the patients studied, data that will be recorded, processed and verified in a blockchain; process that would constitute a medical-administrative resource - which allows continuous control of health; since this disease presents silent signs and symptoms attributable to other diseases, an early diagnosis would provide prevention, care and avoid lethal consequences
E-Nose Discrimination of Abnormal Fermentations in Spanish-Style Green Olives
Current legislation in Spain indicates that table olives must be free of off-odors and off-flavors and without symptoms of ongoing alteration or abnormal fermentations. In this regard, the International Olive Council (IOC) has developed a protocol for the sensory classification of table olives according to the intensity of the predominantly perceived defect (PPD). An electronic nose (e-nose) was used to assess the abnormal fermentation defects of Spanish-style table olives that were previously classified by a tasting panel according to the IOC protocol, namely zapateria, butyric, putrid, and musty or humidity. When olives with different defects were mixed, the putrid defect had the greatest sensory impact on the others, while the butyric defect had the least sensory dominance. A total of 49 volatile compounds were identified by gas chromatography, and each defect was characterized by a specific profile. The e-nose data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The different defects were clearly separated from each other and from the control treatment, independently of PPD intensity. Moreover, the e-nose differentiated control olives from table olives with combined sensory defects despite the dilution effect resulting from the combination. These results demonstrate that e-nose can be used as an olfactory sensor for the organoleptic classification of table olives and can successfully support the tasting panel.
Characterization and mapping of a deep-sea sponge ground on the Tropic Seamount (Northeast Tropical Atlantic): Implications for spatial management in the high seas
Ferromanganese crusts occurring on seamounts are a potential resource for rare earth elements that are critical for low-carbon technologies. Seamounts, however, host vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs), which means that spatial management is needed to address potential conflicts between mineral extraction and the conservation of deep-sea biodiversity. Exploration of the Tropic Seamount, located in an Area Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) in the subtropical North Atlantic, revealed large amounts of rare earth elements, as well as numerous VMEs, including high-density octocoral gardens, Solenosmilia variabilis patch reefs, xenophyophores, crinoid fields and deep-sea sponge grounds. This study focuses on the extensive monospecific grounds of the hexactinellid sponge Poliopogon amadou (Thomson, 1878). Deep-sea sponge grounds provide structurally complex habitat, augmenting local biodiversity. To understand the potential extent of these sponge grounds and inform spatial management, we produced the first ensemble species distribution model and local habitat suitability maps for P. amadou in the Atlantic employing Maximum Entropy (Maxent), General Additive Models (GAMs), and Random Forest (RF). The main factors driving the distribution of the sponge were depth and maximum current speed. The sponge grounds occurred in a marked bathymetric belt (2,500 – 3,000 m) within the upper North Atlantic Deep Water mass (2.5◦C, 34.7 psu, O2 6.7–7 mg ml−1), with a preference for areas bathed by moderately strong currents (0.2 – 0.4 ms−1). GAMs, Maxent and RF showed similar performance in terms of evaluation statistics but a different prediction, with RF showing the highest differences. This algorithm only retained depth and maximum currents whereas GAM and Maxent included bathymetric position index, slope, aspect and backscatter. In these latter two models, P. amadou showed a preference for high backscatter values and areas slightly elevated, flat or with gentle slopes and with a NE orientation. The lack of significant ...
Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic
ABSTRACT. The deep sea plays a critical role in global climate regulation through uptake and storage of heat and carbon dioxide. However, this regulating service causes warming, acidification and deoxygenation of deep waters, leading to decreased food availability at the seafloor. These changes and their projections are likely to affect productivity, biodiversity and distributions of deep-sea fauna, thereby compromising key ecosystem services. Understanding how climate change can lead to shifts in deep-sea species distributions is critically important in developing management measures. We used environmental niche modelling along with the best available species occurrence data and environmental parameters to model habitat suitability for key cold-water coral and commercially important deep-sea fish species under present-day (1951–2000) environmental conditions and to project changes under severe, high emissions future (2081–2100) climate projections (RCP8.5 scenario) for the North Atlantic Ocean. Our models projected a decrease of 28%–100% in suitable habitat for cold-water corals and a shift in suitable habitat for deep-sea fishes of 2.0°–9.9° towards higher latitudes. The largest reductions in suitable habitat were projected for the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa and the octocoral Paragorgia arborea, with declines of at least 79% and 99% respectively. We projected the expansion of suitable habitat by 2100 only for the fishes Helicolenus dactylopterus and Sebastes mentella (20%–30%), mostly through northern latitudinal range expansion. Our results projected limited climate refugia locations in the North Atlantic by 2100 for scleractinian corals (30%–42% of present-day suitable habitat), even smaller refugia locations for the octocorals Acanella arbuscula and Acanthogorgia armata (6%–14%), and almost no refugia for P. arborea. Our results emphasize the need to understand how anticipated climate change will affect the distribution of deep-sea species including commercially important fishes and foundation ...