COVID-19: How Do Engineering Students Assess its Impact on Their Learning?
In: Advances in Applied Sociology: AASoci, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 14-25
ISSN: 2165-4336
17 Ergebnisse
In: Advances in Applied Sociology: AASoci, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 14-25
ISSN: 2165-4336
Antecedentes: la República del Paraguay adopta para su forma de gobierno la democracia representativa, participativa y pluralista. La soberanía reside en el pueblo, que la ejerce conforme con lo dispuesto en la Constitución Nacional 1992. El pueblo no ejerce directamente dicha soberanía sino que la delega a autoridades elegidas mediante el sufragio. Esta investigación busca conocer las diferentes percepciones democráticas por parte de los estudiantes universitarios, debido principalmente, a lo que los mismos representan en la sociedad. Son considerados como intelectuales que tienden a ser difusores de ideas en su entorno social. El trabajo de investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, exploratorio, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La muestra es de carácter no probabilístico, consistente en 142 estudiantes, de un universo de 242 alumnos de los 6° cursos de las carreras de Contabilidad, Economía y Administración de la FCE. UNE. Resultados: el 51% respondió que existe una democracia con grandes problemas de funcionamiento. El 57% manifestaron estar mal o poco satisfecho/a con el funcionamiento de la democracia representativa. El factor que afecta con mayor relevancia la confianza hacia el funcionamiento del sistema representativo de la democracia es la transparencia en la administración de fondos públicos, representando un 46%. La democracia puede tener problemas, pero es el mejor sistema de gobierno, el 37% está muy de acuerdo con ésta afirmación, y un 27% algo de acuerdo. Es necesaria una reforma del sistema electoral, incluyendo la eliminación de las listas cerradas y la introducción del ballotage; también deben existir sanciones efectivas para hechos relacionados a la corrupción en el manejo de la cosa pública. ; Fil: Pereira Agüero, Andrea Soledad. Universidad Nacional del Este (Paraguay) ; Fil: Rios Ramirez, Andrea Natalia. Universidad Nacional del Este (Paraguay)
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 112, S. 104887
ISSN: 1873-7757
In: Yanez , E , Ramirez , A , Nunez-Lopez , V , Castillo , E & Faaij , A 2020 , ' Exploring the potential of carbon capture and storage-enhanced oil recovery as a mitigation strategy in the Colombian oil industry ' , International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control , vol. 94 , 102938 . ; ISSN:1750-5836
The use of CO 2 for enhanced oil recovery (CO 2 -EOR) is a promising alternative for reducing the cost of carbon capture and storage (CCS). In this study the techno-economic potential of integrated CCS-EOR projects for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Colombian oil industry is estimated. For this purpose, a source-sink matching process is carried out, including CO 2 capture potentials in sources from the petroleum, cement, power generation, and bioethanol industries, as well as from the CO 2 storage in suitable oil fields for EOR. The results indicate that a total of 142 million tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO 2 ) could be stored, while delivering 465 MMbbl through five CCS-EOR projects in four clusters identified around the country. The levelised cost for capture ranged between 12–209 €/tCO 2 , followed by the cost of CO 2 during EOR operations with a variation of 24–59 €/tCO 2 , and finally the CO 2 transport, from 1 €/tCO 2 to 23 €/tCO 2 . The CO 2 mitigation potential of CCS-EOR represents 25 % of the forecasted oil industry emissions in Colombia for the period of 2025–2040. As compared to the intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) target set by the Colombian government, CCS-EOR projects could contribute 7 % of the total accumulated emissions reductions by 2040.
In: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14)
Working paper
In: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14)
Working paper
Transport and storage of CO2 are the elements in the CCS chain with the lowest cost, but they may well prove to be the elements defining the timeline for CCS development. The EU FP7 COMET project aimed to pave the road towards CCS development in the West Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Morocco). This paper provides the main highlights of the work conducted within COMET. The project addressed the temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in relation with CCS and its participation to CO2 emission reduction taking into account location, capacity and availability of CO2 sources and of potential CO2 storage formations. Special attention was given to a balanced optimization on transport modes, matching the sources and sinks, meeting optimal cost - benefit trade-offs, for a CCS network infrastructure as part of an international cooperation policy.
Transport and storage of CO2 are the elements in the CCS chain with the lowest cost, but they may well prove to be the elements defining the timeline for CCS development. The EU FP7 COMET project aimed to pave the road towards CCS development in the West Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Morocco). This paper provides the main highlights of the work conducted within COMET. The project addressed the temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in relation with CCS and its participation to CO2 emission reduction taking into account location, capacity and availability of CO2 sources and of potential CO2 storage formations. Special attention was given to a balanced optimization on transport modes, matching the sources and sinks, meeting optimal cost-benefit trade-offs, for a CCS network infrastructure as part of an international cooperation policy.
International audience ; Transport and storage of CO2 are the elements in the CCS chain with the lowest cost, but they may well prove to be the elements defining the timeline for CCS development. The EU FP7 COMET project aimed to pave the road towards CCS development in the West Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Morocco). This paper provides the main highlights of the work conducted within COMET. The project addressed the temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in relation with CCS and its participation to CO2 emission reduction taking into account location, capacity and availability of CO2 sources and of potential CO2 storage formations. Special attention was given to a balanced optimization on transport modes, matching the sources and sinks, meeting optimal cost-benefit trade-offs, for a CCS network infrastructure as part of an international cooperation policy.
International audience ; Transport and storage of CO2 are the elements in the CCS chain with the lowest cost, but they may well prove to be the elements defining the timeline for CCS development. The EU FP7 COMET project aimed to pave the road towards CCS development in the West Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Morocco). This paper provides the main highlights of the work conducted within COMET. The project addressed the temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in relation with CCS and its participation to CO2 emission reduction taking into account location, capacity and availability of CO2 sources and of potential CO2 storage formations. Special attention was given to a balanced optimization on transport modes, matching the sources and sinks, meeting optimal cost-benefit trade-offs, for a CCS network infrastructure as part of an international cooperation policy.
International audience ; Transport and storage of CO2 are the elements in the CCS chain with the lowest cost, but they may well prove to be the elements defining the timeline for CCS development. The EU FP7 COMET project aimed to pave the road towards CCS development in the West Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain and Morocco). This paper provides the main highlights of the work conducted within COMET. The project addressed the temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in relation with CCS and its participation to CO2 emission reduction taking into account location, capacity and availability of CO2 sources and of potential CO2 storage formations. Special attention was given to a balanced optimization on transport modes, matching the sources and sinks, meeting optimal cost-benefit trade-offs, for a CCS network infrastructure as part of an international cooperation policy.