The politics of early school leaving: how do the European Union and the Spanish educational authorities "frame" the policy and formulate a "theory of change"
In: Journal of European integration, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 83-97
ISSN: 0703-6337
39 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of European integration, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 83-97
ISSN: 0703-6337
World Affairs Online
This article is an outcome of ABJOVES (Early school leaving in Spain. An analysis of young people's decisions, motivations and educational strategies) ; The article analyses the interaction between the European Commission and a sample of educational authorities in Spain with regard to the policy against early school leaving. Although this member state scores the highest proportion of early school leavers, apparently it is not adoptin some key recommendations issued by the Commission. In fact, while educational policy studies regret this "resistance", studies on EU policies suggest that the EU and the states normally negotiate the ambition and the evaluation of policies in complex ways. In this vein, the article draws on a method of discourse analysis to observe to what extent these educational authorities 'frame' the policy in the same terms and share a similar rationale or 'theory of change'. In brief, the findings point out that the EU, the Government of Spain and two significant regional governments retrieve a similar 'frame' but do not agree regarding the 'theory of change'.
In: Journal of European integration: Revue d'intégration européenne, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 83-97
ISSN: 1477-2280
Altres ajuts: EDU2008-00816/EDUC ; El artículo estudia la política global de la educación, que se ha generado a partir de las interacciones entre los organismos internacionales, los gobiernos de los estados, una floreciente sociedad civil global, y un nuevo interés por convertir la educación en un mercado de servicios. Dicha transformación ha dado lugar a unos regímenes sociales de conocimiento y poder que influyen tanto en los agentes sociales activos en la escala local, como en los que operan con los gobiernos estatales o bien con los organismos internacionales. El argumento se basa en tres estudios de caso, a saber: las políticas de elección de escuela (especialmente, en España y Chile), el proceso de "europeización" y el papel de la educación en varios proyectos de integración latinoamericana. ; The paper studies the global politics of education, which has been generated from the interactions between international organizations, state governments, a burgeoning global civil society, and a new interest in turning education into a market of services. This transformation has resulted in social regimes of knowledge and power, which influence not only local and national social agents but also those related to international organizations. The argument is based on three case studies, namely: the school choice policies (especially in Spain and Chile), the process of "Europeanization" and the role of education in several Latin American integration projects. ; L'article étudie la politique globale d'éducation, qui s'est produite à partir des interactions parmi les organisations internationales, les gouvernements d'États, une société civile mondiale en plein essor et un nouvel intérêt pour changer l'éducation en un marché des services. Cett e transformation a donné sa place à quelques régimes sociaux porteurs de connaissance et de pouvoir. Les partenaires sociaux qui ont une relation avec les municipalités, les Etats et les organisations internationales sont influencés par ces régimes. L'argument se fonde sur trois ...
Altres ajuts: EDU2008-00816/EDUC ; This article analyses how Education for All policies were transferred to Brazil and Latin America by means of ambitious educational strategic plans such as the Plan for the Development of Education and the National Education Plans promoted by the Federal Government of Brazil, and the Latin American Educational Goals promoted by the Organisation of Ibero American States (i.e. the international commonwealth of countries which belonged to the old Hispanic and Portuguese empires). The analysis highlights how a complex web of educational policy transfer and borrowing (Steiner- Khamsi & Waldow, 2012) was fashioned by means of concatenate environmental, cognitive and relational mechanisms.
The article compares educational regionalisation in Europe and Latin America. This analysis unveils the influence of three social phenomena in the two case studies, namely power, fields of activity and knowledge. Mostly, it focuses on the initiatives led by the European Union and the Organisation of Ibero-American States in order to implement large strategic, multi-government educational plans in each continent. The actions of international political players, the theories (or 'ontologies') embedded in these devices and the consequences for sub-national politics are observed.
This article explores the reverberation of the European Union Open Method of Coordination and the Ibero American States Organisation educational plan in education policy-making. In essence, a comparative analysis of these processes highlights the role of political agents and the knowledge they use. Instead of inexorable processes, global transformations are complex insofar as political players push for them by acting from varied geographical scales. Developments in Europe and Latin America remind of regional or continental integration, which is a relevant scale of policy-making altogether with national policy and the emerging global agenda. International organisations, national and sub-national governments, and national and trans-national civil society networks have a say in these processes.
Altres ajuts: EDU2008-00816/EDUC ; The article analyses the 'soft power' that the Federal government of Brazil has gained by designing and implementing a very ambitious Plan for the Development of Education. It draws on fieldwork carried out in the country in 2009 and 2010 in order to conduct a discourse analysis of the strategy deployed by the key political agents. The results show to what extent the Federal government has used some catchwords to underpin a general consensus. It has also convinced the international organisations and civil society organisations that the 'programme ontology' of the programme (e.g. hypotheses on the beneficial impacts of multi-dimensional intervention) is reliable enough to wait for a decade until having a whole evaluation. However, since these agents eventually recall varied kinds of political mobilisation, some contradictions and tensions are already apparent. In general, the analysis unveils a complex interplay of national and supra-national politics of education.
In: Revista mexicana de sociología, Band 65, Heft 3, S. 665
ISSN: 2594-0651
El artículo revisa la argumentación teórica y el fundamento empírico de la "tesis del soldado moderno", según la cual los cambios contemporáneos de la organización militar suavizan las desigualdades de clase entre sus miembros y neutralizan sus vínculos con la dominación masculina. Aunque ha recibido amplio apoyo, se han levantado algunas objeciones teóricas y empíricas contra este análisis. Por ello se presenta un estudio de caso sobre los cambios de la organización militar, que también sugiere varias dudas sobre la validez de la tesis. Finalmente, se ponderan algunas implicaciones para la definición del concepto de la desigualdad militar. ; Artikulu honetan, "soldado postmodernoaren tesia" deitu denak dituen oinarri teoriko eta enpirikoak aztertzen dira. Tesi honen arabera, erakundetze militarraren aldaketa garaikideek arindu egin ditu kideen arteko clase-ezberdintasunak eta, orobat, ezereztatu menderakuntza maskulinoarekiko loturak. Aldekotasun ugari lortu baditu ere, analisi honek izan ditu eragozpen teoriko eta enpiriko batzu. Horregatik aurkeztu nahi da kasu-ikerketa bat erakundetze militarraren aldaketei buruz eta tesiaren baliotasuna zalantzan jarri, bidenabar. Azkenik, ondorio batzuk eskaintzen dira ezberdintasun militarraren kontzeptua definitu ahal izateko.
In: European journal of women's studies, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 189-207
ISSN: 1461-7420
Research suggests that domestic knowledge is an expression of gender differences, which is constructed and deployed through unequal social relations and is able to empower women if it gains collective spaces of expression. The article presents an analysis of parental involvement at school in Spain so as to underpin the former thesis and highlight its connection with the political theory about the 'sexual contract'.
Research suggests that domestic knowledge is an expression of gender differences, which is constructed and deployed through unequal social relations, and is able to empower women if it gains collective spaces of expression. The article presents an analysis of parental involvement at school in Spain so as to underpin the former thesis and highlight its connection with the political theory about the "sexual contract".
In: Societies: open access journal, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 14
ISSN: 2075-4698
We are living at a time of educational expansion in most parts of the world, which creates new opportunity structures for young people [...]
In: International journal of social welfare, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 45-54
ISSN: 1468-2397
AbstractThis article draws on interviews with 164 young beneficiaries (of) and 128 professionals in charge of lifelong learning policies in eighteen regions located in nine member states of the European Union in 2017. Drawing on the concept of 'opportunity structures', we analyse variations between regional institutional arrangements and interactions between professionals and young adults. Our findings suggest that the crux of lifelong learning policies is the coordination between different policy areas so that they can respond to the multidimensional challenges that young adults face during their life transitions in diverse regional contexts.
In: European societies, Band 23, Heft 5, S. 563-589
ISSN: 1469-8307